Ever feel guilty about the hobby?


New member
Mar 10, 2006
I've lurked for a while and have only posted once but I figured what better place to ask the question thats been plaguing the back of my mind for a while. Have any of you felt or feel gulity about the hobby? Whether it be for spending the money for the services, doing it without significant others knowing (basically behind peoples backs, which is really the only way to do it) or for anything else?

Although I haven't posted about my experiences, I have seen quite a few attendents at massage parlours and a few sp's in the area over the last few years. For me, the issue is it's difficult for me to meet women due to my lifestyle and lets just say, I'm not the best at meeting women either, so I turned to the hobby for my "needs". It's not something I can afford to participate in regularily..in fact, it's been quite while now, but if I could, I probably would. But the issue I have is that I feel bad about turning to the hobby because I have difficulty getting some action in a more "natural" environment, even though I'm young and alright in the looks department. There's the stereotype out there, and forgive me for stepping on anyones toes, that only older, unattractive people should pay for services because others should be able to get satisfied without paying and I'm finding that to be completely untrue. Sometimes though, I can't help but put myself in the category that says I shouldn't have to pay and should be able to find lots on my own. I guess that's where the guilt comes in for me. Does any of this make any sense? Just seeing if anyone shared similar feelings or thoughts about the hobby in general.

On the side though, this is a great site and I enjoy logging on regularily to see what the regulars and others have to say about things. Keep it up, it's great!


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
No guilt at all, but lately I have had some strange experiences that seem connected to a paid sexual encounter. It is like I get bad karma whenever I am active in the hobby.
For example, On my way to an MP. My car breaks down. (Its 4 months old and needs major electrical work.)
See a pair of SP's, get home and find out a relative is in trouble for a bounced check. Have to shell out $1,300.
Next time with an SP, get a call from my kid- transmission gone on his car- $900.
Do an overnight with 2 SP's, get home and my dog is dead. (16yrs old natural causes)
Go to an MP, get a speeding ticket on the way home. (first one in 10 years.)
I am not a superstitous person, but now when I make an appointment I always wonder what it will be this time.


Throbbing Member
Apr 23, 2003
In exile from Madisen!
I think just about anyone can meet ladies and "get what they need" without hobbying. For me , this hobby allows me to have those encounters without doing a lot of leg work. Plus, most of the women I see via hobbying are pretty hot. To see that many different ladies in a "normal" social setting would take a lifetime. I guess I rationalize the money as a time saver, and a chance to be with ladies that I may not otherwise meet.
Thats a fairly small explanation of what could be a lengthy discussion.


Jan 17, 2004
Every time I step into an incall, especially if a yard sale is nearby, my stomach churns, my heart rate increases, the guilt builds. Then I lay eyes on the lady of the day, everything is good again, for anhour or so. On my way home, my stomach churns........................................ :D But, God, it's fun.


New member
Mar 10, 2006
benito, I'm not superstitous either but those occurances which happen only when you see an mp or sp would have me question what the hell is goin on..that's strange. good luck for future visits..


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
Every time I step into an incall, especially if a yard sale is nearby, my stomach churns, my heart rate increases, the guilt builds. Then I lay eyes on the lady of the day, everything is good again, for anhour or so. On my way home, my stomach churns........................................ :D But, God, it's fun.
Yard sales uh.........ummmm, let me guess which lady. hahaha! The Victoria and Westmount area is 'notorious' for yard sales. Lol!

Actually, I agree that dealing with the guilt feeling for me was the worse part, especially at the beginning, as I have an SO. At first, I went thru a variety, as I was looking for that 'special' one. Over the past four years of hobbying, I've been lucky to find a couple of hot ladies who took care of my needs, are fairly 'safe,' and with whom I've become good friends.

However, we all have our reasons for 'hobbying.' For some men, it's for the variety and the thrill of the hunt. For others, it's being around beautiful ladies that one would otherwise never meet, as nautilus states. For me, it's mostly for medical reasons.

Like benito, I've also had some strange experiences related to hobbying. It's almost uncanny at times, especially since the death of a close relative last summer.
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Jan 17, 2004
hammertm said:
Never felt a bit of guilt in this hobby myself...... but have never hobbied either while not being single.
And keep it that way. Anyone wanna take a warden of my hands? Does dishes, windows, good cook (yes, I said cook), keeps a tidy house, goes to church on a regular basis. Best offer, call: ***-***-****. :eek:


Gone to the future.
Ya right!

Not for one minute!

After all these years of doing for others I decided I better do something for myself before I was six feet under.

The fact that I get pleasure from still giving to others in a different forum, well...................... :p

Sorry can't feel guilty for doing that!


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
I feel guilty that I've haven't seen all the gorgeous ladies that I want to. :p


New member
Jan 5, 2005
Every time I step into an incall, especially if a yard sale is nearby, my stomach churns, my heart rate increases, the guilt builds. Then I lay eyes on the lady of the day, everything is good again, for anhour or so. On my way home, my stomach churns........................................ :D But, God, it's fun.


New member
Mar 31, 2005
I think people can justify their actions and not feel guilt. I can….


Gone to the future.
Aloha said:
I think people can justify their actions and not feel guilt. I can….
The easiest justification of all....I make a habit of buying the products that my friends sell. I have an obligation to support friends that are self employed (been there twice!), as long as they give me great customer service. If my service is less because I am a friend, then I have no obligation.

Why should my friends in this industry be any different?


Nov 6, 2004
Guilty no.. but then again I really dont see many SP's, mostly MP's.. the last SP was.. some time ago... when I go to a MP.. it doesnt feel wrong.. it just kinda feels like a...umm..service.. and I have forgotten about it 1 hour later. I wish I could afford to see SP's, thats and I am still getting into shape. After seeing Erins pics.. I am like wow.. I really wanna see her (and should have about a year ago lol).. but I would feel too self concious about myself.. so more working out for me :)


Jul 22, 2006
I've discussed this topic with some of the other girls who I work with, and I think that we serve as an outlet for urges that people need to express in order to be healthy. If you have a spanking fetish, and your wife wont let you spank her, but otherwise you love her dearly, isn't it better to have a healthy outlet for those urges than to stifle them? It is natural and healthy to indulge in your fetishes with professionals!

Going to a good clean SAFE environment is the best way to get your fix without having to worry about any of the risks of an affair, or penting up your urges until they destroy an otherwise good relationship!


New member
Mar 10, 2006
I think some of it has to do with the fact that sexuality for the most part, is still seen as taboo by the majority. Although men and sex are and will always be related, women and being open with sexuality is fairly new but becoming more accepted because more and more women are being open and confident about it, even though there are tons that think about it as much as men, if not more.

It's strange because the sex industry is one of the biggest and oldest on the planet yet it's still repressed and people are made to feel bad about exploring it, enjoying it and trying to let it out of the box and run around in it's purity (or nudity in this case..). Some of us take some gulit on and some of us don't for whatever reason. I'm one that does, and it's always a little bit of a battle to say fuck it, and enjoy it. Of course having good cash flow helps too...
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