Toronto Escorts

Drunk Drivers - Identification


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
I like it too.

I would be more impressed if they a separate plate for violent offenders and sex offenders.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
Isnt there a name for this type of punishment? Like Scarlet something??

I remember Larry had to wear a sign saying I steal forks on Curb Your Enthusiasm, and they gave it a name, which I forget.

And yes its a good idea.
Jul 24, 2003
Enough is Enough

When will it end?

Ontario already has some of the strictest Impaired Driving laws in North America. On a first coviction you:

Automatically have your license suspended for 3 months upon being charged, whether you are convicted or not.

Are fined a minimum of $600

Have your license suspened an additional minimum of 1 year, in addition to the first 3 month suspension.

Have to attend a $500 government addiction course (at your expense) to get your license reinstated.

Have to install an interlock ignition device ($1000 at your cost) for 1 year AFTER your initial suspension.

Add legal fees, increased insurance and the shame of getting arrested and this isn't severe enough?

Marcus Aurellis
what we do in life, echoes in eternity

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I don't agree with punishing someone indefinitely or beyond the sentence that they've already served.

If you do the crime, you should do the time. But once you've served your sentence, you should be free.

If the sentencing limits are too tolerant, then change the law. But you shouldn't have pseudo-punishments tacked on to your real sentence.

And labelling someone with a "scarlett letter" probably won't have the desired effect that you think it will. All it will do is isolate them further and make them even more anti-social. If you're stupid enough to drive drunk, the threat of painting your license plate a silly colour isn't even going to register on the radar.


Jul 6, 2003
marcus aurellis said:
When will it end?

Ontario already has some of the strictest Impaired Driving laws in North America. On a first coviction you:

Automatically have your license suspended for 3 months upon being charged, whether you are convicted or not.

Well I am not for dinking and driving!!! But I do not like that a cop on the side of the road has the abillity to be a judge and jury on the side of the road. To Automatically have your license suspended for 3 months upon being charged, whether you are convicted or not with out recourse is WRONG !!!

Cops make mistakes to. This effects you insurance ect ( what If a person with a medical problem is unable to Blow, Is it right that his license suspended for 3 months upon being charged, He not impaired but for sure the insurance company will have a field day with it.

This part of the law is wrong. Not that his lience is taken away, that the is nothing you can do to reverse the road side Justice.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Having lost two friends to impaired drivers, I don't think Ontario's laws for drunk driving are nearly steep enough. What I would like to see, and please feel free to disagree and discuss.......

5 year lisence suspension
$5000 fine
60 days in jail + 100 hours community service
Addiction councelling
Permanant criminal recors

Some of you might think this to be a little (or a lot) too steep, that it might affect the livlihood (sp.) of the offender and their families. Yes it would. O well. Having seen firsthand the effects on the families of my friends, I still feel this is a light punishment.

Don't even get me started about what I feel the punishments should be for anyone found using a gun in a violent crime.:mad:


Aug 6, 2006
marcus aurellis said:
When will it end?

Ontario already has some of the strictest Impaired Driving laws in North America. On a first coviction you:

Automatically have your license suspended for 3 months upon being charged, whether you are convicted or not.

Are fined a minimum of $600

Have your license suspened an additional minimum of 1 year, in addition to the first 3 month suspension.

Have to attend a $500 government addiction course (at your expense) to get your license reinstated.

Have to install an interlock ignition device ($1000 at your cost) for 1 year AFTER your initial suspension.

Add legal fees, increased insurance and the shame of getting arrested and this isn't severe enough?

Marcus Aurellis
what we do in life, echoes in eternity
it has gotten worse.....

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Too many crazies out there..some who have lost a love one from a drunk driver. What if somebody hurts or kills that person cause they notice they were a drunk driver in the past, may have not injure anybody and maybe they no longer drink..

Bad law / don't like it...what about people who speed, why not have a plate to identified them...speeders kill as well...same with those who run red lights (traffic lights, lol).

Unfair/ not right to just target one group.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
How about a big letter "A" on the forehead of all Adulterers?

It would be easier to pick up women. :p


New member
Dec 27, 2004
S.C. Joe said:
what about people who speed, why not have a plate to identified them
A 'speeder plate' would become a status symbol to go with the Porsche lol. I saw a guy driving a Porsche down Yonge St nearthe 401 a couple of weeks ago with a licence plate holder on the rear that said "Hello Officer: Put it on my tab".


blow me please
Oct 26, 2002
east of TO
There are so many special interest Groups pushing there own perticular agenda.
I have no problem with doing the time for the crime but lets draw the line.

Gun control has not done anything about hand guns on the street carried by criminals especially street gangs.

The more suspended licenses we hand out the more people drive while under suspension. etc.

The more laws we have the more jail time we have the more people we have gehind bars. Everyone here has Run a red light a stop sign used a cell phone while driving etc. Do we gail those drivers for 60 days.

Soon we will have 3% of the population in jail like California. I do not want to use my tax money for that.

I think we are all to busy and lazy to want to deal with these issues in a social maner. So like we do with kids and scools we pass the responsibility on to someone else ie the goverment.

These days cops are so busy chasing supid things for so many upright uptight special interest groups we forget why we have them in the first place.

I see no difference between a drunk drive killing someone and a person with a gun killing someone or a person using a cell phone while driving killing someone.

Cut of the left hand and thats the end of it. Or in a more civilazed manner plant a GPS into them and have a monitoring system. For pedifiles cut off there dick.

I think we should issue guns to all drivers so they can shoot the dumb 30 year old blond sp who just cut me off to get to her client on time. If I knew the person in the next car had a gun I would drive alot more carefully.

Most Laws don't apply to the responisble people Criminals don't care.

What are OUR motive Deterent or Punishment. I feel we should spell that out in our laws

I personally don't have a problem with laws but have a real problem with the bias that is used by everyone in applying them.

I drive with the assumption that everyone on the road is drunk. Have not had a moving accident in 40 years. If you don't drive defensively you deserve what you get. The roads are not safe. They are dangerous and the person on a cell phone not paying attention to the road deserves to get nailed by a drunk driver.

Shit I am passionate this AM must be because I couldn't fuc... Kaitlyn of Mirage yesterday and Erin was busy. Stay off the roads today I have to drive while dreaming of an SP
Aug 17, 2001
Nice laws we have...

Have a beer and drive and get your licence suspended for 15 months.

Cut some innocent persons head off in a bus and go for treatment in a hospital.

Rape a little girl, go to jail and get released in a few years so you can do it again.

Yeah, I say the drinking and driving thing is a little out of control. Especially when you consider a good number of licenced drivers out there should not be on the road.

Why are we so uptight about drinking? Why cant I have a beer on the beach with my friends if Im not doing anything wrong? Why do I get charged for having some drinks and driving if I dont break any laws of the road or get into an accident? "Innocent until proven guilty" gets exercised to ridicilous levels in courts by obviously guilty killers, rapists who get off anything and everything but drink and drive and you get charged for the stupid reason that you MIGHT do something wrong? Why not ban drinking altoghther then?

Here is one. Some people get agressive when they drink. Why not charge those people for drinking in a licenced bar? Hey, they may get agressive and kill someone. Just like the guy who had a couple of drinks and is driving. Where do the possibilities end?

I am not a fan of the drinking and driving law!!!!!!!

As far as laws go in general, i think we could learn alot from some middle-eastern countries ;)


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Sargeant StiffCock said:
Why do I get charged for having some drinks and driving if I dont break any laws of the road or get into an accident? "
Well being caught drinking and driving is one of the rules of the road.

I for one think we should just follow the lead of the EU nations whose Blood Alchohol Level is zero. There's no ambiguity there.

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
masterchief said:
I for one think we should just follow the lead of the EU nations whose Blood Alchohol Level is zero. There's no ambiguity there.
Unfortunately, that isn't entirely true. Many cough medicines, mouth washes etc contain alcohol that can seriously screw up a breathalyzer test. An actual blood test is the only accurate way to determine blood alcohol levels.

An OPP friend of mine once told me that "experienced" drunk drivers now enough to guzzle the Scope as they're being pulled over...The alcohol in the stuff throws the breathalyser test off the scale, but it's enough to create "reasonable doubt" in court so that the Crown will typically plead the case out for a lesser charge.

I still find it hard to fathom how many people still think it's OK to drink and drive...
Aug 17, 2001
I'm not saying it's ok to be drunk and drive. What I am saying is that it should be ok to have a social drink or two and drive. It's not fair to go to a nice restaurant and not be able to have a glass of wine with your meal.

On a side note, If the govt is so concerned about safety on the road, safety tests should be mandatory every 2 years just like emissions. I think in Germany safety test are done every 2 years. Too many unsafe cars on the road for sure. Laws are all over the place.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Dougal Short said:
Unfortunately, that isn't entirely true. Many cough medicines, mouth washes etc contain alcohol that can seriously screw up a breathalyzer test
Of course, but what I meant is that it takes the ambiguity out of the hands of the driver. With the limit at 0.08 it lets the individual make the decision if they think they are pass the limit.

How many drivers think that they are still ok to drive after 2 drinks. A zero limit clearly establishes that if you have consumed alchohol in any should not be operating a motorized vehicle.

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
masterchief said:
Of course, but what I meant is that it takes the ambiguity out of the hands of the driver. With the limit at 0.08 it lets the individual make the decision if they think they are pass the limit.
My misunderstanding... and you are right. I suspect most people don't have the foggiest idea what they can drink and still be legal. (Although not necessarily a capable driver...) Although based on what that same OPP friend told me, it's a surprising amount. Far more than I would ever, ever consider consuming before driving...

Sargeant StiffCock said:
What I am saying is that it should be ok to have a social drink or two and drive.
And it is. A couple of "normal" size glasses of wine over a 90 minute dinner isn't going to put you in legal trouble, assuming you don't weigh 96 pounds...

Maybe the cops should host educational seminars where we could drink complementary cocktails while they periodically get us to blow into a breathalyser! Then they could drive us home in their cruisers! :)


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Dougal Short said:
My misunderstanding... and you are right. I suspect most people don't have the foggiest idea what they can drink and still be legal.

And it is. A couple of "normal" size glasses of wine over a 90 minute dinner isn't going to put you in legal trouble, assuming you don't weigh 96 pounds...
Not really. It’s surprising how little it can be based on what most people imbibe. Here are the numbers based on a normal glass of table wine over a 2 hour period.

If you are male and weigh 200 pounds and you have consumed so many Glass(es) of table wine evenly over a period of 2 hour(s) then your estimated blood/breath alcohol concentration is

1 glass of wine 0.00
2 glasses of wine 0.04
3 glasses of wine 0.23
4 glasses of wine 0.42

After 3 glasses you are over the legal limit, no matter what any cop says, and if the time was less that 1 hour, that limit would be reached before you finish your 2nd glass.

Like I said, it’s easier in countries where the limit is zero. If you want to drink…don’t drive. There is no gray area like there is with our limit of 0.08
Ashley Madison
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