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English Premier League Match-ups


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
I only look forward to 2 games.

Chelsea @ Liverpool and the bigger one, Manchester United @ Arsenal.

Chelsea has dominated Liverpool since the Mourinho days, but Chelsea is ripe for a loss right now, I say 3-1 Liverpool.

And I'll go with 2-1 Arsenal, just because I really want them to win, and besides they did beat them 1-0 @Old Trafford earlier. However no Gallas and Gilberto is a big blow, should be exciting though. These two seldom play boring games.

David Beckham 23

I'll bend it like........
the_big_E said:
I only look forward to 2 games.

Chelsea @ Liverpool and the bigger one, Manchester United @ Arsenal.

Chelsea has dominated Liverpool since the Mourinho days, but Chelsea is ripe for a loss right now, I say 3-1 Liverpool.

And I'll go with 2-1 Arsenal, just because I really want them to win, and besides they did beat them 1-0 @Old Trafford earlier. However no Gallas and Gilberto is a big blow, should be exciting though. These two seldom play boring games.

I see why we will never get along. But I like your Liverpool pick.


Apr 7, 2005
the_big_E said:
Chelsea has dominated Liverpool since the Mourinho days, but Chelsea is ripe for a loss right now, I say 3-1 Liverpool.
I don't understand??? Is Mourinho gone? Did he quit? Fired?


New member
Apr 4, 2002
In the corner
David Beckham 23 said:
I knew what you meant.:p

Another correction.

It's 2-0 end of the match!!!
Very poor Chelski performance, something has to give soon there. Did Shevchenko ever touch the ball after he came on!!


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Good call Big E.

Chelsea's decline has been dramatic. Worst guy on the pitch was Ferreira. He was never all that he was made out to be, (I remember laughing at how much Porto got paid for him), but today he seemed to be the centre and source of a miasma that spread and infected Chelsea. Mourinho's desperation is obvious, having to resort to using Ferreira as a CB. He looked horribly out of place. Essien is being asked to do too much.

If Man U has a good day tomorrow, Mourinho's EPL campaign is going to be on the skids...but I'm not prepared to write him off yet. The return of Terry and Cech could turn things around, and an injury to Scholes, Giggs, or (heaven forbid ;) ), Ronaldo, could stop Man U.


Apr 7, 2005
Hilarious to see Cech with a rugby scrum cap on!!! They kept saying that it would protect his head. Not. He might as well have worn a jock on his head for all the protection it serves. Scrum caps are meant to protect against scrum burn and cauliflower ears. Really nothing else. In addition, I also find it funny when backs (#9-15) in rugby where them for no apparent reason.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
being a Reds supporter that display was awesome, but one has to wonder has the roof caved in at Chelsea, you got Senhor Jose creating a ruckus, Shevchenko is he staying is he going, can he play in the faster EPL?? no John Terry or Joe Cole, and a definite need of a centre back, wow things have just gotten a whole lot more interesting for the next few months


Apr 7, 2005
luckyjackson said:
and an injury to Scholes, Giggs, or (heaven forbid ;) ), Ronaldo, could stop Man U.
Maybe the team might get struck by lighting too. Or possibly run over by an elephant. Or get a ride in a plane with Buddy Holly. Or have a . . . . . whatever.
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