I'll bet it had its ups and downs. Sorry,I saw a comedy skit about people in an elevator.
Short film "The Elevator" - YouTube
have to admit, one of my first thoughts…oh why?
Amber's elevator rides to her condo in Pickering were legendary..we used to nickname it..Amber's elevator ride to heaven..good thing there weren't any cameras in them.(I hope)..cus it got very heated...in a good way..LOLMany years ago I got a temp job at a security desk. Some lovely ladies came back to the site wasted drunk and started flirting with me. As they left, they offered to put on a show. As they got in the elevators I turned to watch the camera feed since we had cameras to ensure everyone's safety in the elevators... well those ladies were more than safe with each other. They waved to the camera to make sure I was watching and then had fun with each other the whole ride up. Wish I could've joined them in that elevator!
3) People who try to get on before they let you out.Elevator pet peeves.
1) Young ladies who press up against me.
2) People who stop dead in their tracks as soon as they are out thus blocking my exit. GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!
I would have just let them have the elevator and told them, “Go ahead…I’ll take the next one.” But I’d do it in a low key passive-aggressive way to make the guy feel guilty and establish myself as holding the moral high ground.I'm sure we all have our elevator stories. Here's one of mine. Happened 2-3-4 years ago.
So, I got off the subway train with my bike and walked to the elevator. Waiting there was a lone male and a couple.
The elevator arrived and I proceeded to get in. The lone male said they (the couple) were here first. I wanted to explain to him that if the couple got in last, my bike wouldn't block them when them try to get put i.e they get in and get out quickly.
The same goes with outer doors, people exiting should always go first. Seems people get pushier as I get older....3) People who try to get on before they let you out.