Toronto Escorts

Expand your hobbying with TO to Mtl travel in 39 minutes .......



Canada is one of the finalists, lets hope Ontario and Quebec can get along well enough to make this happen. 1,000kmh, wonder what a ticket for this will cost? Stops in Ottawa along the way, this could revolutionize the hobby and make the Mtl-Ott-GTA corrider the pooning capital of the world. It could useful for other things too maybe but really, we all know the best benefit to come from this.

Talk to your local MP and tell them to get behind it!


New member
Apr 5, 2018
You mean I can get a poutine from Montreal in less than an hour? Amazing!

But what would really be amazing is if they built this across Canada starting in Vancouver connecting through everything capital city across the provinces all the way to st. John's Newfoundland. Imagine getting to Vancouver in 4 hours without having to pay for expensive plane tickets? Or spending days on a bus or via rail train?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
We won't get it. That list Includes Miami to Orlando. And London to Edinborough.

They have the density to support it. We don't. Nice thought unless the fed govt offer up big incentives to make it worthwhile they will go where the splash will be bigger.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
We won't get it. That list Includes Miami to Orlando. And London to Edinborough.

They have the density to support it. We don't. Nice thought unless the fed govt offer up big incentives to make it worthwhile they will go where the splash will be bigger.
This ^^^

We don't have anywhere near the density to support it. Just like hi-speed rail lines. I think there's only a handful in the world that are actually profitable.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts