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Ex-Playmate spills the jizz on Hef's sexual habits.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Here's the chick that blows his "load" errr cover...

They have to go to Hef's bedroom on Wednesdays and Fridays for sex night----->"even if it's that time of the month".
:eek: Ewww???

They also cheer him on while a girl is on her 2-minute ride, "F-k her daddy, f-k her daddaddy!". hahaha

"Buffy Tyler. She slept with Hef and got in the magazine. "
Hef you bastard...!!!


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Maybe he gets sick of hot busty young chicks and wonders what the grass is like on the other side :confused:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Let's face it - Hefner's life is so far from normal that he's just dead inside.

In order to get any sort of thrill, the sex has just got to be weirder and weirder and the hard on that is the gift of viagra. Him watching Gay Male Porn doesn't surprise me in the least.

It's simply the law of diminishing returns in terms of a sex life.

If a god gives you a brand new corrvette, you are thrilled speachless. If god gives you another brand new corrvette the next day, you are thrilled. If every day god gives you a brand new corvette, the thrill wears off and you end up wondering where you are just going to park the damn things.

In the case of Hefner, he has banged so many BEAUTIFUL women over the years that it no longer means anything to him. He tries to recreate the thrill of the conquest, but he can't. The sex scenes get even more over the top, but nothing works. Nothing arouses him anymore. He's 78 years old, the thrill is gone, and he'd trade it all to be 20 years old again.

And he knows in his heart of hearts that NONE of these women would give him the time of day if he were not Hugh Hefner and they could use him to further their own devices. (But hey, usery is a 2 way street in this case isn't it.)

There's no sex left in the universe that turns Hefner on.

As Ron Jeremy once said on 102.1 FM I recall, "This is sex to me." - referring to the Sushi that Humble and Fred had catered in for him.


Well-known member
IS nothing sacred?!.....NOTHING!!!!!.....I always thought hef's house was cool.....but it's kinda freaky.I don't think it could hit me any worse then if someone told there was no santa claus.:cool:


Nov 25, 2004
You can't believe everything you hear and read! Somethings are ment to be unsaid!!!!


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Moet said:
You can't believe everything you hear and read! Somethings are ment to be unsaid!!!!
what if its true? isnt it good that all this shit is exposed? Hef is a whack job
Am i jealous? I use to be...ok still am a bit but if what is said is true its sad and pathetic


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
It also says he uses no protection, he doesn't care, doesn't get tested, but the girls care but they're getting paid $2000 per week. I guess that qualifies as a prostitute. :D


Nov 25, 2004
MojoRisin' said:
what if its true? isnt it good that all this shit is exposed? Hef is a whack job
Am i jealous? I use to be...ok still am a bit but if what is said is true its sad and pathetic

Who cares if he's a whack job....I don't care why the person who has been holding a conversation to himself sitting next to me on the street car is a whack job! Why should I care if some rich guy who has sex with 100's of beautiful women is a whack job! Truth be told I dont think it's right for his "buisness" to be worldwide...unclassy if you ask me! Wonder how much the Ex-playboy bunny is getting paid to talk....


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Moet said:
Who cares if he's a whack job....I don't care why the person who has been holding a conversation to himself sitting next to me on the street car is a whack job! Why should I care if some rich guy who has sex with 100's of beautiful women is a whack job! Truth be told I dont think it's right for his "buisness" to be worldwide...unclassy if you ask me! Wonder how much the Ex-playboy bunny is getting paid to talk....
No one is really asking you to care, its just a sad state if that is the case. Did you read the part about him having unprotected sex with these ladies time after time and not ever getting tested or caring? who knows if thats true. Is the guy talking to himself on the bus hurting anyone? nope. Hef holds huge power over these ladies and no they dont have to do it but not everyone is as strong as we'd like. He is allegedly using his position of power to do some pretty unhealthy and sad things. Lots of business practice is unacceptable and unethical and should be outted if inappropriate dont you agree? And she is donating all proceeds to charity as stated in the article.


Nov 25, 2004
MojoRisin' said:
No one is really asking you to care, its just a sad state if that is the case. Did you read the part about him having unprotected sex with these ladies time after time and not ever getting tested or caring? who knows if thats true. Is the guy talking to himself on the bus hurting anyone? nope. Hef holds huge power over these ladies and no they dont have to do it but not everyone is as strong as we'd like. He is allegedly using his position of power to do some pretty unhealthy and sad things. Lots of business practice is unacceptable and unethical and should be outted if inappropriate dont you agree? And she is donating all proceeds to charity as stated in the article.

Never said anyone was asking me if I cared or not..just stated that I didnt care....Yeah Money has these girls blind...If it's all true then yes its sad that he has unprotected sex with these girls and that he doesnt care to get's just straight nasty if you ask me but to be honest you can't believe everything you hear!!! DAMMIT now you have me thinking twice I wanted to be a playboy bunny!! lmao :(


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
I dont know about you guys but I find the whole thing repulsive, I am all for consenting adults doing whatever the heck they want as long as they arent hurting anyone else, but this is just sad especially the part where a woman needs fame, money, recognition so badly that she has to lower herself to being lined up and having unprotected sex with a guy hopped up on Viagra.

Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
What Did You Expect? Fair Play?

Hefner does what virtually every movie and TV producer, director, big-time agent, star et al do. They use power to get sexul favors. Are you all surprised? If so, why? This is the way of 1Hollywood'. It works for politicians too. Remember? And dictators.


Oct 19, 2005
Master Muse said:
Hefner does what virtually every movie and TV producer, director, big-time agent, star et al do. They use power to get sexul favors. Are you all surprised? If so, why? This is the way of 1Hollywood'. It works for politicians too. Remember? And dictators.

So true ....and woman are a dime a dozen who are willing to expose there health for the future cause they get fast money .....but they cant buy or fix themselves if they a get a serious std or hiv ......then they wont be allowed to do anyone ....unless they find someone just like them .Sps Mps are safer then those gals .Funny thing is those hotties could make more then 2000 a week seeing regs without the risk at all .Even pornos or modeling anything is better then doing a guy who demands it with every girl ,they arent special at all ,they have no worth of themself ,Hef doesnt care if he gets aids ,and money means more to aids with these lost girls .So thats what girls have to look forward to living at the mansion .If you give someone aids you will be jailed for at least 8 to ten years minimum regardless if you knew or not ..we are all responsible for not letting others infect us ,getting regular check ups ,its mandatory when you have many partners ,its ok that a guy doesnt care if he dies or not ,a woman is just as lost if she allows it .Theres nothing unhealthy about the industry until people decide to pretend stds or aids isnt a major factor .Some stds can kill you besides aids anyways .If a guy watches gay porn ,chances are is doing guys on the side and doing everyone unprotected ....thats how bi guys give gals aids!Theres been other fanous hollywood stars who have died of aids doesnt make you invinsable of getting these diseases,only intelligence ...or some know the risks and are smart ...but say who cares it feels good ...ill take that chance if it kills me ...
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