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Europe Moves To Kill The Internet


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Amateur 'video bloggers' under threat from EU broadcast rules

THE Government is seeking to prevent an EU directive that could extend broadcasting regulations to the internet, hitting popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube.

The European Commission proposal would require websites and mobile phone services that feature video images to conform to standards laid down in Brussels.

Ministers fear that the directive would hit not only successful sites such as YouTube but also amateur “video bloggers” who post material on their own sites. Personal websites would have to be licensed as a “television-like service”.,,3-2407359,00.html


New member
scroll99 said:
Amateur 'video bloggers' under threat from EU broadcast rules
THE Government is seeking to prevent an EU directive that could extend broadcasting regulations to the internet, hitting popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube.

The European Commission proposal would require websites and mobile phone services that feature video images to conform to standards laid down in Brussels.

Ministers fear that the directive would hit not only successful sites such as YouTube but also amateur “video bloggers” who post material on their own sites. Personal websites would have to be licensed as a “television-like service”.,,3-2407359,00.html
On Oct 13th Bush signed the Ports Security Act. Coat-tailed onto the bill was the 'Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006'.

For years, (since 1998) people in the gaming industry have been saying this legislation would not pass, and the big reason most often cited was because the US would not be unwise enough to establish this type of precident for regulating the Internet, WHY? because 80% of all ecommerce transactions on the net terminate in the US (billions and billions). And it did not make sense to shoot ones self in the foot of the Global ecommerce economy, over a gaming lobby funded by Las Vegas (thru Senator Kyl of Az). Then came Bush, and the GOP melt down prior to the 2006 congressional elections, and all of a sudden out of the blue, the coat-tailing of the anti-gaming legislation onto the Ports Security Bill in order to shore up the Christian Coalition vote....

The following week, every single Public gaming company on the London exchange tanked. It was a melt down. Billions in equity values evaporated over night. Think NASDAQ crash on a small scale, only on the UK gaming Exchange.. well, now we see the repercussions starting. The door has been opened. Yet another farking mess created by that Moron... It serves Google right.
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