Does height matter to an SP?


Aug 7, 2008
Just wondering cuz I've always been curious. I'm only 5'6" and have been with women as tall as 5'8" but only a few.

Relationshipwise it can be an issue but I am extremely turned on by taller women. I mean 5'9"-6'. I've considered booking with an SP but not sure if they'd be put off with someone shorter and I'd assume most women show up wearing heels (don't ask me why i assume that) so if I were to show up at a door or open a door in the case of an outcall would the mood be put off by having to look down on the client? I know, horizontally it might not matter. but then again I've never been with a 6 footer :confused:


Jan 4, 2005
The answer is yes and no. I'm even shorter than you, and can tell you that some sps apparently have had no issues whatsoever. Other sps immediately show that they are not attracted to you as soon as they see you, and often these ones end up giving poor service and attitude, along with a general display of contempt. My experience has been that 70% fall into the former category, and 30% in the latter.


Retired Hobby Horse Rider
Apr 5, 2006
"we are all the same size laying down"...i have never been refused but elither taller or smaller....taller gals have legs that go wider apart...more room to move in and out of..hehe... but i prefer a petite chicky pooh...just fits nicer.


Mar 5, 2005
lol....this thread is so funny.

They only thing that matter to them(SPs) is the height of your cash stash.


Aug 7, 2008
victoriajolie said:
So wrong on this one,if that was the only thing that really matter more girls would accept fohibben fetish as golden shower in mouth,brown shower.
Be arrogant ass*** and smelly with a lot of money and you will have gals that will refuse you.

To answer the orginal question,as 5"10 gal i have no problem with shorter gents,actually i find that most men that have a problem with my height are usually taller,and short guys like it and i'm comfortable either way..Be taller,be shorter,it doesn't matter and i think that most of ladies of my height think the same way.
Thanks VJ. you were already on my list of hotties and jumped up high in the rankings after this. wasn't sure how you'd react to shorter gents ;)


of Cupids
Oct 23, 2008
To be honest height rarely crosses my mind. I'm not for or against taller or shorter guys. I like them all sizes ;)


Nov 14, 2005
To put it more gently.............

as long as you are not stinky, rude, too rough...... then all that matters is the money. These ladies are not in the mind set to be attracted to you so height is irrelevant. 99% of women in our western society have been conditioned by around age 6 to be attracted to only the tall guys. Sooo if you are hoping, as a short guy, some escort will find you sexy.... not bloody likely. Me: still short, still single. Not changing anytime soon!


It's been good to know ya
I am only 5 ft 2 met men shorter than I when an sp and found them sooooo cute, kind and adorable. Little enegetic energizer bunnies. They seemed to have great personalities and smiled all the time too. That said all around they seemed to set the mood and saved me from having to be the mood setter.

As an sp my vote goes to no way do I care if a man is short as I have never met any that got on my bad side. Which is odd now that I think about it in terms of height. hmmmmm Is there something seriously to this?

In the civilian world I prob would not have long term commitments but darned well would have fast flings with them or keep em as a spare tire.

Once a perv always a perv. lol Of course in the civilian world I must admit there is other things I would like to see before judging anywhere close to height first. ie... is it in good working order etc... stiff stiff stiff stiff stiff

Anyhow, is it not all about SEX?

The thing I disliked most as an sp is men getting me all hot and bothered, cumming and then getting up to go clean up. booooooooooooooooooooooooooo

If I saw a man after that and he asked if he was the first or how many men I seen etc... I would then litterally tell him ok you want info you get info. No you are not the first and guess what I am not tired if that is what you think cause this is what I am horny as hell cause he got me all hot, now you wanna give me a good time for real? :p

I loved those daring men that had to ask about business on nights like that. ha ha

Anyhow it is NOT about height.


It's been good to know ya
The Bandit said:
It's your length that matters, not your height....

NO it is if you can keep it up for a good amount of time without cumming and if you seek to please. :p

ok ok if you are too tooo toooooo tiny then you win.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
The original question was asked as if it was meant for all women to answer. You have to remember that the SPs are not in this for a relationship with you, except a monetary one. So why would a SP care about your height? Just like a cashier at your grocery store, he/she wouldn't care how short or tall you are as long as you have valid payment.

If you are asking this type of question for women in general that you would date, then you are asking this at the wrong forum. I would suggest that you ask at POF or something similar.


It's been good to know ya
ExoticSpirit said:
The original question was asked as if it was meant for all women to answer. You have to remember that the SPs are not in this for a relationship with you, except a monetary one. So why would a SP care about your height? Just like a cashier at your grocery store, he/she wouldn't care how short or tall you are as long as you have valid payment.

If you are asking this type of question for women in general that you would date, then you are asking this at the wrong forum. I would suggest that you ask at POF or something similar.

You never know hun, some could care but keep thier mouths shut about it. Every woman and every male is different. But, I do suspect however because they are sp's worries of safety come to the forefront. ie... looking through the peep hole and seeing a 7 ft muscular male with his head looking down hiding his face would be the more scary image.


Active member
Feb 26, 2005
I doubt height is much of a consideration as they are professionals and there are so many other factors in terms of turn offs.

Just think about it...there are so many different heights of women that you and most guys find incredibly hot! From the smaller cute girls to the 6 ft supermodels.


It's been good to know ya
No but I have noticed the bigger the muscles ie... weight lifters the smaller the package. :p I believe it is not height it is muscles.

I guess it is like you gain in one area you lose in another. Or you lose one thing and gain another. Kinda like your senses.


Aug 7, 2008
ExoticSpirit said:
The original question was asked as if it was meant for all women to answer. You have to remember that the SPs are not in this for a relationship with you, except a monetary one. So why would a SP care about your height? Just like a cashier at your grocery store, he/she wouldn't care how short or tall you are as long as you have valid payment.

If you are asking this type of question for women in general that you would date, then you are asking this at the wrong forum. I would suggest that you ask at POF or something similar.
No I wasn't asking because i want to dte an SP (altho that would be fun too) I was meerly asking because if an SP is turned off then the experience is not as good. yes my money and your money is as good as the next guy but you kid yourself if you think the service is always the same. Its my opinion that if an SP is turned on by a client the better the experience. This could be physical or otherwise. Just like if a guy was all stank he would not get the same service as someone who is very clean. a rude cleint would not get the same service as a very polite client. I truely believe its about the mood that is set and even tho its their job they are humans and they can get just as turned off as anyone else. SO... if height does make a difference to some SPs I'd love to know which ones so that way I wouldn't book them.

Like I said I'm turned on by tall women and I want the experience to be awesome. I'm not stank, I'm not rude or crass, I am still fairly young I like ot think and I hit the gym 5 days a week... but I am only 5'6".


Jan 4, 2005
God bless you! :) I'm glad that there are some women (a small percent) that actually prefer us shorties, and others who don't care either way.

Portia Love said:
No way I love em short. Im a short girl too and at 5'4 I have no problem wih shorter guys. I have dated me has short as 5'1 and as tall as 6'6. I guess I just have a wide range of men I find attractive.

If you concerned with how the SP would act y not call her and ask. Usually if you ask you will get an honest answer.


Aug 7, 2008
Portia Love said:
No way I love em short. Im a short girl too and at 5'4 I have no problem wih shorter guys. I have dated me has short as 5'1 and as tall as 6'6. I guess I just have a wide range of men I find attractive.

If you concerned with how the SP would act y not call her and ask. Usually if you ask you will get an honest answer.
I don't have a problem askign an SP but I'm sure the reaction would be the same if I didn't ask and just showed up or opened the door. The only difference being that one would expect it the other would not but I highly doubt either would turn me away at the door.. god forbid.

What I would like is an authentic attraction to a shorter guy or the non-issue rather than the 'its okay they do nothing for me but i'll do him regardless' attitude.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
100mg said:
When I see a woman taller than her man it looks ridiculous.
When I see a retard post on the Internet, it looks ridiculous.
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