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Female dogs prefer their humans not to be dumb


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Sep 11, 2004
Female dogs prefer their humans not be dumb

  • National Post (Latest Edition)
  • 19 Oct 2022
Female dogs judge people for being incompetent, but males won’t hold it against you as they barely notice, a study has found. Both sexes can see when a person is struggling to accomplish a task, but the gender divide emerges when the dog needs something later on.
A male of the species will seek help from a human they know to have failed in the past, whereas females go straight to the person they saw flourish previously.
The reason for the split remains unknown, scientists say, and should be investigated in future research.
Dogs have learned, over 15,000 years of living alongside people, how to read and exploit human emotions and actions, making the relationship between man and beast unique.
Researchers from Japan have found that some dogs remember when a person was no use to them and seek help from more skilled individuals.
Scientists recruited 30 dogs and owners and assessed them at Kyoto University by putting them in a room with two strangers, each with a clear plastic box in their hand.
One person was able to take the lid off with ease, while the other person struggled and failed to remove it. The “competent” and “incompetent” participants did not interact with the dogs.
Afterwards, a person walked into the room with two more boxes: one containing a treat and the other empty.
Each person tried to open a box for 30 seconds while not looking at the dog or pulling any facial expressions.
The dog was allowed to roam around and approach the experimenters 10 seconds into this struggle. Two cameras in the room recorded every canine movement and revealed that dog age, neuter status or the type of container used had no impact on the dog’s decision making.
When the containers had food inside, male dogs had no preference, with exactly half choosing to go up to the person they knew to be competent. However, female dogs preferred the competent person, going to them 83 per cent of the time.
The person the animal chose to help them was decided by calculating where they looked the most.
“We found that female dogs looked significantly longer than males when a person who was competent at opening baited containers manipulated a container previously unknown to the dog,” the scientists explain in their study, published in the journal Behavioural Processes. “The female dogs preferentially approached the competent person. In other words, their looking direction predicted their subsequent choice.”
The findings reveal that dogs are born with an innate ability to understand human faces and gestures.
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