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Toronto Escorts

Do you have a problem with Ricky smoking pot?

Do you have a problem with Ricky Williams smoking pot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 23.1%
  • No

    Votes: 40 76.9%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Just curious what people think. Here in Canada there's been talk of decriminalization of marijuana which suggests people have fairly liberal views on it.

Curious to see what you guys think.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I thought this was a Trailer Park Boys thread. :rolleyes:

Never heard of the guy, but I don't have a problem with him smoking pot. Same if he had a few beers after the game and much healthier than steroid use.


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
Really don't care what he does.I think the question should be ,will you buy a ticket to see him play.

I won't.


Active member
Dec 20, 2002
Doesnt matter if we do or not the NFL does, and the NFL is allowed 10 random drug test on MR. Williams. So we will see what happens


New member
Feb 3, 2002
nope. but I do have a problem with the CFL not honouring other leagues suspensions. under this logic Bertuzzi could have gone to play in Russia last year. it's a bad precident to set and I don't like where it could end up.


Jan 16, 2004
gramage said:
nope. but I do have a problem with the CFL not honouring other leagues suspensions. under this logic Bertuzzi could have gone to play in Russia last year. it's a bad precident to set and I don't like where it could end up.
IIHF regulations require leagues to honour the suspensions laid out by other member leagues. Apparently there was no such clause in the agreement between the CFL and NFL, although the CFL is looking at closing that "loophole".

I'm all for Ricky playing up here. I'm just suprised that other teams didn't try to get him when the Argos put him on their negotiation list


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
If he is a role model for young children, then I definitely have a problem with Ricky smoking pot.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
The problem is that role models are often chosen by the children not the other way around. I doubt many people will attribute their smoking of pot to Ricky Williams.

Personally I think too often people forget about parents and expect everyone else to be the role models for a child.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
gramage said:
nope. but I do have a problem with the CFL not honouring other leagues suspensions. under this logic Bertuzzi could have gone to play in Russia last year. it's a bad precident to set and I don't like where it could end up.
Yep... and the NHL players were striking and almost half of them were playing in Europe or down in the AHL... Weird as it seems, the NFL probably has no problem with this. If they had, they could probably put alot of pressure on the CFL to honor their suspension...


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
i think according to the bigwigs in the NFL, the CFL is a joke.

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
frankcastle said:
The problem is that role models are often chosen by the children not the other way around. I doubt many people will attribute their smoking of pot to Ricky Williams.

Personally I think too often people forget about parents and expect everyone else to be the role models for a child.
That's the way it's supposed to work... with the parents being the role models and all. But in reality... it's a very different story. I've seen the star-struck look my kids have in their eyes when it comes to certain celebrities. Whether we like it or not.. and whether the celebrities like it or not they ARE role models and we all need to accept it as a reality in our society that worships celebrity status...

On a personal level, Ricky can smoke as much pot (with me) as he likes. However, when you've got thousand of little kids idolizing you, it becomes an irresponsible choice to take the path that he is taking. It's very much a part of the package... just as much as scoring the touchdowns.

I can remember back in the 80s and early 90s, along with a few buddies of mine, laughing it up and thinking how cool it was when our favourite Lakers superstars were discovered to banging groupies like it was going out of style. We all know the outcome of that...

I still havent recovered.



senior member
Aug 18, 2001
salsamarc said:
if i was making the amount of $$$ that he is (did) and they tell me i will lose it all if i smoke spot and i go ahead and do it anyways then i deserve to be punish for being stupid

as usual my 0.02 cents
do you know and understand his views on life?, don't call him stupid till you understand what he's all about....whether Ricky smokes pot or not does not take away from the fact that he is a very talented athlete.He's also quite intelligent.

money is'nt everything to Ricky ,he would rather live the simple and spiritual life

as long as Ricky is'nt blatantly smoking pot in public ...who cares! ...let the guy play football


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Ricky never promoted smoking pot and it would not have been an issue if it wasn't made public by the nfl.

Yes it's irresponsible, but I think there are much worse role models out there. At least no one questions his work ethic or the fact that he has to work pretty hard to keep himself in pro football shape. His coaches and teammates have nothing but good things to say about him. At this point with this much media scrutiny I'm sure they could have found at least somebody to say something negative about him. Nobody loves bad press as much as the press.

I think rappers are much worse for promoting drugs, guns and violence especially when in reality many are not what they claim to be. Ricky doesn't use the drugs to help his image to sell his product. And this is coming from a fan of hip hop.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
frankcastle said:
I think rappers are much worse for promoting drugs, guns and violence especially when in reality many are not what they claim to be. Ricky doesn't use the drugs to help his image to sell his product. And this is coming from a fan of hip hop.
This is definitely true... but most of our Canadian rappers/hiphop artists (that come to mind) do not really promote that image (other than Snow).
I must be getting old... I was watching MTV last night, and there was a new rap artist with a new video... at first I was grooving to the tune, and started checking out the video... Pretty standard stuff...

but then I noticed the theme of the video was essentially about a guy who was trying to make a buck but can't get no love from the po-lice... what type of business the guy was into was not revealed, but it involved alot of cash transactions and guns and images of people who looked pretty high..... and a depiction of the police and society in general as being oppresive..


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Don't forget Kardinal Official he tries pretty hard to seem American. But this is a moot point because there really aren't many canadian rappers that kids would look up to. Kinda like the lack of canadian soccer heroes.
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