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Extra Benefits for Repeating with SP?


Dec 25, 2006
This question is for both fellow hobbyists and SPs, do guys who repeat generally get more benefits?

Keep in mind I'm very new to all this, I just repeated with someone (she does not read this board, if she did I might not even ask this question as I try to maintain others' privacy as best I can within reasonable limits), and when I saw her for the second time, I got things that not only weren't YMMV, they weren't even on the menu at all. I did not ask, she took the initiative and I was surprised (though pleasantly).

So I'm curious if this is "standard", that if a guy repeats with an SP that generally they get better treatment?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Overall yes .....but as always YMMV....:cool:


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
As a general rule:

The greater the level of comfort and chemistry, the better mileage you get.

From this general rule, it can be infered that repeats will lead to more mileage, as the SP and the client will develop a more comfortable relationship with time and will get a better idea of each other's bodies, likes, and dislikes.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
genintoronto said:
As a general rule:

The greater the level of comfort and chemistry, the better mileage you get.

From this general rule, it can be infered that repeats will lead to more mileage, as the SP and the client will develop a more comfortable relationship with time and will get a better idea of each other's bodies, likes, and dislikes.
You're exactly right. Especially if there is mutual attraction & chemistry. As both parties get acclimated to each other, the "menu" goes out the window, and the experience gets hotter. Just like dating any girl, I guess....


Dec 25, 2006
Lots of great insights, thanks!

There is a second part to this question, while chatting in between physical activities, I mentioned a good place to go and she asked me if I would take her there. I did not expect this so was surprised, and in order to not make a potential faux pas (yet also not close the door) I said, "If you're good".

Is this just part of the service or was this a genuine request, and what is the etiquette in a situation like this?


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
Are you talking about taking her to a good restaurant after your time together? I've done that on several occassions, and have had a great time at dinner.

You'll just have to factor in the price of the nice dinner / drinks /wine to your evening. If you can swing it, why the heck not ! ?


Dec 25, 2006
ready2rock said:
Are you talking about taking her to a good restaurant after your time together? I've done that on several occassions, and have had a great time at dinner.

You'll just have to factor in the price of the nice dinner / drinks /wine to your evening. If you can swing it, why the heck not ! ?
Yes, you are correct. So what is the etiquette in this case? I don't mind taking her out for dinner, so how does it work in a situation like this? Do you arrange to book the last session so then you can go afterwards, or before her first session, or something in between?
Spot on.

genintoronto said:
As a general rule:

The greater the level of comfort and chemistry, the better mileage you get.

From this general rule, it can be infered that repeats will lead to more mileage, as the SP and the client will develop a more comfortable relationship with time and will get a better idea of each other's bodies, likes, and dislikes.
As an SP who prefers to establish on-going relationships with my clients, I look forward to the added comfort that each meeting brings! For me, this is especially true for bdsm/kink play where trust deepens and play gets hotter and hotter.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
ultraviolet said:
Yes, you are correct. So what is the etiquette in this case? I don't mind taking her out for dinner, so how does it work in a situation like this? Do you arrange to book the last session so then you can go afterwards, or before her first session, or something in between?
I've always arranged it so that I would be the last session of her day. That way, she's not clock watching and you both can relax. Most of the ladies that are in this business are fascinating individuals & if you've enjoyed the physical aspect of your relationship, chances are you'll find her to be an engaging conversationalist as well. These ladies have some great stories!

There have been a lot of topics lately about guys getting addicted to, falling in love with, and/or thinking about asking their ATF to marry them.

Perspective. Just something to keep in the back of your mind.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Unfortunately my experiences have not been as good with repeat dates. Just tried it a few times so maybe it was just bad luck. But every time so far--the past 5 years--second dates were just as good or not as good as the first. Not once I thought they went better:confused:

True trust is easier between us but maybe the thrill was missing. It was like she thought I was "falling" for is some quotes I can recall...... $250 is kind of steep (first date was back in Niagara for $180) SP.."well you were the one who decided to book me, he he" (that gal went form great to poor in just 3 dates)

Seen another lady for the second time just last, "well maybe we see each other again sometime"....SP..."well you know where to find me, HA HA"

Another SP I seen 2 nights in a row....service was the same but I didn't seem to enjoy her as much...

Now may be more my fault, I do seem to get bored quicker than other guys and am very picky it seems. In the distance past mid to late 20's I found repeat dates always better but now some 20 years later its not longer true.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
69suds said:
None. Eventually they take you for granted.

HMMMMM, might be on to something there :cool:


Dec 25, 2006
Thanks for the great advice!

ready2rock - I have no illusions of falling in love. In fact, this is the pretty much the reason why I am visiting SP's these days. I'm a single guy who has always had that idealized illusion of "love" and "romance" in my head and I finally reached a point in my life where I realize that what I've been pining for is an illusion and I'm mourning the loss of this long held belief that has for a long time been part of the core of my being.

This has left me very unmotivated to go out and meet people, between this and my busy work schedule, and still having the needs of a guy, this is the reason why I'm choosing this option, because right now I'm really not in a place where I can be good for a girl in a relationship until I get this all sorted out, so I don't want to try to get into dating girls when I can't offer her them a relationship and don't want to misrepresent myself to them just to get my own needs met.

So definitely no illusions of falling in love, only appreciate the company I do have for what it is and nothing more.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
ultraviolet said:
Thanks for the great advice!

ready2rock - I have no illusions of falling in love. In fact, this is the pretty much the reason why I am visiting SP's these days. I'm a single guy who has always had that idealized illusion of "love" and "romance" in my head and I finally reached a point in my life where I realize that what I've been pining for is an illusion and I'm mourning the loss of this long held belief that has for a long time been part of the core of my being.

This has left me very unmotivated to go out and meet people, between this and my busy work schedule, and still having the needs of a guy, this is the reason why I'm choosing this option, because right now I'm really not in a place where I can be good for a girl in a relationship until I get this all sorted out, so I don't want to try to get into dating girls when I can't offer her them a relationship and don't want to misrepresent myself to them just to get my own needs met.

So definitely no illusions of falling in love, only appreciate the company I do have for what it is and nothing more.
I hear you, and I feel you. We all feel that way sometimes. For me, Axl Rose (imagine that....) summed this up well in Locomotive:

Gonna find a way to cure this loneliness
Yeah I'll find a way to cure the pain
If I said that you're my friend
And our love would never end
How long before I had your trust again
I opened up the doors when it was cold outside
Hopin' that you'd find your own way in
But how can I protect you
Or try not to neglect you
When you won't take the love I have to give
I bought me an illusion
An I put it on the wall
I let it fill my head with dreams
And I had to have them all
But oh the taste is never so sweet
As what you'd believe it is-
Well I guess it never is
It's these prejudiced illusions
That pump the blood
To the heart of the biz


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
Yeah, me too. Use your Illusion II is a killer album. If you enjoy reading, you should pick up a copy of Watch you Bleed, the saga of Guns n Roses. It's a great introspective on the Band, and takes a hard look at Axl, his struggles with his addictions, his psychosis, and his delusions. He is out there - but as his lyrics attest - he's an excellent social commentator and poet.


Apr 24, 2005
genintoronto said:
From this general rule, it can be infered that repeats will lead to more mileage,
Here is a question for the ladies. What do you consider a "regular"? Every week, two weeks, month, etc.?


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I consider a client who visits anywhere from once or twice a week to once or twice a month a regular, anything less than once a month is not a regular to me.


Apr 24, 2005
LadyTY2Uall said:
I consider a client who visits anywhere from once or twice a week
This is interesting. Are there clients who actually visit the same SP once or twice a WEEK? For how many weeks?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I was seeing this gal (an SP in Detroit) years ago every weekend. Went on for 2-3 months I think. Well I had a bad traffic accident and didn't see her for 2 1/2 months. When I finally did see her again I showed her pictures of my wreck car....never forget what she told me. She goes I knew something bad must have happen to you and I prayed for you every night that is why you did not die :p

She wasn't laughing thou, she sounded like she really believe it.

I had my wreck on a Monday and seen her 2 nights she wasn't praying for me until like a week after the wreck (if she ever realy did) but the thought was nice I guess.
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