Etiquette Question: Take off wedding ring before appointment?


New member
Sep 18, 2001
Hey terbites,

Quick etiquette question for appointments with lovely young ladies. Should I take off my wedding ring before the session or leave it on?

I don't want to make the provider feel uncomfortable about spending time with a married man. Or am I just overthinking it.

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The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
If removing the ring from your nose poses a problem I would not take it off.


Active member
Jul 17, 2014
This topic has been debated before and yes you are way over thinking it. I believe the general consensus of the ladies that responded was that they didn't care or in some cases preferred to see a ring.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Depends .. is it easier to pretend you are single to someone not interested in any kind of social contact or explain to your wife how you lost the ring ?

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Quick etiquette question for appointments with lovely young ladies. Should I take off my wedding ring before the session or leave it on?
For the ring:
-It helps show the SP / MPA / Dancer you're well adjusted enough that you have a spouse.
-Less chance of losing it, or anybody asking why you aren't wearing it.

Against the ring:
-May give a less scrupulous SP / MPA / Dancer leverage over you (but only if you leak other personal info).

Most sexworkers don't assume every client is single, and cough, you probably shouldn't assume your relationship with a sexworker is exclusive. :)


Active member
Nov 14, 2009
I once asked a provider: "How many of your clients are married?"

Her response: "100%"

Here's the thing... They don't care. They just care about the money. (i.e., the same reason why I do my work. Do I care if one of my customers is married? No. How about you?)

Here's the other thing... I care... So I take my ring off. Maybe it's guilt or something. I don't need to know why. I just do it. It makes me feel more comfortable.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The tan line is there anyway. So really it doesn't matter. Go with what makes you comfortable. But if you are taking it off put it somewhere safe like a box in the car. Or else you could find yourself in shit.
It's probably better if you wear it. If I know a client is married I pay extra special attention to the oils and soaps and lubricant I use. I have nice smelling stuff for the single guys and the guys who's wives are away and I have unscented, hypoallergenic stuff for the married guys. If I'm wearing lipstick, I usually wipe it off before I do anything, but I'll make sure I don't leave a lipstick mark anywhere on them. If I'm on an outcall sometimes I'll dispose of the garbage myself at home so that there isn't any evidence at their place. I think most SP's will do little things like that to help you out. We know most guys are married. It used to bug me, but everyone's situation is different. I couldn't be in a relationship where I didn't want to have sex with them all the time, I don't understand wanting to sleep with other people... I also haven't been married myself or been in a really long term relationship so I can't really understand, but I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing if it ever got to the point where I wasn't attracted to my partner anymore.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
If the sight of your ring is going to incite the SP to
say something like 'I feel sorry for your wife' then take
it off during the appointment. Needless to say, no SP
in her right mind will make any judgemental remarks on
a client's infidelity.

The only reason to take off the ring
I can think of is somewhat like the reason I couldn't
bring myself to buy the latest issue of Hugh Hefner's
magazine as a young teen when the cashier in the
convenience store was a female. I knew she wouldn't
say a thing. Somehow the thought of her saying in her
mind 'what a pervert' underneath her smirk was sufficient
deterrent to me to be a good boy.

Wearing that sign of commitment to your
spouse while making out with a SP for the
first time could be discomfiting. I think that
negative feeling will be easily overcome with
repeated visits.


New member
Feb 8, 2016
Ottawa (Nepean , Merivale Rd)
In my opinion, it is a personal choice..
Most of the hobbyist are married and seeing a ma or a sp doesn't mean that you are not in love with your wife..
Some of my clients are married and they love their wife very much.
After many years in a couple , sometimes the magic , the intensity and the passion fade away , but it doesn't mean that you want to brake up your family for that.
Sometimes seeing a girl on the side is a way to find it again without having to ruin everything that you built ..
It is a way to evacuate the stress , to have some fun , to experiment..
No shame about your wedding ring.
Be yourself , have some fun and no worries about your ring ;)


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
In my opinion, it is a personal choice..
Most of the hobbyist are married and seeing a ma or a sp doesn't mean that you are not in love with your wife..
Some of my clients are married and they love their wife very much.
After many years in a couple , sometimes the magic , the intensity and the passion fade away , but it doesn't mean that you want to brake up your family for that. ................
I never married or dated any MPA or SPs but got
to keep in touch with a few MPAs after they quit. I have
this observation that an ex-MPA wife or GF would not likely
share your view. She would take extra caution monitoring
her man for any sign of suspicious activities.

If you think it is alright for a man to see a SP so long
as he still loves his wife think about the kind of money drained
by his hobby. Some wives are more upset about money lost
that way than their man having sex with other women. Even
one of my MPAs got upset when she figured out
I actually tipped one of her co-workers nearly as generous
as I tipped her.


New member
Feb 8, 2016
Ottawa (Nepean , Merivale Rd)
I never married or dated any MPA or SPs but got
to keep in touch with a few MPAs after they quit. I have
this observation that an ex-MPA wife or GF would not likely
share your view. She would take extra caution monitoring
her man for any sign of suspicious activities.

If you think it is alright for a man to see a SP so long
as he still loves his wife think about the kind of money drained
by his hobby. Some wives are more upset about money lost
that way than their man having sex with other women. Even
one of my MPAs got upset when she figured out
I actually tipped one of her co-workers nearly as generous
as I tipped her.
I understand your view but in my situation as an ma , my clients personal life is not of my concern ..
My job is to offer him a good time and it is not my place to make a judgement about his decision to see me even if he's married. Yes I guess for some of them ,it does have an impact on the family budget, but again it is his decision and I will always do my best to make him feel special and welcome .. Wedding ring or not ;)

For the lady that gave you hard time because you tipped an other lady more generously , again here it is a personnal choice to give more tip to the lady of your choice. You shouldn't feel bad about it .. Some hobbyist like to stay loyal to one sp or ma only and some others like to experiment different ladies and it is also ok .. By seeing a ma or sp you are not singing any contract of exclusivity .. You should feel free to see other ma or sp ... Again this is my personnal opinion .. Everybody think differently and it is ok not to agree with everything I am writing here ;)

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