Fairwell from Hush


Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2016
I am sending this message out with a heavy heart, I am reaching out to let you know that Hush Companions will be permanently closing its doors effective immediately. For those who are close to me they are aware that several year ago I was diagnosed with cancer in its early stages. Through rigorous treatment, and desperate hope in the face of uncertainty, after a year of treatment I received the incredible news of being cancer free. However, this past Friday I was taken to the hospital by ambulance and over the weekend I receive terrible new that cancer has returned and spread significantly. There will be further testing and additional results but the initial prognosis is not good and my fate uncertain. I have spent the last 72 hours lost and unsure of what comes next. Although my future is uncertain the one thing I am certain about is if my days are numbered I want to spend whatever time I have with family, friends, and hopefully doing the things I love, as time is precious I want to ensure I am taking full advantage of whatever time I have left. For this reason I have made the difficult but necessary decision to close Hush Companions effective immediately. It has been a pleasure serving and working with all the wonderful clients and companions over the years and I wish everyone health and happiness, and give the advice to live everyday like its your last. Take care and all the best to everyone.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts