Asia Studios Massage

Europe vs. Ottawa


Jan 29, 2006
I'm in Brussels, Belgium on business and i've been frequenting the 'red light' district in this fine city for the last few nights and I felt compelled to post my comments on my experience. First off, I must say the women here are incredibly attractive. Most of them come from Eastern Europe, are in the 19-22 year old range and are smokin' hot. They are at least a 15 on the 10 scale.

Secondly, prices are extremely reasonable. About 60 bucks CAD for a half hour of time. No bbbj action. EVERYTHING is covered and well regulated by the government.

Now, here's the kicker. I've been with a few lovely ladies in Brussels the last few nights and something is most definitely is lacking . . . Personality. There are a number of Ottawa SPs that come to mind that bring the 'zing' to the experience which is completely lacking from the women here. The girls here are for the most part, empty drones waiting for the next dollar. Even though the women are beautiful, you can clearly see this is where they DO NOT want to be.

I would like to thank the Ottawa area SPs that take pride in their work and offer the ultimate experience. I know some of you and the women here couldn't even bring a candle to the fire of energy you bring to every session. I'll be back in Ottawa in a week and I look forward to getting back to that personal service I have now come to appreciate.

Thank you.


Shy but willing to learn
Oct 18, 2005
The only place to go in Europe is Germany and the FKK clubs, that is one wild ride!

If i was living there I would be flat broke, but really happy.


New member
Feb 26, 2007
Hey Cross2010

I have to agree with you wholeheartedly with the lack of personality with most of the working girls over there.

I too had the pleasure of visiting Brussels a few years back to enjoy the local red light establishments. I'm with you in the sense of intellectual stimulation and good conversation really makes the experience feel complete.

Have a safe trip back!
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