Seduction Spa

Emotional bond

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Rose said:
Do you find you emotionally bond with a sp (if you are one of her regulars)?
Yes, I usually fall deeply in love with her as I check out her website


New member
Nov 15, 2005
LOL...there's no shortage of stand-up comedians here :p ... maybe it's because the answer is, that it's a given...we're all humans.


New member
May 30, 2005
Sure, it happens. But other than being polite, and exchange pleasant conversation before and after, I try to avoid anything deeper. When I hobbyied I used to see a small group of favourites and occasionally try out a different SP when I was in the mood for variety. I never got too close, even with the SPs I really liked, because I could never tell if the feelings were genuine, and I didn't want to be naive/stupid like some other pathetic schmucks who hope that an hour of paid sex (even awesome paid sex) may lead to friendship and romance. You can like, respect, and enjoy a person's company, even look forward to both conversation and sex, and not have to get too involved.

SPs liked to talk to me, though, (maybe even too much) and what I've learned from their stories about their other clients tells me that the guys who develop emotional bonds with SPs end up losing more than just their feelings, and that the depth of the bond is proportion to how much they get screwed (not in the good way).

If I wanted sex with an emotional bond, that's what an SO is for. If I want something new and exciting, that's why I hobbied. If an SP wants to be my girlfriend or "lover", (a completely different thread), then we can go out on dates and have sex without me forking over money in an envelope. And that would be great!


wild ricky

New member
Jan 22, 2005
I agree with bizkit. However, I think that it is possible to be friends with and care for an SP as a person. I have 2 regulars about whose well being I care a great deal. They both seem to reciprocate with me even though we all know that this will never go anywhere further. Remember, SPs are people too!


New member
Feb 26, 2006
wild ricky said:
I agree with bizkit. However, I think that it is possible to be friends with and care for an SP as a person. I have 2 regulars about whose well being I care a great deal. They both seem to reciprocate with me even though we all know that this will never go anywhere further. Remember, SPs are people too!
This is true but both sides should be really careful before trying to develop a genuine friendship. Some guys might just want to be friended with a SP in order to get extra mileage, discount or even free sex. Likewise, some SPs might just want to be friended with their clients in order to ensure a steady incomes from repeats. Time will tell if the friendship is genuine or not. I personally believe that it is possible though.
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