Facebook is Evil


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I have been a reluctant user of Facebook because my family is so addicted - any private family news, events etc is now posted on Facebook.

I have warned friends and family that the games (farming, astrology, etc) all give private companies the rights to copy their friends along with personal data. Still I got game invites. Most deplorable in my mind is that any change in relationship status such as 'in relationship' to 'single' is broadcast across Facebook.

I am a good guy and not ugly so I have friends I meet through hobbying that like to expand our relation outside a business relationship. One such person gave me their Facebook contact insisting that I add them on as a friend. I did and noticed (not sure what Facebook page) a list of years for posts. I got curious and started sifting through her past posts. I wasn't trying to pry into her past but I was fascinated by the details of her life that was laid bare by Facebook.

I could click the years and back track to boyfriends, love gone wrong, heartache .. then click on the lovers and find out their stories and relationships. Basically in 30 minutes I knew more than if I hired a detective. I really wonder if Homeland or CISIS need to exist since people bare their lives willingly on Facebook.

Considering that Facebook is now a publicly traded company under tremendous pressure to make money data mining and selling advertising - I can see things getting out of control easily.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
You knowingly, voluntarily, eagerly, agree to divulge personal info on the site in exchange for free access to their network. No harm can really come to you that you haven't consciously or willingly brought on yourself.
Gimme a break - who knowingly, voluntarily,eagerly, agree to divulge personal info on the site in exchange for free access to their network.

You sound like two-bit shyster lawyer pouring over the fine print in a contract. Knowingly - Eagerly ???? Do you think if I handed questionnaire to people detailing the amount of personal data being made available to unknown third party and commercial interests they would use the terms 'knowingly' and 'eagerly' ?

I go to the girl in question - list all the boyfriends, mistakes, personal agony, she will say 'Yes ! I eagerly and knowingly wanted that information published to the world' !

"No harm can really come to you that you haven't consciously or willingly brought on yourself." I guess we can excuse suicide, child stalkers, fraud because users willingly brought this on to themselves when they signed on. Pretty sad reasoning.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Gimme a break - who knowingly, voluntarily,eagerly, agree to divulge personal info on the site in exchange for free access to their network.

You sound like two-bit shyster lawyer pouring over the fine print in a contract. Knowingly - Eagerly ???? Do you think if I handed questionnaire to people detailing the amount of personal data being made available to unknown third party and commercial interests they would use the terms 'knowingly' and 'eagerly' ?

I go to the girl in question - list all the boyfriends, mistakes, personal agony, she will say 'Yes ! I eagerly and knowingly wanted that information published to the world' !

"No harm can really come to you that you haven't consciously or willingly brought on yourself." I guess we can excuse suicide, child stalkers, fraud because users willingly brought this on to themselves when they signed on. Pretty sad reasoning.
Sadly this friend...posted every detail of what's happening to her life for every member in her network to see...willingly. No contracts...you can actually change settings so only your network can see your activities. even a caveman can do it. There are confirmations if you allow facebook to share your info to a 3rd party...most people ignore this and just click yes to skip it...(be prepared for the spam that comes next for this...) again you can click no and yes...even a caveman can do it. Do I use facebook? Yes...just to communicate with friends that I won't bother to call and have nothing much to say but hi and how's everything over there?. Wouldn't invest a dime on it unless it's in the $2 mark.


Nov 20, 2006


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i found the best thing to do if you have an issue with facebook is to delete yourself from facebook.


Aug 20, 2012
Do you wear track pants in public? Buy aerosol cheese in gross? If your answer to either question is yes, I must cancel our field trip to the morgue.
Phew! Field trip is still on. Can we take a detour so I can buy a 19 kilo sac of almonds at Costco. It'll only take a sec honest.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
just logged on and the very first status in my timeline is from my cousin and she brags about her kid using the toilet to take 3 shits and several pisses today. now parents just don't annoy you at the water cooler or grocery store anymore they can get you at home with out even being there.


Nov 20, 2006
just logged on and the very first status in my timeline is from my cousin and she brags about her kid using the toilet to take 3 shits and several pisses today. now parents just don't annoy you at the water cooler or grocery store anymore they can get you at home with out even being there.
Mother notices her kid took a shit in the diapers and says "Oh you made a present for daddy"
Comedian watching reacts "I know what I'm getting you for Christmas"

One could say a Christmas log even.


Well-known member
Post nothing personal and you'll do fine on facebook.It's not to be taken seriously.....my wife has 5 profiles so she can play those games....our fucking dogs have profiles lolo!!!.It's insane what some people post.Intimate shit that can probably be used in court against them.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I used to have a FB page, however, I deleted it.

TERB is enough of a time vampire thanks.
I used to have a FB page, however, I deleted it.
Wrong. You think you deleted it. What you actually did is hide it. FB still has all of your details.

Most of these programmes harvest information that you are unaware of. Linkedin is constantly suggesting I connect with certain people and they only way it cold have known of a "relationship" was by harvesting my contact manager. I have friends I have made when I travel that are in my Outlook list, but I have no business relationship with them, and they move in circles entirely unrelated to my normal "sphere".

I've had a few conversations over the years with people about data mining, tracking and cookies. I suggested that they imagine Ma Bell quietly monitoring all of our telephone conversations for, for example, hints that were were shopping for a new stove. Ma Bell discovers I am contacting the Joe's Appliances and Sears looking for a stove so they take that information and sell it to the Future Shop and The Brick, who then start calling me... "We hear you want to buy a new stove..." . People would be horrified.

Well, welcome to the Internet. If you connect, odds are your privacy is being violated in ways you can't imagine. I always use "private browsing" in Firefox, never save cookies and I am under the impression that this prevents "snooping", although I really don't know!

And certainly, I don't put anything serious on FB, and what I do put out there is only available to friends.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I Feel Vindicated

The ability to take postings from years ago and post them are exactly what I was referring as I was able to expose an entire crisis period of a girl's past including a boyfriend, unwanted baby, father disappearing with pleas to come back, worst time of my life .. etc.. most people are simply unaware that bad times like this are now on public display. It doesn't matter about 'fine print agreements.

Privacy flap shows Facebook's users are also its biggest weakness:


I don't think that private messages were posted but the concept of personal history being so accessible could hurt Facebook and affect share value since selling personal information is the center piece of their financial existence.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i hate facebook cuz i logged in this morning and spoilers on this past episode of SOA were every where. luckily i had watched it just before logging in but damn.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Facebook is a data mining dream come true for the CIA and Homeland Security. :attention:
Not to mention employers, stalkers, pedophiles, annoying relatives, ex-partners, annoying co-workers ....
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