My father is older than dirt, and I don't be that awesome newer store bought stuff either.
He has troubles sometimes when it's really hot and humid but otherwise he wears the mask.
Also even if you can't wear a mask most of those people can do a face shield.
As for the list, I like how they claim the Human Rights Code is an exemption. I can see it I guess, last month I came down with a serious case of HRC. WTF.
I also like the wording. Some of these cases are but not limited to physical health then it starts listing physical health issues.
Also didn't BC start to allow asking of proof?
I am pretty sure the card isn't official. I'd bet money on it if I was a betting man.
Putting the Government of Canada and CDC logos on it has to be a legal issue.
Never mind that most of those cases, most people can still wear a mask. I doubt there are too many depressive or autistic people who can't wear a mask, recent episodes of employable me show them wearing masks.