I got 2 emails, addressed to mail@ ( my url) today. One purportedly from the FBI and the other from apparently the CIA. Both said identical messages... that I had been to over 30 illegal web sites and that I was to fill out the questionaire that was attached ( in a zipped file). Even after deleting both I had to run the Microsoft anti-virus adAware, Spybot, counterstike, Solo, and Norton. Collectively they found @ 10 viruses and a bunch of worms.
First, I haven't been to any "illegal" websites, second, I didn't open the zipped files, and third, has this been going on long? I haven't had any problems with worms and viri in months until these emails showed up in my Outlook. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
First, I haven't been to any "illegal" websites, second, I didn't open the zipped files, and third, has this been going on long? I haven't had any problems with worms and viri in months until these emails showed up in my Outlook. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.