Maybe so!
I'm not sure if its fair or not, if one john is introduced by a mutual friend or simply a cold call makes a difference, or if one "really" can't help one self, if the "right person" comes along, this all sounds very "romantic". I believe, that we all might feel one way about a person or other things, but what one does or not do in reaction to what we feel is all up to each of us, we've to be accountable for our actions.
Feeling is one thing, how we act out our feelings is entirely different is all I'm saying. I still think that its most most difficult to mix professional and personal life, especially in the sex trade or one is free to do whatever one feels like doing in the name of "love"!
I'm all for feeling good feelings for one another, but...thats simply not all there is to it, there're many other things to take into considerations.