DollHouse Sunday April 1st.


"Good Girl"
Just wanted to let anyone know that was interested that I will be at the Dollhouse tonight from 7pm-close. I don't usually go in on Sundays, so this is why I am posting. I am hoping to see a few faces I haven't seen in a while. It has been AGES since I worked a Sunday and judging from the way it's been there lately, I would imagine I'll be hanging around the pool table alot tonight...LOL Maybe I'll see some of ya's in for a game or two ;)


"Good Girl"
It's been up and down there. Some days are really good and some days there are only a few guys there. (See post "The Dull House"). I think with the rumours that they are closing and the clamp down by the city, it is going to take awhile to get the clients back. Alot of the girls from TO and Niagara are gone but there are still alot of regular girls there. The dances are still amazing if you get the right girl, but the "no touching" rule still applies to most. Some girls offer deals for dances (at the objection of the other girls) but they are a bit discreet about it.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
JammerBJ said:
With porsha gone for the Dullhouse, let's hope that the remaining dull, ugly and stinky c*nts don't make any money so that they get the hint and phuck off and die. Preferably of cancer or meningitis or some beuatifull disease that would cripple them and their families.
What a brutal statement to make towards anyone... asshole.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
JammerBJ said:
With porsha gone for the Dullhouse, let's hope that the remaining dull, ugly and stinky c*nts don't make any money so that they get the hint and phuck off and die. Preferably of cancer or meningitis or some beuatifull disease that would cripple them and their families.

someone needs to go watch Bambi...
if you nothing good to say dont say anything at all
100% no class


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
JammerBJ said:
What a f*cking bunch of nincompoops!!! Cocroaches like the calloways and uglykikis should hand out with the guy carrying "I need 2 dollars...". You know, the old beggar hanging out downtown Waterloo!!!! Maybe they can make more money this way.
Some pretty big words for someone with your limited educational background Jammer. You strike such fear in people by using such threatening words as nincompoops and cocroaches. I can hardly wait for your next post to see whether you can actually put a proper sentence together.


"Good Girl"
Hey Jammer! I haven't seen you in SO long. Where have you been!! :) The girls at the DollHouse are asking about you. We would all LOVE if you would come in and say hi :>
Than maybe you can tell us to our faces what you think of us and our families. I'm sure you'd get a good response to the comments and the wishes you have for us. I'd love to take you in the back and show you just how much I like you *wink wink* I'm sure we'd have a blast!!


New member
Mar 31, 2005
Kiki you are one classy lady.
And you are awesome!!!!(heard it from a little birdy)you know who he is....hehe


"Good Girl"
mrorange said:
Having just read this I'm appalled by Jam Jam's ruthless commentary. Kiki...while I don't know the other girls at the House, I do know you are the best woman I've ever met at such a place. Pay no creedence to fuckball. You are one in a million.

Oh, and *chirp, chirp*. I miss you.

MrO! have you been?! I haven't heard from you in quite some time. Thank you for your are one in a million as well. Funny, I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you've been? We should get together again soon for a drink. Hope life is treatin ya great :)


Gone to the future.
SexyKiki said:
MrO! have you been?! I haven't heard from you in quite some time. Thank you for your are one in a million as well. Funny, I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you've been? We should get together again soon for a drink. Hope life is treatin ya great
Kiki are you suggesting that I have to drag his sorry little a** back in there for him to say hello? ;)
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