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Ever notice anything missing?


New member
Sep 10, 2004

I just got finished a couple of hours ago seeing a sp and now I've noticed my new PSP is gone!!!!! Son of a .... I am positive I left it beside my bed and now just an empty space. I really want to give the benefit out the doubt, but.... dam dam dam... I left the room a couple of times, and I'm sure thats when it went missing. If a girl ever asks you to go get some ice cubes or whip cream.... beware!!!!

Has this ever happened to anyone else???



Active member
Jul 16, 2003
HogMan said:

I just got finished a couple of hours ago seeing a sp and now I've noticed my new PSP is gone!!!!! Son of a .... I am positive I left it beside my bed and now just an empty space. I really want to give the benefit out the doubt, but.... dam dam dam... I left the room a couple of times, and I'm sure thats when it went missing. If a girl ever asks you to go get some ice cubes or whip cream.... beware!!!!

Has this ever happened to anyone else???

Who is it?


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
What's a "PSP"? I want to know in case an SP offer me one, cheap! :)

Be careful guys, this is a slippery road! How many times did you look for something you had lost only to find it days, even month later, exactly where you had "really" left it?
It's easy to say "the SP took it" and it might be true but, consider the alternatives, retrace your steps and remember the last time you used what you're looking for. What did you do after you used it? Did you go anywhere else? Maybe, in the excitation of the moment, it was forgotten somewhere before the encounter?

As I said, it's a sad but real possibility the lady helped herself to it. There's assholes everywhere but, maybe this missing gizmo is caused by a memory issue? Please don't post any identifying info, either public or via PM until you know for shure.

I was in a SC and had a dance with a cutie and I realize, once it was time to pay I didn't have my wallet with me! I knew her so didn't think she had anything to do with it but it would have been easy. I went back home and, the walled was... on my night table, at home... Lucky for me the girl was one of my regular so, it was embarrassing but the doorman didn't have to get agressive... I went right back to the club and I paid her, plus a very voluntary "sorry" payment... (She didn't even want to take it, I had to insist!)
Too bad they are not all like that!


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
A PSP is a PlayStation Portable (or something like that). It is a handheld playstation similar (bu8t better than) a Gameboy. If it was taken, it was not taken by accident.


New member
Sep 10, 2004
Hey all,

A PSP, is a cool little hand held gaming device. It costs me $300 and with the baseball game that was in it, the total comes to $350. So all told that was the most expensive hour i've ever had. The funny thing is the service was great, she kept on asking for really odd things. First she wanted me to go out of the room to get some whip cream. I didn't have any. Then later on she asked me to go get some ice. Of course I had that, I figure thats when it went "mysertiously missing". I always kept the PSP near the bed, cause I like to play to relax before bed. I did a major search of the house and no luck, the reason I'm not naming names is because i'd like to give the benefit of the doubt.(after all, I had a great time) But unless my cats dragged it off, there's very little chance of that. The stupid thing is I would have called her back and she would have made more money off of me than the PSP was worth. No business sense....

I just want to warn others, don't leave valueable around and try and use the big head (unlike me), if she's trying to get you to leave the room, ask yourself why. :confused:


New member
Nov 24, 2004
HogMan said:

I just got finished a couple of hours ago seeing a sp and now I've noticed my new PSP is gone!!!!! Son of a .... I am positive I left it beside my bed and now just an empty space. I really want to give the benefit out the doubt, but.... dam dam dam... I left the room a couple of times, and I'm sure thats when it went missing. If a girl ever asks you to go get some ice cubes or whip cream.... beware!!!!

Has this ever happened to anyone else???

I've been in a similar(?) situation a couple of years ago. It was after I'd started seeing one girl as a regular, whom I'd first met at the street scene . Everything was great in the beginning, but not at the end. Last time I saw her, I'd made a deal for the whole night, bought her dinner and had paid her half the money already. What a deal it turned out to be! After the first shot, I remember going to the shower and unfortunately staying there for a bit too long (2-3 minutes). When I got out, the girl was gone, so was the money in my wallet. Stupid of me, I'd usually take my pants to the bathroom and the only time I trusted her, this thing happened. Stupid of her, she could have made a lot more later on than what she'd stolen if she'd managed to keep her filthy hands out of my wallet for one night. Later on, I saw her a couple of times standing on the same corner and she'd get scared as hell whenever she saw me walking around. She'd suddenly go and start chatting with another SP waiting on the same street! Needless to say, I'm not the type who'd do anything bad for a couple of dollars.

Something like this happening once is already too much to bear. So, whenever I bring/call someone for the deed, I keep "small but valuable" stuff out of sight and out of reach. I'd suggest you do the same for keys, etc. as well. I don't think I'll take too many chances with anyone again.

However, all this is not to say that SP's are bad people: quite the contrary, most I've seen are very very nice folks and have nothing in common with the "stereotypical girl" in the movies. Then again, why take chances if you know a bad apple will eventually come to you every once in a while?

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
Out of sight...

out of mind. I haven't had an incall for a couple years now. I suppose I'm getting paranoid about nosey neighbors. In the beginning I was also paranoid about having uninvited guests return when I was at work to take whatever valuables the SP scouted. I always put small things I couldn't afford to 'lose' or didn't want to 'lose' away. Not like she's going to put the DVD player under her coat as she leaves ! Another thing I always used to do (with regulars more so) is lay the donation in a conspicuous location. This seems to be the preferred exchange method of more reputable SP's. If after establishing some repoire, she continued to scoop it up right away and counted it, it was a good indication to me she didn't trust me - so I shouldn't trust her. I quickly searched for a replacement as I found this greed/distrust spoiled the mood.
I wonder if the insurance company would accept that you were ripped-off by an SP or if you would have to file a police report to get the claim settled ? Probably not. Just thinking out loud !


using caution

legos_256 said:
If we both got ripped off by the same SP wouldn't people on this board want to know? I see dangerous john postings all the time, why can't we have a dangrous SP post?
Seems to me you are already being somewhat cautious or you would have posted your theiving SPs info already. I agree with Ric, things like this should be PMed until the proof is the proof is the proof, or whatever the hell that means :eek:


New member
Feb 10, 2005
If you're still sure it's her...

If she's with an agency, they should be informed so they can deal with her.
If she's independent, it's unlikely she'll own up to it but you can at least let her know that you're aware she took it.
She might think twice before doing it again.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
legos_256 said:
If we both got ripped off by the same SP wouldn't people on this board want to know? I see dangerous john postings all the time, why can't we have a dangrous SP post?
This isn't a life and death situation so the damage you'll do by slandering her if you're wrong far outweighs the public interest. You can achieve the same result by PMing anyone who's interested.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
Happens more than we know

One lady told me a story of how one of her 'partners' helped herself to a tip from the gentleman's wallet when they were involved with a duo. Don't ask how, but the lady was able to convince the 'partner' to return the unearned tip. I'm told the 'partner' will not be visiting Ottawa anymore. There is some policing and integrity amongst themselves, though it's unusual.
Generally with out-calls I put my valuables away and with in-calls I take exactly the suggested donation, maybe a little extra for a gratuity. Leave my watch at home, leave my wallet at home, etc. That's it, that's all.
I think far too often participants of this board take a shoot first ask questions later approach. Should we not conform to a more democratic approach - innocent until proven guilty ? Benefit of the doubt ? etc. I'm glad to see restraint by not mentioning names, the board is moving to a more mature level. However, Hogman is missing his PSP and if there is an outwardly untrustworthy SP, she should be identified. Hogman must know beyond a reasonable doubt it was her before naming names though.
Just my thoughts.


Jan 15, 2004
Capital Amatuer said:
One lady told me a story of how one of her 'partners' helped herself to a tip from the gentleman's wallet when they were involved with a duo. Don't ask how, but the lady was able to convince the 'partner' to return the unearned tip. I'm told the 'partner' will not be visiting Ottawa anymore. There is some policing and integrity amongst themselves, though it's unusual.
Generally with out-calls I put my valuables away and with in-calls I take exactly the suggested donation, maybe a little extra for a gratuity. Leave my watch at home, leave my wallet at home, etc. That's it, that's all.
I think far too often participants of this board take a shoot first ask questions later approach. Should we not conform to a more democratic approach - innocent until proven guilty ? Benefit of the doubt ? etc. I'm glad to see restraint by not mentioning names, the board is moving to a more mature level. However, Hogman is missing his PSP and if there is an outwardly untrustworthy SP, she should be identified. Hogman must know beyond a reasonable doubt it was her before naming names though.
Just my thoughts.
Hey that could have been me! :eek:


New member
Apr 27, 2005
Theft Report Criteria

I wish I'd read all the recent posts here before writing a response to the legos poll. The issues that I brought up there are the same ones that have already been discussed here. I think you need some criteria for deciding when to post the accusation on the board to be sure they are actually guilty. That being said, based on what's been said I believe that Hogman, smchitman, and legos were all actually ripped off.

Just my two cents

Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
legos_256 said:
How do we know to PM someone in the same boat if we don't post at least that it occured and a high level description? What are we gonna start doing PMing everyone with "hey I got ripped off did you?"

Question: If that would work with theft then why wouldn't it work with reviews?
Answer: It doesn't.

If someone is interested in knowing they can PM you. And you can then decide whether you're sure enough to disclose the SPs name. But at the same time, you have to be ready to bear the consequences if the accusation turns out to be in error. No sense posting it on the board: (a) some of us don't care; and (b) if you're wrong you could do substantial damage to her reputation - she may need the job to get on and have dependants.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004

Yes, post the event, but leave names out (publicly at least). That was #2 in the poll, right ? #1 was go for the throat & #3 was say nothing.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
legos_256 said:
I don't see how that's any different then posting a bad review, it sill ruins their reputation and results in lost income. A shill or B&S warning is the same as a theft warning is it not (both result in you being robbed), and we post those all the time.

At any rate I think you agree that we have to at least post the event (otherwise how will anyone know to PM you).


Give your head a shake, dude. You can't be serious ? A review relates to service level. A posting regarding theft relates to dishonesty and theft. They're miles apart. There are no moral implications in the first.


New member
Mar 20, 2005
JPsoHot said:
In reality most of the established full time SPs can afford anything they want
with all the money they make. I dont think they would risk a good source of income by blemishing their reputation(s) over a game boy or a CD or something that petty. I am sure they can buy 10 of them if they really wanted.
In theory that makes sense, but unfortunately some of these girls aren`t long-term thinkers. You`d be surprised how many strippers will tell you they gave you one more dance than they actually did, risking losing you as a future customer and the hundreds of dollars they could make, just to get away with an extra $20 at that moment.

As far as naming these ladies, your certainity that theft took place would have to be 100%- minimum. This board seems to have a higher expectation of respect from it`s members compared to other boards (i.e. stripclublist), but there is still the possibility of a jealous ex-bf posting a lie to cause trouble for her. Maybe the mods could preview anything like that beforehand and only have it posted if the writer has a reputable history on here.

It`s like a bad review, you hate to see anybody get bashed by name, but isn`t giving people that information one of this site`s purposes? For example, looking for a dominatrix I was considering an appointment with a local escort whose site said she did that sort of thing as well, after doing a search on here of here I`m convinced she isn`t the best choice. That`s how these boards are supposed to work. Save guys from the bad /dishonest sps, send more business/money to the good/honest ones.

On a slightly related topic, does anybody remember that story a couple of years ago when a guy set a session with a girl he talked to on Quest, only to be jumped by her boyfriend when he showed up and robbed of his phone and wallet. Apparently they did that to a few guys but this one actually went to the cops about it. The couple fled when the story hit the papers and shortly thereafter she was charged with murdering the boyfriend i think.
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