False flag over London


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Interesting article with a different take on why 7/7 in London may have happened.
Makes you wonder.

By John Leonard
Online Journal Contributing Writer

July 8, 2005—Yesterday we saw a classic false flag attack in London, organized by western secret services to distract attention from the deepening political troubles of Bush and Blair, and perhaps even to create the pretext for war on Iran. Of course, Bush and his poll ratings have been sinking under scandals and rumblings of impeachment. Blair too has been badly hurt by the Downing Street memo.

For giving the lowdown on the London underground, I was roundly rebuked today, accused of disgracing the dead. Yet I was the one speaking out to avenge their honor, defending their memory from the bloodstain of abuse by the vultures of war. But no, the shocked sheeple flocked to march in ever tighter lockstep for their Vaterland, with each new Reichstag Firemeisterwerk casting a stronger spell. . . .

The G-8 conference was an ideal, high-profile venue to mobilize the sympathy of world leaders behind their flagging amateur B&B show. Today's Guy Fawkeses, home-team self-terrorists in the heart of empire, thumbed their noses at mortal fools while they played their favorite base-eleven numerology game, on this 7/7 date—following on Madrid 3/11 and New York 9/11, with its Flights 11 and 77.

Cui bono. Wall Street closed on an uptick.

So how can I be so sure? The war-profiteer clique are not all that inventive. False terror is the only trick they know. If they had any idea of governance or statecraft, they wouldn't need to stoop to these toxic tactics.

One of the classic trademarks of false flag terror was on display yesterday: the "previously unknown" organization posting anonymously on a website. Of course, western intelligence, using Echelon and such tools, could track any web posting back to its source. If it wanted to.

"Real" terrorists are known groups that make concrete demands. They are an endangered species, if not extinct.

Fake terrorists—covert psy-war units of western intelligence—always invent a name of an "unknown" group. They have to do this, of course. If they claimed, say, that the PLO did it, the accused would energetically deny it, spoiling the show. So they use fictitious identities, which they can mold to suit the target of convenience.

Yesterday's fiction was a "secret" group affiliated—oh how wonderfully convenient—with Al Qaeda and Al Zarqawi. Yet the state-owned BBC itself has established that Al Qaeda does not even exist, in its documentary film, "The Terror Myth." And just this week Dahr Jamail wrote of his trip to the town of Zarqa, on the trail of the fabled Zarqawi. The man's family believe he died years ago—no recent photos exist. Certain is only that the mythical Zarqawi's base of operations always pops up wherever the Americans want to attack—Fallujah, Samarra, where do you want to go tomorrow?

Some other dead giveaway signs:
Scotland Yard warned Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu half an hour beforehand not to go to the bomb site, according to an AP wire from Jerusalem (a slip that was subsequently denied of course, but it was still up at Al Jazeera).
An MSNBC translator says an error in a verse from the Quran in a statement by the "unknown" group couldn't have been made by Al Qaeda, and he thinks it's phony. Blair's proofreaders are falling down on their dossiers again . . . they ought to be belted or suspended.
Train bombings like London 7/7and Madrid 3/11 are a speciality of NATO psy-war units. The expert on this since 1978 has been Webster Tarpley, who shows in his latest book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, how the bombing of Bologna Stazione Centrale in 1980 by the so-called Red Brigades is of one cloth with the Madrid bombings. The supposed "communist terrorist" Red Brigades were phonies, a patsy outfit created by Lodge P2, the neofascist shadow government with Italy in its grip. The Madrid train bombing suspects were police agents, also run by a neo-fascist falange: as Tarpley notes, one suspect admitted he worked for the old guard, the Guardia Civil, Unidad Central Operativa.
Another possible motive, says Tarpley, is that the war party want to push Bush into Iran, but America has no stomach for it. They need another 9/11 so they can occupy both the Iraqi and Iranian oil fields, and hold the world, all of us, to ransom.

War and rumors of war—reports of covert American commando operations against targets inside Iran have prepared the ground for war. A storm of anti-American sentiment was aroused, sweeping the elections against the reformers in favor of radical dark horse candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—in turn paving the way to mobilize a war coalition against Iran. Failing that, he may replace Saddam as symbol of vilification while keeping Iran shackled by backward fundamentalism.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
WoodPeckr said:
Interesting article with a different take on why 7/7 in London may have happened.
Makes you wonder.

By John Leonard
Online Journal Contributing Writer

July 8, 2005—Yesterday we saw a classic false flag attack in London, organized by western secret services to distract attention from the deepening political troubles of Bush and Blair, and perhaps even to create the pretext for war on Iran. Of course, Bush and his poll ratings have been sinking under scandals and rumblings of impeachment. Blair too has been badly hurt by the Downing Street memo.

For giving the lowdown on the London underground, I was roundly rebuked today, accused of disgracing the dead. Yet I was the one speaking out to avenge their honor, defending their memory from the bloodstain of abuse by the vultures of war. But no, the shocked sheeple flocked to march in ever tighter lockstep for their Vaterland, with each new Reichstag Firemeisterwerk casting a stronger spell. . . .

The G-8 conference was an ideal, high-profile venue to mobilize the sympathy of world leaders behind their flagging amateur B&B show. Today's Guy Fawkeses, home-team self-terrorists in the heart of empire, thumbed their noses at mortal fools while they played their favorite base-eleven numerology game, on this 7/7 date—following on Madrid 3/11 and New York 9/11, with its Flights 11 and 77.

Cui bono. Wall Street closed on an uptick.

So how can I be so sure? The war-profiteer clique are not all that inventive. False terror is the only trick they know. If they had any idea of governance or statecraft, they wouldn't need to stoop to these toxic tactics.

One of the classic trademarks of false flag terror was on display yesterday: the "previously unknown" organization posting anonymously on a website. Of course, western intelligence, using Echelon and such tools, could track any web posting back to its source. If it wanted to.

"Real" terrorists are known groups that make concrete demands. They are an endangered species, if not extinct.

Fake terrorists—covert psy-war units of western intelligence—always invent a name of an "unknown" group. They have to do this, of course. If they claimed, say, that the PLO did it, the accused would energetically deny it, spoiling the show. So they use fictitious identities, which they can mold to suit the target of convenience.

Yesterday's fiction was a "secret" group affiliated—oh how wonderfully convenient—with Al Qaeda and Al Zarqawi. Yet the state-owned BBC itself has established that Al Qaeda does not even exist, in its documentary film, "The Terror Myth." And just this week Dahr Jamail wrote of his trip to the town of Zarqa, on the trail of the fabled Zarqawi. The man's family believe he died years ago—no recent photos exist. Certain is only that the mythical Zarqawi's base of operations always pops up wherever the Americans want to attack—Fallujah, Samarra, where do you want to go tomorrow?

Some other dead giveaway signs:
Scotland Yard warned Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu half an hour beforehand not to go to the bomb site, according to an AP wire from Jerusalem (a slip that was subsequently denied of course, but it was still up at Al Jazeera).
An MSNBC translator says an error in a verse from the Quran in a statement by the "unknown" group couldn't have been made by Al Qaeda, and he thinks it's phony. Blair's proofreaders are falling down on their dossiers again . . . they ought to be belted or suspended.
Train bombings like London 7/7and Madrid 3/11 are a speciality of NATO psy-war units. The expert on this since 1978 has been Webster Tarpley, who shows in his latest book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, how the bombing of Bologna Stazione Centrale in 1980 by the so-called Red Brigades is of one cloth with the Madrid bombings. The supposed "communist terrorist" Red Brigades were phonies, a patsy outfit created by Lodge P2, the neofascist shadow government with Italy in its grip. The Madrid train bombing suspects were police agents, also run by a neo-fascist falange: as Tarpley notes, one suspect admitted he worked for the old guard, the Guardia Civil, Unidad Central Operativa.
Another possible motive, says Tarpley, is that the war party want to push Bush into Iran, but America has no stomach for it. They need another 9/11 so they can occupy both the Iraqi and Iranian oil fields, and hold the world, all of us, to ransom.

War and rumors of war—reports of covert American commando operations against targets inside Iran have prepared the ground for war. A storm of anti-American sentiment was aroused, sweeping the elections against the reformers in favor of radical dark horse candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—in turn paving the way to mobilize a war coalition against Iran. Failing that, he may replace Saddam as symbol of vilification while keeping Iran shackled by backward fundament

Hey Wait a minute>>>>>>>>>>>> I expect independant conformation of ths. WHAT YOU CAN NOT PRODUCE IT????????? expected as much


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
WoodPeckr said:
Interesting article with a different take on why 7/7 in London may have happened.
Makes you wonder.

blah, blah, blah etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc..

yada yada yada...

The only thing it makes me wonder (actually scares me more than terrorism) is how many people out there actually give this kinds of nonsense some thought???

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I do not think that it can happen...there is always a chance that there is some truth to it, but it's about the same chance as winning the 6-49 lottery...

just wanted to add my 2cents... carry on then


Active member
Feb 26, 2005
Please....the media has a field day when every little low-level employee of the WHitehouse, or UK government quits and tries to tell-all about the administration. Book deals, tv time, etc are all being goggbled up by any administration member or employee who wants to dish any dirt.

Consipracy theories are fun, but it seems there's no indication that the current governments can keep a lid on anything these days. The same people who allege Bush and Blair are up to no good and have these scandalous complex secret plots which would involve many people, lots of resources, etc. are the same peeple who allege Bush and Blair of being incompetent, can't control their own staffs, are stupid, etc. and basically incapable of carrying out these kind of secret operations.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with the current government policies, you have ot admit that keeping the lid on anything seems impossible now adays with so many people wanting to get on the news and sell their "tell-all" books about.


Active member
Feb 26, 2005
Also, dont you think Blair would have chosen a better target if he "planned" the whole thing like France. in order to get them on board or to topple CHirac's fragile hold on power? Wouldnt that be the smart thing to do? And if you say that Blair is too stupid to think of that, you also say he is sooo cunning to carry out an intricate plot in secret? Makes no senss


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
newguy27 said:
Regardless of whether or not you agree with the current government policies, you have ot admit that keeping the lid on anything seems impossible now adays with so many people wanting to get on the news and sell their "tell-all" books about.
Thanks newguy... you have eloquently summarized the facts... Unfortunately, the conspiracy lovers have not yet moved past the "govt, private enterprise controls the media" into the new milenium.

I also enjoy a good conspiracy theory, but some of these are just too silly..
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