Douche Bag professions.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
So. I casually date a veterinarian. Melissa. Nice girl. Brunette, fake tits, brazilian wax job. Prada purse,Jimmy Choo shoes,Mercedes SUV.

Anyways, after half a bottle of red wine last night she professes how she overcharges her clients at her vet clinic. Especially women. "women will pay whatever I quote them to care for their pet". A friend of mine recently spent 10,000 dollars on surgery for her dog. The thought of losing her dog would have killed her, and she had no problem racking up her credit card for whatever amount necessary. My female friend told me the aforementioned surgery could have been done for less then half that price Fuck her, she's paying for dinners every once in a while from now on.
My revised top 3 Douche bag professions are now
1) Vet
3) Tow truck driver.


Always with my Member
Aug 23, 2001
Always in the Groove...
Your friend sounds like quite the catch... :rolleyes:. In addition to your list, I would add anyone in sales, working on Wall or Bay Street, and most people in politics.

Always in the Groove...

Scooter Brown

Sep 8, 2009


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Pretty much all CEO's. Hell, even my boss is a douche, fortunately he's in the states so I only have to deal with his douchebaggery ways every couple of months.


Jun 6, 2009
So. I casually date a veterinarian. Melissa. Nice girl. Brunette, fake tits, brazilian wax job. Prada purse,Jimmy Choo shoes,Mercedes SUV.

Anyways, after half a bottle of red wine last night she professes how she overcharges her clients at her vet clinic. Especially women. "women will pay whatever I quote them to care for their pet". A friend of mine recently spent 10,000 dollars on surgery for her dog. The thought of losing her dog would have killed her, and she had no problem racking up her credit card for whatever amount necessary. My female friend told me the aforementioned surgery could have been done for less then half that price Fuck her, she's paying for dinners every once in a while from now on.
My revised top 3 Douche bag professions are now
1) Vet
3) Tow truck driver.
You've painted all vets based on the comments of one. Some might think you're the douche. There are vets that do amazing work for animals and don't do it for the money. They do it for the love of animals.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I don't think the OP is being fair. There are lots of lawyers who work pro bono and lots who don't make tons of cash like everyone thinks. To make the big cash you have to work your way up the ladder and become a partner, something that takes countless hours (yes, hours joe average isn't willing to work).

I think the type of behaviour recounted by the OP is more an indication of the type of person that vet is rather than a condemnation of the profession. I actually think far less of the OP for painting an entire profession with the brush of one unethical person. Pretty simple minded.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
So. I casually date a veterinarian. Melissa. Nice girl. Brunette, fake tits, brazilian wax job. Prada purse,Jimmy Choo shoes,Mercedes SUV.

Anyways, after half a bottle of red wine last night she professes how she overcharges her clients at her vet clinic. Especially women. "women will pay whatever I quote them to care for their pet". A friend of mine recently spent 10,000 dollars on surgery for her dog. The thought of losing her dog would have killed her, and she had no problem racking up her credit card for whatever amount necessary. My female friend told me the aforementioned surgery could have been done for less then half that price Fuck her, she's paying for dinners every once in a while from now on.
My revised top 3 Douche bag professions are now
1) Vet
3) Tow truck driver.
You are right, at least half the vets I've met try to milk the customer.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Immigration consultants.

I can not say for sure if they are all crooked. I have never needed the services of one, but all the stories I have heard about them are not good. Immigration consultants are dealing in the world where many of their clients are poor and they are in a business that is feast or famime. When things get bad and they need money, they juice their clients to pay the bills. I talked to a car sales woman that told me she had an immigration consultant not only provided the service of facilitating entry into the country She also provided the service of facilitating their intergration into Canadian society. The Immigration consultant would bring her clients to the car dealer to get cars for her clients, she was collecting a fee for this service as well as a kick back from the car dealer for facilitating the sale of the car plus all the added extras. The same was true when she brought her clients to buy a house or condo. There would be a kickback from the realtor.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
The majority of Contractors are douchebags. I have done so much work on multiple houses and rarely can I get even a ball park price on doing anything. I've even gotten full quotes on jobs, and when I get the bill they look to ding you on every little thing..which is fine... but then, on multiple occasions, I point out an error in math or a credit they've forgotten, and then all Hell Breaks Loose. It seems once they've written that dollar amount on paper they have their God given right to that amount no matter how obvious it is that they've made a mistake.

How many time have I heard friends say they found someone to do the work at "just time and materials". Just makes me laugh. My friends really feel like they are getting a deal. Any chance a contractor can ding you for something they will, and then will never, ever, ever own up to mistakes or damage they cause. I've had General Contractors i"ve hired constantly deflect damages and problems and costs to their subtrades and never own up to a single thing. I've had one General do this constantly and then at the end insist that I owed him thousands of dollars as a bonus when no discussion of a bonus was ever discussed.

How many times I've gotten bills that included GST and PST where PST wasn't chargeable.
I constantly get bills that include GST and the guy doesn't provide a GST number...nor is he ever able to provide one. Many many times guys charge the tax and collect and dont' have numbers and have no intention of remitting.
How many times do you call tradesmen that never return your calls.
Don't we all love when they give you a $10 000 bill with $500 GST and then say they will waive the GST if you pay cash. So I save $500 and he saves $4000??? nice deal
There's a reason why Europe is in such bad shape. I hear all kinds of European tradespeople trash talk immigrants today who come here and live off welfare. Well the Europeans who come here and work in the underground market have simply brought over the horrible self serving, self entitlement attitute in Greece and the rest of Europe that causes unsustainable Debt levels and eventually national bankruptsy. English people that were working here before all the European immigration were employed in honest blue collar factory or white collar jobs where appropriate amounts of taxes were paid.
Please hold off on any rascist labels, as I am Italian myself and am disgusted by attitudes of the Italian trades. Guys who own million dollar homes in their 40s, own cottages and rental properties and hundreds of thousands in savings, kids in private schools and still receiving Baby Bonus cheques. I'm not talking about the Universal cheqes for $100/month but the ones paid out to parents living basically under the poverty line. (can anyone say welfare)


Well-known member
Anyone that makes over 250,000$ a year.Now these are not my words but a friends from about 2 years ago.She was 46 and had been doing software security consulting for over 20 years.In doing this she had access to large amounts of personal and business related data(e-mails, financials etc) .During the course of this conversation,she stated emphatically that any work term she had done (not surprisingly for wealthy clients of all walks of life and business backgrounds)she had found items of a questionable moral or financial nature.Sometimes illegal.....sometimes just really shitty of the person.
Her simple statement was this."If your making over a quarter of a millions dollars a year.......I'd bet money on the fact your screwing over someone to do it."

For the record.Of her own admission, she too was a "douchebag".Alot of her"mined" information was of the "snooping" variety.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
funeral homes/directors..will soak you when you are at your worst.

I own 60 acres out in the country..i think i could make a killing by opening a pet cemetary..nice plot with a view..maintenance of plot..great gravestones and associated para-memora-phernalia at our seasonal special rates.....i could...but...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


New member
Jan 19, 2006
There are upright individuals in just about every line of work, and likewise those whose actions are beneith contempt.


Vagina Plumber
Feb 15, 2011
In her vagina
funeral homes/directors..will soak you when you are at your worst.

I own 60 acres out in the country..i think i could make a killing by opening a pet cemetary..nice plot with a view..maintenance of plot..great gravestones and associated para-memora-phernalia at our seasonal special rates.....i could...but...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You would talk to your local banker about a business plan and funds.


Active member
Jul 11, 2008
Service department at car dealership. Might as well add car salesmen as well.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
What about the extinct TV repairman.


Jun 6, 2009
funeral homes/directors..will soak you when you are at your worst.

I own 60 acres out in the country..i think i could make a killing by opening a pet cemetary..nice plot with a view..maintenance of plot..great gravestones and associated para-memora-phernalia at our seasonal special rates.....i could...but...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why not establish a summer camp for wayward boys? They could use some of your wisdom and insight.
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