


Wow, today I had one of the funniest and most embarrasing
experiences I've had in a long time. First I had booked an appointment with Bobbi from a couple of days in advance, but I was running late and called her to let her know so we moved the appointment by 15 minutes. I don't drive so I was on the subway on my way back home I got there after the 15 minutes agreed upon more like 25 minutes, Bobbi was waiting for me by the elevators in my building already, she did not seem upset which is not surprising since she's such a sweet girl. I took her by her hand and rushed to my apartment, right in front of the door I realized I had forgotten the key inside and was locked out S*HIT! Man I wanted to be an ostrich so I could hide my face in the soil for I was so embarrased and felt like an idiot. LOL
I would like to hear if anybody out there has similar or even worse experiences, seriously I think it's funny now but then I just felt dumb LOL:D

Captain Bly

Nautical Nasty
Feb 9, 2002
TIGER said:
I think that this topic is better suited for The Lounge section.
More prpoerly the Hall section I guess!! Time for a knee trembler I wonder?



Yeah I made a mistake I forgot that I was still in the review section, I apologize I know that according to the law
ignorance is not a defence but I am new after all and was only trying to post something which we could all maybe laugh about. Sorry I will be more careful in the future.
By the way yet another embarrasing situation to add to my experiences today, wow. :)

P.S. is there a way that I could just move this thread from the review to the lounge secion without typing it all again,
any feedback appreciated. Thanks.

Wandering D

Aug 17, 2001
Re: Right post

areuforreal said:
There should a post area for correct post not in the review area.In other words wrong place in a correct post.
One of us has got to stop drinking. You go first.


Ahh Knowledge....

Thanks Sheik, I didn't know that I've only been a member for
a couple of days so that kind of info is always welcome, I'm gonna give it a shot now.


My dear Decca

It saddens me that you think that way, since I never said I was a genious or a super brain. I did say ignorance is not an excuse or defence when you make a mistake and apologized
for mine which was corrected now if I hadnt corrected I would truly be ignorant because I wouldn't have made the effort to fix it or apologize. This is called arrogance.
I also never said I was a computer wiz, and for what it counts I am learning and have the will and desire to to learn. If I was perfect then I wouldnt need to ask anybody for help or advice. Again You should maybe try to meditate on your definitions of ignorance an of an uneducated person.
Try reading or going to school, that helps:)

PS Hope you dont take this personal for it is not a "come-back" or insult merely an opinion and a suggestion from my part.



Thanks for backing me up here Fred. I think decca holds a grudge against me somehow I cant recall why but I'm sure it will come to me. :)


senior member
Aug 18, 2001
no grudge!just felt you where a little arrogant in some of your posts!
Fred I would have just deleted post??? copied it and reposted in proper forum??why bother you??



Listen, I truly did get the impression that you must hold a grudge against me; however, if you say not I will take your word for it.
I would like to ask you a couple of questions though:
(1) Which post did you read that gave you the impression of me being arrogant???
(2) Seriously, why the strange PM???Was there a porpuse to it?? If so, I may be stupid cause I didnt see either porpuso
or reason behind it.
Just to finish I will admit It may see as if I have A BIG ego sometimes, but that's just because I am sure of myself
and of what I'm saying, and am not afraid to admit mistakes
and learn from them.
Otherwise, hey maybe we could even be friends in the future


New member
May 26, 2002
All the time

If it were up to me, I'd have a upc code surgically imprinted in my hand so I wouldnt need keys no more. I would just waive my hand in front of my house or car door and tada !
Life would me sooo much simpler if that were the case. In fact, the exact same thing happened to me last summer but I was so impressed with my "date" for the evening that we ended up at the hotel down the street from my place. Needless to say, everything ended well, VERY well.

N I X :cool:
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts