Ashley Madison

Do women do it differently?


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
We've all seen the signature pic of terb member whoisyourdaddy, which is a delight to watch.


Is it just me, or is the lady doing it wrong?

Thrusting, I mean. When a chap is doing this sort of thing, on the thrusting-in stroke, he leads with his pelvis, midriff back. On the withdrawal stroke, his body is in more of a pelvis-back, midriff-forwards configuration.

But the lady is doing it the other way round. She arches her back -- midriff forwards, pelvis back -- on the thrusting-in stroke, and she switches to pelvis-forwards on the pull-out stroke.

Again, she's a delight to watch. But has she got no idea what she's doing? Do all women do these things differently from all men? Are men smarter than women? Should we change over?

Technical knowledge, specialized training, scholastic prowess -- just some of the qualities that must be brought to bear when addressing these burning questions.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Is it just me, or is the lady doing it wrong?

Thrusting, I mean. When a chap is doing this sort of thing, on the thrusting-in stroke, he leads with his pelvis, midriff back. On the withdrawal stroke, his body is in more of a pelvis-back, midriff-forwards configuration.
Yes, she should drop the dildo and jump on the dick - what waste of a cute girl.

If you are critiquing her technique - I suggest a big difference is that she is wear an artificial appendage as a belt and thus must cope with sliding belt movements rather than the anchored appendage a man has.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I'm going to suggest men know what feels good, so they move in a way that increases that good feeling.

Women are generally using a strap on and are therefore not thrusting for their own pleasure but for their partners, they want to make them feel good and look good doing it. She's got that last part down ....
This ^^^^ :thumb:


New member
Sep 11, 2013
We also don't have any sensation in the dildo, so don't get that sensory feedback. We have to be told by the partner what movement makes it feel best. Maybe her partner likes her to do him that way. I agree that she sure does look good doing it, though! ;-) I was doing this the other day and had a guy on each side of me coaching me on how best to do it! lol That was a fun learning experience!
Feb 15, 2003
Deepest Darkest Woods
From experience, I should also mention that if she knows what she is doing, it is also safest to avoid having the strap-on accidentally spring up and out of the anus suddenly. That could result in some unwanted spraying of not-so-sexy juices lol
Yeeeeow! Sometimes TERB is so educational it hurts.

By the way, nice sig picture, sometimes the simplest animation tricks can be very effective.


Dec 12, 2002
Not quite SHM (Simple Harmonic Motion). Probably caused by not enough girth at the base ie no balls. Maybe a redesign of the strap on with a thicker base would solve this and cause a different motion.

That said I have added this to my fantasy list. :)


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
From what I can tell, her thrusting motion is more or less being guided by the angle at which she is pegging the guy (his anus looks like it is pointing upwards since his knees are so far back). Had she been leaning forward, she would have been able to simulate the typical male thrusting action that you describe. The fake penis wants to return to its permanently erect position, perpendicular to the base of the strap-on and puts pressure on the upper wall of the anal cavity... so the thrusting motion that has to be used is one that forces the penis down and in, otherwise it would be quite uncomfortable for the man. A strap-on penis is not quite as flexible and comfortable inside the rectum as what a real and more pliable penis would feel like.

From experience, I should also mention that if she knows what she is doing, it is also safest to avoid having the strap-on accidentally spring up and out of the anus suddenly. That could result in some unwanted spraying of not-so-sexy juices lol
OMG ! this is way to technical, for me!
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