My dad would have taken out is belt and not held back. She got off easy buddy!This video almost had me tears. Just a young girl that made a mistake. I realize the father was teaching her a lesson, but it was heart breaking see the poor things face.
Yeah I agree, I just have a soft spot when I see kids sad, especially when they make a mistake because they don't always understand the full scope of what they did.A public YT might be going too far, but give the dad credit. He's got good ethics. More parents need to teach their kids shit like this.
My dad would have taken out is belt and not held back. She got off easy buddy!
Better they learn the lesson now than when they are older and face a criminal record.Yeah I agree, I just have a soft spot when I see kids sad, especially when they make a mistake because they don't always understand the full scope of what they did.
The father is an idiot and a moron looking for his 15 minutes of fame by doing this and posting it for all to see. Humiliating his daughter for the world to see (he even mentioned that) is extremely out of line, IMO. She will hate her father for doing this but it is obvious his parenting skills is based upon fear, not just teaching what is right and wrong. This isnt an example of teaching children what is morally and ethically wrong. That could have been so much differently and discretely. Humiliation and embarrassment is a form of child abuse. Two wrongs do not make a right. Children do things wrong all the time. That is part of life and parenting. This guy desperately requires lessons on how to raise a child
At least he is around which is atypical for those people.