Double-standard justice


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
In The Record, Thurs. Dec 9, pg. B1:

"A Kitchener woman who had sexual intercourse with her two sons was herself a victim of abuse, a judge said yesterday in sentencing her to house arrest rather than jail... The woman... is a struggling alcoholic. Both incidents happened after the mother gave her sons alcohol."

There is no mention in the article of the age of the boys.

Can you imagine the outrage if it was a drunk father who plied his daughters with alcohol and then had sex with them? He'd be off to Kingston faster than you could say incest, and rightly so.

Where's the outrage?


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Yes, it seems there is a huge double standard on this one. Did the article not mention anything about custody of the children? While I am not in favour of long jail time in such a case, at least some jail time would be appropriate, and the children should be taken away until, through compulsory counselling, the mother is deemed to be a fit parent.
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