Sexy Friends Toronto

(Escort Specific) Website Tips, Please.


Sep 11, 2001
I'm re-doing a friends website (again), and would like to know what the gentlemen out there value in an escort's site. I know the basic rules as they apply to commercial sites, but what I'm really looking for here is a 'hobbyists' view of site features and design.

Is there anything you detest? Prefer? Insist on? Don't care about?

Do you prefer it short and to the point - brief description, some photos, rate and contact

Or detailed and personal - lots of biographical details, dozens of photos, tons of personal info, guestbooks, the whole nine yards.

Do you enjoy 'gimmicky' effects like java scripts and rollovers, or could you live without all the stuff if it speeds load time?

I'd appreciate any tips you might care to pass along...



Sep 2, 2001
Hello BBW_Morgan,

No matter what tricks you use to design the site, I feel it should be reflective of the escort during an appointment. Would you put up biographical info just for the sake of advertising ?

My point:
If the escort shares biographical information then she better not get defensive when the client raises these topics. The second escort I met listed the fact that she liked to travel in her bio. So at one point we ended up having a nice chat about some places in the world. I can imagine being upset if she wouldn't want to talk about traveling yet still have it in her bio.

Do you prefer it short and to the point - brief description, some photos, rate and contact

Or detailed and personal - lots of biographical details, dozens of photos, tons of personal info, guestbooks, the whole nine yards.

Do you enjoy 'gimmicky' effects like java scripts and rollovers, or could you live without all the stuff if it speeds load time?
Whatever you do, it should be true to the escort. If she isn't a flashy person, then don't use flashy special effects because people may be disappointed when they see her.

You'll find the following gripe among some TERBites:
An escort advertises herself as intelligent and educated, yet has typos and grammatical errors on her webpage. Myself, I let the occassional typo slide, but numerous typos are annoying.

Of course, these are just my humble opinions.

Good luck with the website.



Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Depends on the site you're doing. If it's a conglomerate site for many SPs, like escorts-canada or etc, then I feel there need to be some quick hits.

On these sites I like to see a thumbnail photo, some details (specifically, incall/outcall, straight ot bi, age) and a phone number. When you click on the link then you get the full details with bio, locations, rates etc.

For a single site advertising a single lady, I feel it should be representative of the lady. If she wants to share biographical info, fine. I kind of like that - gives me a feel for what she's like. If she's a flashy type, make the site flashy. If she's a conservative type, make it conservative. If she's fun-loving, make it a fun site.

Gimmicks annoy me. Make it quick. And definitely - NO MUSIC! Remember, some of us take surf breaks instead of smoke breaks at the office. Music can cause problems.

Details are good to have, but it's whatever the lady is comfortable with. Like I said, bios are nice. Rate info is key. Photos are a must - not much point doing a site without photos.

And most of all, keep it current! I hate surfing in to a site and finding that lady is aged x, then coming back a couple of years later to find that she's still x years old. I don't think it's necessary to totally revamp a website, but at least update the bio (like age) and insert a few new photos from time to time.

IMHO of course.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
Pictures.. pictures.. pictures.

If an escort can't show pictures on her site, at least with the face blurred, then she has something to hide. No two ways about it.

crumbled cookie

Annoying Music

xarir said:
............ Make it quick. And definitely - NO MUSIC! Remember, some of us take surf breaks instead of smoke breaks at the office. Music can cause problems.........IMHO of course.
Agree pretty much with all suggestions so far made but in particular I concur with xarir's dislike of music, although not for the same reason.

I especially detest (you asked) Shockwave intro's :mad: that go on and on with terrible, overly loud "music" and which do absolutely nothing to advance my knowledge of the lady in particular and which I classify as a damn nuisance.

Glitzy mouse trails are another pain IMO.

I like those thumbnails that pop-up with a mouse-over - saves a lot of time and trouble backing the browser up.


Sep 11, 2001
Thanks, guys. It's been interesting to read these responses, and has made me make some changes to the plans we had in mind.

I admit that we'd been playing around with shockwave (my first thought was "Why the heck I bother learning this if I can't use it?"). That's been shelved in favor of a more streamlined design.

I do like the idea of fast and easy links - it's something I insist on. I can't stand getting 'lost' in a website with no simple way to tell where I am.

I had a mild frames fetish for a while, but am trying to wean myself off of them. Ditto for Anfy - there needs to be a recovery group for former Anfy junkies, if you ask me...

I'm actually re-doing this site entirely to showcase new photos, so I don't think a lack of pix will be an issue...

Right, back to work.

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