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Escorts and dirty clients


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
Gabrielle’s post in the “Right to privacy” thread regarding dirty, stinky clients with bad breath got me thinking. Why would the escort go through with the appointment under those circumstances?

Lyla and other ladies have stated on many occasions that if the client is unhappy with the escort’s appearance (if significantly different from the description given to him), her demeanour or behaviour, he should either send her away or attempt to resolve the problem on the spot. (The latter may be a little difficult, since I know from experience that rational thinking and hard-ons are mutually exclusive :D ). They make the point quite forcefully that saying nothing at the time and posting a negative review later is unproductive and cowardly.

I agree. During the 1980’s, I sent escorts away on at least four occasions. One was white when I was told she was black (really!), one smelled like she had fallen headfirst into a beer vat, one burst into tears before we got started (I felt sorry for her – she obviously didn’t want to be there), and in the worst case, I caught her sitting on the throne, fully clothed, sticking a needle in her arm.

The above advice also applies to the escorts, in my opinion. So, once again, I ask, “Why do escorts stay when there is a problem with the client’s demeanour or personal hygiene?” Gabrielle stated that one of her ladies “grudgingly went ahead with it” Why, for God’s sake? I can well imagine how repulsive it must be to get up close and personal with a man who has bad breath, stinks like the rear strap of a sumo wrestler’s loincloth and is rude to boot. Shouldn’t she have made some flimsy excuse, given his money back and run like hell?

The fear of a negative review should not force the escort into demeaning herself in such a situation. The type of client who shows such little respect for the escorts (and himself, obviously) is not likely to produce a well-written, credible review. His review will almost certainly be short, disjointed, inarticulate and rude, just as Gabrielle described. Any experienced poster can spot them a mile away and will ignore them.

One poorly written negative review may be hurtful at the time, but it won’t ruin the escort’s or the agency’s reputation any more than one well written, articulate review will make their reputation. It takes a series of consistent reviews for reputations to be established. Those of us who read the boards regularly know whom to believe and whom to ignore, and can size up the newcomers pretty damn quickly.


May 25, 2002
Very Close

I have seen good and bad reviews deleted many times.


bad odor

Since the topic is bad breath or odor let me share an experience.

Mouth bad breath.

It would occur unexpectly for me. Maybe it did have a schedule occurence but never though of it. IT would stink so bad that you would have to stand 1.5 meter away to talk to me. But it would happen occasionaly. Only one true friend brought it up. I explain I tried everything if he had any ideas I am open to suggestions. Hecouldn't help me. It would last from 3 days to a week and half. This is why I didn't have a girlfriend when I was young.

Saw dentist. Saw specialist that put a camera in my stomach. The works. Washed my mouth with baking soda, listerine, lemon. And so on. My mom, back then, would even read books and tried everything and couldn't fix it . On occasional would have spit out a white small item from my mouth. I thought it was food I had.
It look like acne.

Then some how some rumor reached my mom about someone with the same condition.
Went to see THE family doctor to make me an appointment for a throat specialist. She tried to tell me not to worry and I don't need one. Didn't take a NO for an answer.
Throat specialist in 20 seconds tells me I need to have my TONSILS removed. During the operation he said the puss would come out like you squeeze acne from a face.
That was 8 years ago ( but the bad breath wen for 10 years ) and that bad breath only occured twice since then because I ate something bad or didn't wash my mouth for a few days. I watch what I eat now.
Even during lunch I wash my mouth at work. No one says anything to me about it.


Some people don't realize this but sometimes. I say at least once a year. THe body needs to be in a sauna to detoxicate itself. The europeans do this all the time with thermal baths.
I would sweat at night then my room would stink in the morning. Not anymore since I do a sauna a few times a year. Detoxicate my body for a week by eating detox food and more Water. And no cologne at all because that seem to cause some of my smell.

What I do annually is: Swedish Massage ( the legal stuff) Sweat in Steam Sauana. Detox for a week. And work out weekly.

From experience some people smell bad because of what they eat. heck you can tell when they do number two in the wahsroom in public places or work. Whole place stinks.

Anyways I hope this helps some people.


senior member
Aug 18, 2001

That was 8 years ago ( but the bad breath wen for 10 years ) and that bad breath only occured twice since then because I ate something bad or didn't wash my mouth for a few days. I watch what I eat now.
You did'nt wash your mouth for a few days???
that's just nasty!!!
Just curious how some SP's can actually have sex with a person who's "dirty"!
Some people really will DO anything for a buck!
Last edited:


New member
Jul 14, 2002
Foods and Drinks

A question for the SPs: what foods/drinks do you find gives the worst bad breath? Besides the obvious ones like garlic and onions.


Re: yuck!

decca said:

You did'nt wash your mouth for a few days???
that's just nasty!!!
Just curious how some SP's can actually have sex with a person who's "dirty"!
Some people really will DO anything for a buck!
You try washing when your luggate / backpack gets "lost" and it's saturday night. Nothing opens on Sunday in this place. Or you are up north brush breaks, toothpaste runs out because buddy is not careful. And you have to walk 1/2 day to the nearest store.
Or you don't use the washroom in some 3rd world countries hotels because of it's yuck conditions. When the locals see the washrooms as presenditial palace state of higher society level. Or it is not safe to use the local water because it's not safe to drink unless boiled and the store don't sell bottle water. So you use coke or beer.

There some certains conditions in life that you must learn to adapt like the locals and live with it. Why bother knocking it down their way of life. I am not there forever just passing through. A passenger of life.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
Escorts and dirty clients........

I can sympathize wholeheartedly with the hygiene issue. Hell, one of the reasons I broke up a three-year relationship issue was because of a hygiene issue: his lack of it and unwillingness to recognize it as a problem. I agree with the the nutritional analogy. Whatever you put in your body comes out through your pours, your hair, your body cavities, your organs. If you're not eating properly and dextoxifying with water regularly and basically putting crap in your body, the result is going to be unpleasant for those around you. What I don't understand is how someone living in an unhealthy, unpleasant smelling body can't notice it too?

As for sp's doing anything for a buck and being blamed for it, I think it's totally inappropriate to blame the lady. She's the victim not the perpetrator. Sometimes out of a sense of kindness, you don't want to turn the guy down because you don't want to hurt his feelings and figuring it's only an hour out of your life, you figure you can grin and bear it. It seems to me the only time I really have problems is in the summer time. The increased heat seems to cause a lot of sweating problems for people who are normally sweatier than I am. Someone who might otherwise not be noticeably offensive can really push my tolerance factor off the rictor scale when the sweating factor comes into play. There is nothing so unerotic than having someone drip huge drops of sweat on to your face when you're trying to make love to them.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
Alas, Silvertongue, you caught a slight, silly spelling mistakes - richter - that really shouldn't be an issue, but obviously it is. However, your post regarding factor factor doesn't make sense. Perhaps, if you want your point to be understood, you could claim.

As for taking my time, obviously I cared about the man. If you'd read more carefully - or at least absorbed what you were reading - I said it was only one of many factors. I didn't want to end the relationship but that (body odour), stubornness to recognize the problem and do something about it and a whole host of other factors made it impossible to change.

As for my medical degree, I grew up in a medical family. My father was a physician for 40 years. As well, I am university-educated and taking pride and interest in my own physiology, I ensure that I read as frequently as I can about health, body, fitness, nutrition. It is really unfortunate that you have simply assumed that you are either more intelligent or better versed than I am simply because I work in this business. Perhaps, I have assumed incorrectly and you simply were displaying poor manners. I am sure you will be willing to admit that the way you communicated was not in the best of taste or manners give your condescending attitude towards me.

As for the hamburger analogy, if that's what you're eating reguarly (fried food), that is what is coming out of your pours. My self, I avoid fast food and particularly fried food unless it is cooked either in my home or in a good restaurant that I trust. Some of us do know a think or two other than just pleasure (ie. cooking, nutrition, etiquette).


Accredited Reviewer (Ret)
Aug 24, 2001
spaced out
Re: Escorts and dirty clients........

Kathy P said:
There is nothing so unerotic than having someone drip huge drops of sweat on to your face when you're trying to make love to them.
What does sweating have to with personal hygiene or nutrition .... it's what people do when involved in vigorous sex. If you don't like it try doggie style or get on top yourself, and you see who'll do the sweating.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
Right on, Misty. I totally agree. The tone of this thread became jaded simply because someone was so full of himself that he thought he knew it all and had to put someone else down who had a different slant on issues. As for sweat, it has a lot to do with hygiene. If you sweat excessively and don't take care of yourself, what eminates from your body is unpleasant. As for the crude suggestions about positions or lack of effort, I really don't need your snide comments. Clearly you lack the sophistication or the subtlety to know what is or isn't appropriate in positive communication. You have the problem. You need to deal with it independent of this board.

As for illusions of knowledge, I have none. I have spent the past four years getting a university degree in a very demanding program. I am trained as a journalist so reading is an enormous part of my life. I don't need you to tell me what I do or don't know. Like Mikehorn said so eloquently, your criticism of me is an indication of your loss, not mine. I don't require a degree in biology or chemistry or physiology to know how that mere water and salt is affected by diet, exercise or any other life factor. Too bad you are so blinded by your own self-righteousness............Like Misty said, life is a lesson in learning.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
I agree with both ladies. What's good for the goose is good for the gander (according to my grandmother after the Yiddish translation). If we're expected to arrive clean and fresh (as we should be), it should be incumbent on clients to do the same. Not too scientific. Just good old-fashioned common sense.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
Sweat isn't really the issue. I am as thrilled to "sweat-up" the sweats during an enthusiastic session with someone I am attracted to, too. It's when the person who is sweating is not taking care of himself nutritionally or hygenically that it is unpleasant. Sometimes people sweat more than others. My ex-boyfriend was a boxer (as a hobby for recreational and fitness purposes) so he would sweat a great deal. However, he was usually considerate and conscious that it wasn't fun for me if he was dripping copiously on my face and would use a hand towel to solve the situation. So please do not misunderstand me. An enthusiastic romp in the hay makes my day, too. I just like to do it with someone who pays as much attention to his hygiene as I do.


james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I agree with Kathy and Misty.

You are what you eat.

The smell does come out of the pours. The body takes what you give it to work with.

If you live on Big Macs, you are a big mac.

And smokers, no matter what they do, they smell bad.

I will not date a girl who smokes, (but i will have sex with them). I can tell you, you can smell the smoke on her even after the hottest of hot showers.

There's no getting away from it.



New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
There is quite simply no excuse not to shower immediately prior to an appointment taking place in a hotel room .
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