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Do Men criticize male height?


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
I seem to see it come up frequently... Guys getting judged or discounted by women due to their sub-6'-0" height.

As a guy, I cannot recall height coming up as an issue between us guys? Every body shape has its pros and cons. Skinny and tall guys get places just like the small guy. I want a big fat guy blocking for me... Fitness is really all that matters.

Some of the most legitimately powerful men I've encountered are "short".

I bring it up as a son of a guy I know is back to dating... He's 'short', but is physically built, has a successful business in his 20s and is a great guy. Nothing but lady troubles.

Height is not an issue for guys. I'm mesmerized by women below 5'-0" in height and ones that can play in the WNBA... I was in a long relationship with a 5'-11" tall lady who'd tower over me in heels. I loved it.

PS - Like Jesus Christ himself, I am the perfect height of 5'-12"
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
I think that's a fair comment for a woman to have... I do not expect a middle-aged woman to look like a 20yo (and I don't want them to).
Based on evolution, women like height and posture. Between guys, does not seem to matter.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Seems short blokes care a lot about height, tall blokes don't. Women tend to want a bloke taller than them.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
The school I went to. Most guys were about my size. Short. I always considered myself to be average height. I was subconsciously aware of my rank among males, in that I avoided conflict. However I was never picked on because of my lack of stature.5'7".
Only fairly recently have I become more self aware of the fact that I am a short ass. I realize people are getting bigger. Read somewhere that average height in Canada is considered to be 5'10", but I think that is underestimating it. 6'4" and well built. seems quite standard. I used to go to bars and notice that I was always the smallest guy in the bar. Looking up and talking to guys the size of trees. I now fully see myself as a fucking dwarf. 5 inches to go before I hit 6'.
I am quite reconciled to why I am invisible to the majority of women, If I was one, I wouldn't give me a second look. Based on height. Looking back on it I am amazed I used to get any women at all.
I saw some woman on the internet who said "No woman wants a short broke guy" LOL. Somehow over the years, I managed to get women without paying for them. Good looks and boyish charm I guess.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I seem to see it come up frequently... Guys getting judged or discounted by women due to their sub-6'-0" height.

As a guy, I cannot recall height coming up as an issue between us guys? Every body shape has its pros and cons. Skinny and tall guys get places just like the small guy. I want a big fat guy blocking for me... Fitness is really all that matters.

Some of the most legitimately powerful men I've encountered are "short".

I bring it up as a son of a guy I know is back to dating... He's 'short', but is physically built, has a successful business in his 20s and is a great guy. Nothing but lady troubles.

Height is not an issue for guys. I'm mesmerized by women below 5'-0" in height and ones that can play in the WNBA... I was in a long relationship with a 5'-11" tall lady who'd tower over me in heels. I loved it.

PS - Like Jesus Christ himself, I am the perfect height of 5'-12"
When you say "lady troubles" do you mean he can't get them or he has too many of them?
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
At every company I worked at 1 / 10 I had a boss that was 5'5". The rest were taller than 5'9" an white. All good looking.


Well-known member
May 26, 2020
I seem to see it come up frequently... Guys getting judged or discounted by women due to their sub-6'-0" height.

As a guy, I cannot recall height coming up as an issue between us guys? Every body shape has its pros and cons. Skinny and tall guys get places just like the small guy. I want a big fat guy blocking for me... Fitness is really all that matters.

Some of the most legitimately powerful men I've encountered are "short".

I bring it up as a son of a guy I know is back to dating... He's 'short', but is physically built, has a successful business in his 20s and is a great guy. Nothing but lady troubles.

Height is not an issue for guys. I'm mesmerized by women below 5'-0" in height and ones that can play in the WNBA... I was in a long relationship with a 5'-11" tall lady who'd tower over me in heels. I loved it.

PS - Like Jesus Christ himself, I am the perfect height of 5'-12"
Men in general do not criticize the height of other men, outside of industries that require criticism such as modelling etc. Beyond this I believe if men engage in that behavior I would seem that as effeminate behavior.
I believe your height is an issue if you make it an issue in your mind. There plenty of gorgeous attractive women who would be open to dating a short man, being short is irrelevant just as much as ethnicity, skin color or even religion.
What kind of girls are you trying to meet, long term relationship, one night stands, short term arm candy etc, those girls have different outlooks on life, how you pursue them will be different and your expectations should be different as well. Anyway height is not a big factor, and masculine men don't go around criticizing other males on how short they are. These sadly the same types that cock watch in men's change rooms and cock block covertly if they notice you getting all the female attention. Cheers


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
I am 5’6’’ Like Messi ;)

When you are short you realize early you will need something else to attract girl.

For me it was both humour and sports.

I still got rejected so much haha

Despite my stature i made the university ski team and also up to a semi pro soccer team.

This was absolute clutch for me to get girl because otherwise at that height you are invisible.

i never really hit clubs as i was invisible.

Short guy need to develop skills tall guys don’t.

You can be the most unfrozen pogo of the box if you are tall and just look decent you will score.

Life is unfair. Girl by default like tall guy. They feel secure. Often a false sense of security because your height doesn’t define if your a prick or not.
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May 21, 2002


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Trust the science.

Link to study.
You just popped the hope balloon for guys posting their insecurities and hoping for positive reassurance. Why not post women hate small dicks and finish them off completely ?

My observations peaking over cubical walls in large companies :

It might be a throwback from the caveman mentality that you would rather be behind the big guy on his team than you would opposing him. Tall good looking guys always had the advantage in business. They were destined for management unless they proved unworthy. The rest of the males were not destined for promotion but had to earn the position.

Beautiful smart women have had the most difficult road to promotion of anyone in business. Male managers preferred them as eye-candy for their office and rarely gave them serious business appraisal. If they got promoted, there was an instant whisper campaign on who's cock she sucked. I had the opportunity to ride on the Go train with a beautiful blonde that started in our office. She could have been a twin for Margot Robbie. She would start a little later so she would stop by cubical before work. Guys would swarm my desk so the boss complained. What was ironic was her boss complained when guys swarmed her desk. She was frustrated.

If that wasn't enough, she was isolated by her female coworkers. They were jealous and treated her like shit. So from my vantage point, if you are a young beautiful woman who wants to succeed - you do the opposite of guys - you dress down, put on a wedding ring even if you are not married and only speak when you are spoken to.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Guys don't care about another dudes height because no homo. Unless you are in team sport or the person is really short and you are in high school, prison or some other toxic environment why should they care.
Same as why boxers don't have sex before a fight, they don't fancy each other. --Jimmy Carr
Now among the yes homo crowd things might be different, but I don't know that crew so I can't peak of it. I suppose I could google that shit but effort.

Only fairly recently have I become more self aware of the fact that I am a short ass. I realize people are getting bigger. Read somewhere that average height in Canada is considered to be 5'10", but I think that is underestimating it. 6'4" and well built. seems quite standard. I used to go to bars and notice that I was always the smallest guy in the bar. Looking up and talking to guys the size of trees. I now fully see myself as a fucking dwarf. 5 inches to go before I hit 6'.
I'm 6'2 and it is rare to see someone my height or taller. stadisticly speaking that bears out with the numbers.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Going by what the father is saying, height is an issue coming up.
Must be really short. As stated. I am 5'7" which although short, isn't the cut off point, which I see as 5'6". LOL. I never saw my height as a handicap. I had other traits which put me in that category. lol, again. I just never saw myself as a short person until my self awareness in old age kicked in along with getting clarity in all my other foibles. I guess I had some measure of delusional self confidence that I rode on for a while. Now I agree with the women when I look at my stunted form. lol.
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