Dream Spa



New member
Feb 27, 2007
Hi all , I've been quietly lurking for some time now.

Im not really active on the Toronto scene , I hit up S/C's or Mp's when im feeling exceptionally tired.

Im leaving on the 29th for an extended business trip to Dubai . 3 weeks to be exact , away from the S/O , people who might recognize me.

Im looking to have a little fun of the SP variety. Any advice , prices etc for terbites who've been to Dubai.


Nov 20, 2003
This will sound a little strange but there was a National Geographic article a few months ago about Dubai. It was pretty clear from the article that you will be able to find what you are looking for. Obviously, no specifics were mentioned other than that most of the workers were Asian.


New member
Sep 17, 2006


New member
Mar 28, 2004
The Quality Hotel (on Al Rigga Road, I think - its near the Taj Palace Hotel, anyhow) was where the EE hookers hung out. They were all bottle blondes and they were all stunning. Can't comment on rates, procedures, or legalities, though. Try worldsexguide.com to see if they give more info.


New member
Jan 12, 2007
from what I know Dubai is where rich Arabs come to have fun, drink alcohol, do things they could not in their own country.

Hence, I highly suspect that prices will be very high due to the crowd. Of course you may find ultra cheap hookers due to the asian workers but I'm afraid there is nothing in between.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

Yes Dubai has Red Light District areas. Actually a few people where I work went there last year to do a seminar.
One of the woman started talking about ( not to me but someone else) that the SP must be making alot of money and she wishes she had known then to do it herself.

As per say stay in the tourist area. They have all kind of prices. Dont'a bring a camera.


New member
Jul 1, 2006
there all in hotels you dont get it on the streets as you do here or is not as open. there are dance bars russian,arbics and theres like a brothel there kind of a hotel you go too for that.


Jan 18, 2004
Between here and there.
Fun in Dubai

UAE is an Islamic nation but also a slave to the mighty dollar. I was just there a few months ago on business. The pace of development is eye popping with obvious excesses of money, riches....makes TO look stagnant.

Dubai's a very hyprocitical society though, Muslim foundation with all the pious bullshit but when the sun comes down, every vice known to man is available in abundance. It's interesting to see so many (ahem) local Islamic shieks and wealthy men enjoying what is on offer at night when they preach against it during the day.

Many of the hotel bars are full of working women. For the right price (cheap compared to N. America), you can take any flavour back to your room. Most of the hotels are aware this goes on and may charge an extra fee for that night's stay though. I stayed at the Dubai Grand Hyatt and it was their unwritten policy.

The clubs are also full of working babes from across the world - EE/Thais/Flips/Chinese/Africans/etc....every flavour. Definitely check out "Club Cyclone" - just tell the taxi driver, it's very well known. There is a door fee but once you get inside, the ladies all hang out in their respective geographical groupings. You simply hang out at whichever corner of the field you like, it's good picking. I recall $200-$400USD for all nighters (that's 6-8 hrs of unlimited fun). Higher quality costs more as expected.

As for booze, beacon and smokes. It's all available. I remember having breakfast at the hotel buffet line and next to me was a muslim guy in full shiek wear scooping up beacon strips and pork sausages and stuffing himself like there's no tomorrow. Muslims and pork apparently do mix.

There are many other places to enjoy but I'll not bore you with details. Just spend the time to wander and find out for yourself.

Bring 100SPF suntan lotion, you'll freaking cook this time of year there. Safe travels and have fun.
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