Do they o ones morals and choics go out the window when one only believes in thyself. After all the athist I spoke to today told me consequences onlyt come to the religious?
Some religions believe to perserve the body after death. Some want to be ashes. Yet as a medium the soul can come through . However if one is not in the thinking of everything happens for a reason yes even the abuse the hardships the friends who are foes the family that doesnt nuture or the starving because most cant print money like the bank lol Do you think people suffer because they like it? or do you think people suffer so they change?Atheist here. If you ask me what I think life after death is like, my answer is "exactly the same as life before birth."
To me, the three monotheistic religions -- Christianity, Judaism and Islam -- are all demonstrably more political doctrines than spiritual ones, especially Islam and Christianity.
Do they o ones morals and choics go out the window when one only believes in thyself. After all the athist I spoke to today told me consequences onlyt come to the religious?
The soul can come through a medium because the medium wantsSome religions believe to perserve the body after death. Some want to be ashes. Yet as a medium the soul can come through ..........................
My thoughts exactly.You don't have to turn to religion or atheism to make
moral choices. I prefer to call myself a non- or un-believer.
While I have never been a believer, if there was a moment where I was 100% convinced religion is a man-made doctrine used for political reasons it was during a trip to Rome some years back.I think you die and it's over. However I am not atheist. I believe in a superior power but I don't know what it is. I have been through stuff that couldn't be a coincidence but I also think that anything that is written by men in order to reing and divide over an overall uneducated population is a hoak. I rather believe in karma rather than hell or heaven for the dead.
It absolutely is. Religion and especially religious art was made to communicate with the people who couldn't read and therefore were not the elite. The more fearful of God and the evil people were, the easier they could be controlled. Another major indicator is how they are almost all related through every book as well (islam/judaism/Christianism). It's a big hoak but...While I have never been a believer, if there was a moment where I was 100% convinced religion is a man-made doctrine used for political reasons it was during a trip to Rome some years back.
It was hard not to notice how extremely similar the pre-Christian Roman pagan statues and imagery I saw in museums was to the Christian statues and imagery I saw in the Vatican. I'd always kind of known the Church was highly influenced by paganism, but to see it laid bare in Rome itself was mind-blowing.
Another atheist here, and I’ll echo this sentiment. To me the soul is simply a religious construct, and I haven’t seen any evidence to support it’s existence. We are simply made of atoms, like the rest of the universe. When I die the lights will go out and the atoms will begin the slow process of reorganising themselves.Atheist here. If you ask me what I think life after death is like, my answer is "exactly the same as life before birth."
To me, the three monotheistic religions -- Christianity, Judaism and Islam -- are all demonstrably more political doctrines than spiritual ones, especially Islam and Christianity.
Exactly. And in terms of science, DNA refutes any religion's "creation story".Another atheist here, and I’ll echo this sentiment. To me the soul is simply a religious construct, and I haven’t seen any evidence to support it’s existence. We are simply made of atoms, like the rest of the universe. When I die the lights will go out and the atoms will begin the slow process of reorganising themselves.
Morals and choices are up to us.
Seems to have failed.Religions are simply invention of men to oppress woman and retain their power over them.