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do you help your neighbors shovel snow if you have a snow-blower?


New member
Jul 22, 2006
the community I live in, is rather big. The homes are over 2000 sq on 50 foot lots with double and triple driveways.

So it goes back when I was a kid and my parents and I would hand shovel our driveway. We are not Caucasian and one of 2 non Caucasian families that live on the street. There would be a few home owners that had blowers and would do every house and even cross the road but they would just skip us and pretend we are not there. As I got older, I bought a blower for my father to use. My neighbor has one and only does our driveway whenever he feels like it as he knows we have a blower.

I guess, I only help my neighbor but he can do his own since he has a blower. I don't help anybody else. Everybody has kids and are middle aged. No seniors or I would help. I guess my reasoning is, if you live in the neighborhood that I live in, everybody should be able to afford a snow blower. Plus, my neighbors don't wave to us.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Your kind of all over the place there but YES I do help my neighbors and I do not have a snow blower , I use a shovel :Eek:. I am one of the only Caucasians on my street and even thought I always do mine , my neighbors and the guy across the street (he has little kids so I am happy to help) Noone ever touches mine ....ever. Just the way it is , I dont care its no big deal. Its perfectly fine to help people just for the sake of helping and not expect anything in return. Plus its a good workout


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2013
I'll help if I can, but only if mine is done first, I have energy left over, if the neighbours are there in the process of shovelling I'll come over and help. It's a nice chance to chat and catch up.

But only if I like them. Some of my neighbours are idiots and love causing grief... complain about everything!!!'

This has nothing to do with having a blower or not (i only shovel, no room in garage for a snowblower too), really boils down to how willing you are to help. For me strangers are strangers, even if they live beside me. If you don't make an effort to say hi or wave, your loss buddy.


May 13, 2011
Your kind of all over the place there but YES I do help my neighbors and I do not have a snow blower , I use a shovel :Eek:. I am one of the only Caucasians on my street and even thought I always do mine , my neighbors and the guy across the street (he has little kids so I am happy to help) Noone ever touches mine ....ever. Just the way it is , I dont care its no big deal. Its perfectly fine to help people just for the sake of helping and not expect anything in return. Plus its a good workout
Let me guess you live in Brampton?


Rico Suave
Oct 3, 2013
So close and yet so far.
I just use a shovel too, and I always do my next door neighbour's driveway after I've finished my own. He's an older gentleman with health problems, and his divorced daughter who is very busy. I have the time, and it's good exercise. The daughter helps sometimes, and has even done mine when I was out for the day.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
no not Brampton , My area is mostly Asian
And how is Markham these days?

My area is single car and my neighbor is a single mom. I shovel her driveway and mow her lawn - for the twenty minutes it takes me, why the hell not
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50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
When I moved to my street 12 yrs ago, I was the only one on the block that had one, (it was a newly built neighborhood...) so ya, I helped out an awful lot, especially when there was a heavy snowfall or after the plow came through.

Now, all my neighbours now have one as well, so no need to anymore.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
We usually all just do it at the same time..cul de play on the road while parents on the younger end of the age spectrum with no kids..1 of 2 houses that arent middle aged with kids or i help my elderly neighbour clear his first because he takes daily doctor visits...then usually help whoever is still doing theirs..then go play with the kids :)

And the best past there is a mom who always offers hot chocolate if you help her hubby clear theirs

I really don't know why no one has a snowblower on my street....

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
I have a snowblower and do help out some of my neighbours by doing their driveways. I am 4 houses from the corner and do the sidewalk to it and 3 houses in the other direction as well. It's just a little extra walking and gas.

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
I used to live in Brampton in a cul-de-sac. The neighbors on both sides of us were retired and quite elderly . So every time it snowed my ex would "suggest" I do theirs as well
And there was the single woman who lives 2 doors down, then there was the guy on the other side who would borrow the blower and return it empty. Now I live in a condo and plan to spend the rest of my winters down south.

night ride

Active member
Jul 23, 2009
I soon found out after getting a snowblower (not to be confused with Frosty's wife) that i spent twice as long outside clearing snow because i was doing 6 or 7 driveways. Fuck that. One guy i had suggested a few of us chip in on buying a snowblower but he spent the money on toys, so i dont feel guilty not doing his, but now that i only do a couple I always feel a little guilty. People seem to think it is totally effortless to just rip through a wall of snow but i find it takes a lot of lifting etc


Jan 18, 2005
no snowblower - just shovels. I find it is good excercise. I help out a few neighbours. Also, when I park at the GO parking lot I let my vehicle warm up and let the lot clear and I will usually brush off a number of cars around me while I am waiting. Better than sitting in a cold car.

on a different note - I used to mow my neighbours lawn. she is a older divorcee with a few teenaged kids. no big deal its an extra few minutes really since I like to keep on top of the lawn. she always thanked me and so on. I stopped last year - I was away for a few weeks and in my abscence she decided to not return the favour and instead only cut her half of the front lawn. now I figure her kids can do the shovelling and mowing.

Morning Glory

Sep 18, 2012
And how is Markham these days?

My area is single car and my neighbor is a single mom. I shovel her driveway and mow her lawn - for the twenty minutes it takes me, why the hell not
Is she cute LOL-nothing wrong in helping out in most situations

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Do not volunteer to do clean driveways. In a snow storm if they ask you to, you may want to help them out. It is important that you tell them that you can only do it in an emergency and not every time it snows, do not accept any money or gifts as they will think that a cheap bottle of wine or a $5 box of Pot-of-Gold chocolates bought after Christmas is all it takes to get a fool to clean their driveways all winter. I did use to clean the driveway for an old lady next door, but she passed away. I also use to do it for a guy that had a heart condition, so elderly and people in bad health will get a pass on me but no one else. Always make sure they ask ( or beg ) you first, and always make sure they understand that it is a one time favor in an emergency / snow storm. If you agree, do it after the snow storm or you will have white wet snow whipping into your face.
One guy came over to talk and slyly suggested that I should clean snow for others since I have a snow blower. I told him that there are a lot of ungrateful people out there and that I had one person actually knock on my door at 11:00PM asking me to carve out a spot for him in the street because there were no spots and he did not want to shovel. I also tell them that amazingly that snow blowerengines are only good for about 200 to 300 hours because they are not car engines .So at about 15 hours use a year, they should last about 15 years. If I used it too much now for others. When it wears out my good buddies will not be around to buy me a new one. ( This is of course a lie, but I really do not care if they believe me or not )
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Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
At my parents place they don't have a blower, one next door neighbour does. They usually don't help, but the reason is because I'm out there shoveling. I love the exercise. Now I said usually. In the past he has helped with the end of the driveway after the plows go by, but now the city does it at the same time as the streets.

But we've been neighbours for 20+ years. There was some problems before with my neighbour and parents, but I guess it's all water under the bridge.

On a side note, that last HUGE snow fall, I came to my parents place to find that my neighbour already did the WHOLE driveway. I just had to clear up some areas but it was a huge relief not having to do it.

But like shakeandbake said, you do stuff just to be nice, don't do it to expect anything in return.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
I don't have a snow blower, just a shovel, sometimes I help my neighbour shovel driveway , sometimes they help me, overall it's been split pretty evenly over the years.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2013
I only shovel the driveways of my 2 booty calls. If you are a hot women & will trade hard labor for sex please pm me! ;)
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