Sexy Friends Toronto

Don't you hate when you see someone else advertising your pics


New member
Dec 19, 2009
if there wasn't enough to deal with but now sp's are using other sp's/mp's pics thats low !!

what do you do when you see it??


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I just called, warned, they didnt listen,

I prank called a few times, then put their phone number on criagslist for free snow tires, and also posted a black berry bold for 100 dollars brand new.

I called back to insure this is what they wanted, the add was then taken down and the phone disconnected a day later.
pretty brave
i am surprised they did not reciprocate


Durham's Best Kept Secret
I know I hate it.

It is not just pics that get taken, I am currently redoing our entire website, ads, signatures, etc because another agency in Durham has completely copied us. I have to come up with things now that I know they can't do on their website.

It is sad, but it happens.

In the almost 2 years that we have been open, I have dealt with 5 indies, and 3 agencies that have taken content, images, or tags lines from us. All but two of those required going to the hosting company of the agency to have the page{s} removed. All the indies have been fine with a simple, polite email. 1 other agency was fine as well, but they are a very respectable agency.
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