Fantasy vs. Reality


New member
Aug 29, 2002
Rochester, NY
First time poster!!

Recently visited your fine city and a couple of "agency" ladies. I enjoyed
myself thoroughly and think that they did to. After my session with one
of these ladies, she left me feeling totally confused and I'm still trying to

She arrived and we talked about each other. Progressed to the bedroom
where we had fun. She complimented me by saying, "You're not like other
guys I've seen" (I think that's a compliment). We talked some more about
topics (finance, music, sports, it doesn't matter) that I could assist her with.
We decided to get together to discuss this issue the next day. She gave
me her cell phone number, her real name (not her working name), her email
address and told me where she lived.

We met the next day at our arranged meeting place to discuss the issues,
not a client-provider, but as friends, I think. I gave her my email address. I
know that there is a line between fantasy and reality that should not be
crossed. But, we crossed it. We have emailed each other one or twice since.

To the guys: Has this happened to you? How do you interpret this?
To the ladies: Have you ever given out this type of information after a session?
For what purpose?

I have been struggling with this. I would like to get to know this lady outside
of the business. Being a single guy who thinks very highly of this "agency"
lady I would like to know how to pursue this.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
More than 10 years ago I became freinds with an MPA , we had each others phone numbers,but that took many times and a couple of years seeing her at her work. we visited at each others place,we would go out on casual dates . We had kind of a business/freindship relationship . I would still see her at her workplace and give her deserved tip but outside of her work place we were more like freinds, I would pay for dinners, movies etc, but if we ended up doing more intimate things, it was always on a freindship basis & money was not talked about.
Neither one of us was interested in a relashionship with each other, and I was getting more attatched to a woman that I had met thru my line of work, I have over time lost track of her but often wondered if I hadnt got into a relationship, where we would be at today.
I agree with Kathleen tho, It does seem that there is some chemistry there, give it a shot if your interested and see how serious she is!


Jan 18, 2002

You're in a very similar situation to where I was a few weeks ago. I've also been seeing a well known SP on a social/intimate level, and I can only tell you what I've been told by her.

Some SPs *do* enjoy seeing some clients socially. We all need friends. She says that SPs sometimes sees clients because they enjoy their company socially. It doesn't always mean that there is a physical attraction, but it is possible that physical attraction will be there as well. I guess if you're out socially, you can try and pick up on the little things which tell you if your date likes you or not. Or if you're as clueless and socially inept as I am, you can just come right out and ask (as I did).

The important thing is to stay grounded. Realize that what happened during your appointment is business, and should not be expected as a norm during the "real date". Good luck to you. We will both need it.


New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
A Nonthreatening Client...


As informative as your post is, you left out a couple relevant details. No. 1 is how old are you versus the escort, and No. 2 how experienced is the woman in the "business"? Finally, I'd love to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation the next day. Meeting for bucks or not, means very little in terms of romantic interest.

Absent these pieces of information, there are two observations that I'd make. One is that the woman must be totally naive. If she had never met anybody like you, she must either be new to the business, she must be used of lousy, inconsiderate and socially inept clients (this could be true in any of her personal relationships as well), or you must be listed in the Guiness Book of World Records. I label her naive because she gave you way more information than necessary by actually revealing her address. Expediency would demand she never give up that info. That aside, she definitely views you as nonthreatening since you are not a local client. You wouldn't NORMALLY get that type of information from a woman that you'd met in a bar or other public meeting place on a "first date" basis.

Age differential is another relevant factor. You need to assess why it is that she agreed to meet with you. A 19 year old meeting with a 40 something year old client..the attraction is obvious. You have life experiences to offer which my pique her interest. The fact that you come here confused means you walked away from that second meeting without a clue. I believe she is looking for mentoring and advice and not a romantic relationship. Of course there is a small possibility I could be wrong about this..LOL. I guess I've known and developed friendships with several women outside the business, but never romance. It does get a little awkward when you get invited to their weddings..LOL.

Care to elaborate on any of the above questions?

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