Dont cut viagra pill in half.


New member
Jul 6, 2007
This may not be a good idea. when u cut the pills, they become exposed to oxygen and get oxidized, this is why pills have a coating, the cut Viagra may not be effective as the original.
I buy my Viagra when in India, they are cheaper and you can get them in different doses.
My friend take the spare Viagra without any problems.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
alex52 said:
This may not be a good idea. when u cut the pills, they become exposed to oxygen and get oxidized, this is why pills have a coating, the cut Viagra may not be effective as the original.
I buy my Viagra when in India, they are cheaper and you can get them in different doses.
My friend take the spare Viagra without any problems.
I have never tried viagra but can you point me to a website that substantiates this statement. thanks

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
a few years ago my ex-boyfriend and I cut a viagra pill in half.. it worked too well. he didn't really need it as his erections were fully hard all the time.. but I had watched Samantha on sex & the city take it recreationally so i wanted to try it. I passed out.. after a night of partying. He wasn't able to ejaculate til 2 pm the next afternoon. and that was 1/2 a pill each.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
My doctor advised me to get the 100mg and cut them up, to save money, into as small pieces as I needed. I found that cutting it in six worked fine. But I use it very rarely, it is only in special situations that I need them (e.g. with a large audience), in private with a women I don't, so I keep them cut up in my wallet for a long time.

It is hard to judge if that is hurting effectiveness or not, if you get hard, was it Viagra or placebo effect? I switched to only cutting up one at a time, so that they would be fresher when used.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
C Dick said:
My doctor advised me to get the 100mg and cut them up, to save money, into as small pieces as I needed. I found that cutting it in six worked fine. But I use it very rarely, it is only in special situations that I need them (e.g. with a large audience), in private with a women I don't, so I keep them cut up in my wallet for a long time.

It is hard to judge if that is hurting effectiveness or not, if you get hard, was it Viagra or placebo effect? I switched to only cutting up one at a time, so that they would be fresher when used.
With Cialis there is no doubt as it improves your bonerabilty for about 36 hours


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
alex52 said:
This may not be a good idea. when u cut the pills, they become exposed to oxygen and get oxidized, this is why pills have a coating, the cut Viagra may not be effective as the original.
I buy my Viagra when in India, they are cheaper and you can get them in different doses.
My friend take the spare Viagra without any problems.
Good for him. I tried it once just to see what the fuss was all about and decided it was a drug my body didn't like. Fortunately I have no need for it either. I'd be careful about any drug or herb you take that is driven by your libido. Remember, men are stupid about such things.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
i tried herbal versions and they worked also... vigor ____ got it at the health store in Kensington market...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I cut my 100's in 2 or 3 pieces all the time and they work just fine.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
alex52 said:
This may not be a good idea. when u cut the pills, they become exposed to oxygen and get oxidized, this is why pills have a coating, the cut Viagra may not be effective as the original.
I buy my Viagra when in India, they are cheaper and you can get them in different doses.
My friend take the spare Viagra without any problems.
I hate to sound like a broken record but: any "drug" you buy offshore is not really viagra/cialis/levitra. In fact, it is against the law to be importing or possessing these "drugs" because they are copyright/patent infringements. Plus if the RCMP does a trace via the postoffice, you can be charged with possession of an illegal subtance.

Nevermind the fact that you don't really know what's in them as there is no inspection and no recourse if they actually contain rat poison.

As for these over the counter drugs like Vigor and Vigor Max. I can't help but recall all the weight loss drugs that were recalled because they caused kidney failure, liver damage, and killed some people. You also have to remember that these drugs aren't tested or controlled either.

Do you really want to risk your life to save what? $10.00 a pill?

Sorry, if you can afford to pay $250.00 an hour to see an sp, you can afford to pay for the REAL ED drugs.....(plus they are covered under your healthplan anyways so WTF?).


oagre said:
I cut my 100's in 2 or 3 pieces all the time and they work just fine.
ditto ...... maybe if you let them cut up for months there could be an issue but using them within reason I don't see any effect.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
If there's anything to the OP's assertion, that spilt pills oxidize and lose their effectiveness, it would likely be a time-related thing. A split pill used the next day would be more effective than one used, say a month later.

While many docs, like mine, suggest it's a good economic strategy to split pills, and internet sources sometimes include 'free' splitters, one wonders if they considered how long before the other half might get used.

While a biochemist could quantify just what changed in the sildenifil citrate over time, how would we punters ever know? Rockwell hardness test? Sproinginess?

Anyone care to put a chunk away and get back to us in, oh maybe a year; when maybe you need 50mg where 25 used to do the trick? And are your splits that precise anyway?

Splitting's worked for me. So far; I'll worry when it doesn't. Though well-intentioned, advice like that's not what I intend to focus on at the appropriate moments.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
doug51 said:
I dont know any healthplan that cover these ED drugs ,if they did they would be broke in notime!
I don't have a health plan but I know (knew?) of at least one that did. They cover birth control pills so why wouldn't they cover ED drugs? Prescription drugs are prescription drugs........


Nov 8, 2005
tboy said:
I don't have a health plan but I know (knew?) of at least one that did. They cover birth control pills so why wouldn't they cover ED drugs? Prescription drugs are prescription drugs........

It depends on the health plan. The one I have covers only 50% to 70% of the total cost of the prescriptions.

I asked my pharmacist about viagra and cialis etc. He said that my particular plan would only cover 50% of the total cost of these pills!


Nov 8, 2005
doug51 said:
Viagra is approx.4 pils for $65 , use one a day for a month thats $1950.00. YEa ,sign me up with that insurance company!

I'm not sure about your math:) . If you get 4 viagra pills for $65 then that equates to approx $16.25 per pill multiply that by 30 and you get a total of $487.50/month.

My insurance company would pay half of that so it would cost me approx $243.75/month not including pharmacy fees. I'm not sure how you come up with the figure of $1950 per month?

Other terb posters says that you can also split these pills into quarters or halfs etc. That would furthur reduce your monthly cost.

The whole thing is a moot point for me anyway as my family doc won't prescribe these type of pills to me because of my high blood pressure etc!


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
My doctor advised the same thing. Get the 100 mg and cut them up according to the dosage you need.

C Dick said:
My doctor advised me to get the 100mg and cut them up, to save money, into as small pieces as I needed. I found that cutting it in six worked fine. But I use it very rarely, it is only in special situations that I need them (e.g. with a large audience), in private with a women I don't, so I keep them cut up in my wallet for a long time.

It is hard to judge if that is hurting effectiveness or not, if you get hard, was it Viagra or placebo effect? I switched to only cutting up one at a time, so that they would be fresher when used.


Nov 8, 2005
doug51 said:
Sorry my bad on the math but I am with Great West Life a pretty big insurance company ,so Im surprised Im paying fullprice

No problem:) . Maybe your insurance company doesn't think that viagra is necessary? You could always speak to your plan administrator or call the insurance company yourself?

I'm not sure how GWL works? Maybe you're supposed to pay full price for the viagra to the pharmacist and then submit your pharmacy receipts to the insurance company who will then re-imburse you for a certain percentage of what the pill costs?
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