Hey everyone, I just thought I'd make a thread to share our experiences with girls who are experts in edging. What is edging you ask? Its when you are brought to the brink of orgasm but dont actually, and you do this repeatedly throughout the session. It can be similar to tantric or lingam massage, but those are usually focused gentle groin massages for an entire session, not necessarily orgasm control.
It can be a hell of a lot of fun if done with the right girl. Obviously requires great restraint on your own part too. It can be done completely within MA limits, or with oral or any other body part really.
Having seen a few providers, Ill post some reviews as time permits.
First up:
Athena: all time master of oral edging, nobody else compares. Dont know where she has been recently but I used to see her regularly for this. If she resurfaces, definitely get in line!
So how about you guys, do you have any experiences to share?
It can be a hell of a lot of fun if done with the right girl. Obviously requires great restraint on your own part too. It can be done completely within MA limits, or with oral or any other body part really.
Having seen a few providers, Ill post some reviews as time permits.
First up:
Athena: all time master of oral edging, nobody else compares. Dont know where she has been recently but I used to see her regularly for this. If she resurfaces, definitely get in line!
So how about you guys, do you have any experiences to share?