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Discovery Channel JFK "consistent with a shot from the sixth floor depository."


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Discovery Channel JFK "consistent with a shot from the sixth floor depository."

A team of experts assembled by the Discovery Channel has recreated the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Using modern blood spatter analysis, new artificial human body surrogates, and 3-D computer simulations. Computer graphics expert Doug Martin highlighted [on the Zapruder film] the red parts of the frames and the blood resulting from the wound,and plotted them onto the computer simulation to see where the fatal shot came from.

"We might never know if Oswald pulled the trigger, but when you look at the wind pattern, the spread of the debris, the angles and distances involved, it's consistent with a shot from the sixth floor depository."



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
What's hard to believe is that 'one lone' nutcase pulled it all off and them another nutcase 'conveniently' silenced the first nutcase a very short time later.
Last edited:
Mar 19, 2006
WoodPeckr said:
What's hard to believe is that 'one lone' nutcase pulled it all off and them another nutcase 'conviently' silenced the first nutcase a very short time later.
Yeah, to me the Oswald assissination demonstrated there was a conspiracy.

The program looks like it will be worth watching. It may prove the fatal shot came from the book depository but that still doesn't prove there wasn't a conspiracy.

The House Select Committee on Assassinations probably got it right in 79. Oawald was the assassin but he was part of a conspiricy. One thing is undeniable, the Warran Commission Report was a joke.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
lookingforitallthetime said:
The program looks like it will be worth watching. It may prove the fatal shot came from the book depository but that still doesn't prove there wasn't a conspiracy.
From the previews it seems that they prove that all the shots came from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
WoodPeckr said:
What's hard to believe is that 'one lone' nutcase pulled it all off and them another nutcase 'conviently' silenced the first nutcase a very short time later.
Why? The whole history of assasinations and assassination attempts in the last two hundred years has been mainly about lone nutcases, or a loose small group of nutcases.
Mar 19, 2006
Aardvark154 said:
From the previews it seems that they prove that all the shots came from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.
Okay, that may be but it still doesn't prove it wasn't a conspiracy.

The assassination of Oswald by Jack Ruby lends itself to conspiracy more than the origin of the fatal shot, IMO.

Anyway, I look forward to the program tonight.
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
Why? The whole history of assasinations and assassination attempts in the last two hundred years has been mainly about lone nutcases, or a loose small group of nutcases.
Technically, if it was a small group of nutcases, it would be a conspiracy.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
lookingforitallthetime said:
Okay, that may be but it still doesn't prove it wasn't a conspiracy.

The assassination of Oswald by Jack Ruby lends itself to conspiracy more than where the fatal shots came from, IMO.
Not buying it. Only a complete fool would have relied on someone as unhinged and flaky as Oswald to be part of a conspiracy. Even the Soviets got sick of him and quickly came to the conclusion he wasn't even good for a propaganda story. Oswald did what he did to elevate his own measily little life to something he saw as historiic significance. He wouldn't have listened or taken directions from anyone else.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
lookingforitallthetime said:
Technically, if it was a small group of nutcases, it would be a conspiracy.
I was thinking of Booth and the Manson family. You could argue the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy because of the others he brought in to kill other government officials, but in reality it was all about Booth. He would have made the attempt on Lincoln without help, which essentially he did. You could say Squeaky Fromm's attempt on Ford was part of a conspriracy, though given how she went about it, I'd put her close to the lone nutcase category. Look at all the others who made attempted assassinations of leaders in the US. From Garfield to, Mckinnly, TR, both Kennedys, King, Wallace, Ford, and Reagan, the perpetrators were all lone nutcases.
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
Not buying it. Only a complete fool would have relied on someone as unhinged and flaky as Oswald to be part of a conspiracy. Even the Soviets got sick of him and quickly came to the consclusion he wasn't even good for a propaganda story. Oswald did what he did to elevate his own measily little life to something he saw as historiic significance. He wouldn't have listened or taken directions from anyone else.
Oswald was not as unhinged and flaky as he's been portrayed. He was no James Earl Ray or Sirhan Sirhan. There is much more there than meets the eye and too much evidence of a coverup IMO.

If your charaterization of Oawald is correct, why would he deny the historic significance of his actions?

I believe he was the "patsy" he claimed himself to be.
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
I was thinking of Booth and the Manson family. You could argue the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy because of the others he brought in to kill other government officials, but in reality it was all about Booth. He would have made the attempt on Lincoln without help, which essentially he did. You could say Squeaky Fromm's attempt on Ford was part of a conspriracy, though given how she went about it, I'd put her close to the lone nutcase category. Look at all the others who made attempted assassinations of leaders in the US. From Garfield to, Mckinnly, TR, both Kennedys, King, Wallace, Ford, and Reagan, the perpetrators were all lone nutcases.
By the definition of the word, the Lincoln assassination was indeed a conspiracy.
Mar 19, 2006
tersey said:
I was checking out videos on youtube recently and I found that many think that LBJ was involved in the assassination of JFK.
Apparently there was major hate going on between LBJ and the Kennedy brothers.
The hate between LBJ and the Kennedys (particularly RFK) developed before Kennedy got the Democratic nomination.

LBJ being involved in the assassination is a big stretch, however.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
I, for one, never bought the whole conspiracy theory. Oswald was a trained military man, handy with a weapon and with excellent eyesight. Part luck and part technical skill is what brought JFK to a brain-spattered end in Dallas.
lookingforitallthetime said:
Okay, that may be but it still doesn't prove it wasn't a conspiracy.
It's impossible to prove a negative. No amount of evidence can prove conclusively that something didn't happen. Best we can do is to examine the evidence and draw conclusions based on that.

Same goes with the whole 911 "truthers" nonsense. Apparently the well-recorded images of planes flying into buildings isn't enough; there's always some sort of mysterious nefarious cabal, a secret but well-connected worldwide organization that pulls strings from the shadows.

It's crap, of course, but let's not let the evidence get in the way of the conspiracy theorists. After all, they're good entertainment, if nothing else.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
lookingforitallthetime said:
Oswald was not as unhinged and flaky as he's been portrayed. He was no James Earl Ray or Sirhan Sirhan. There is much more there than meets the eye and too much evidence of a coverup IMO.

If your charaterization of Oawald is correct, why would he deny the historic significance of his actions?
Because I think he was enjoying himself and wanted to stay in the spotlight as long as possible. I'm sure it amused him to see everyone scramble around trying to figure out what had happened. He probably thought there would be plenty of time later to spill all the details and fess up. He guessed wrong.
Mar 19, 2006
capncrunch said:
I, for one, never bought the whole conspiracy theory. Oswald was a trained military man, handy with a weapon and with excellent eyesight. Part luck and part technical skill is what brought JFK to a brain-spattered end in Dallas.It's impossible to prove a negative. No amount of evidence can prove conclusively that something didn't happen. Best we can do is to examine the evidence and draw conclusions based on that.

Same goes with the whole 911 "truthers" nonsense. Apparently the well-recorded images of planes flying into buildings isn't enough; there's always some sort of mysterious nefarious cabal, a secret but well-connected worldwide organization that pulls strings from the shadows.

It's crap, of course, but let's not let the evidence get in the way of the conspiracy theorists. After all, they're good entertainment, if nothing else.
I'm not a conspiracy nut. I don't believe Israel was involved in 9/11 and I'm positive men landed on the moon.

You're right, it's impossible to prove a negative and I'm not claiming there is proof of a conspiracy. My argument is using a bit of common sense, it's difficult to deny the overwhelming evidence of a coverup.

If there was a coverup, there was a conspiracy.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
lookingforitallthetime said:
By the definition of the word, the Lincoln assassination was indeed a conspiracy.
By a loose collection of nutcases whose plot against other members of the administration unravelled before it even began. The point is that a conspiracy involving nutbars almost always falls apart and becomes transparent. An organized conspiracy of professionals would never have relied on someone like Oswald. The risk of fuck-up would have been too big.
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
Because I think he was enjoying himself and wanted to stay in the spotlight as long as possible. I'm sure it amused him to see everyone scramble around trying to figure out what had happened. He probably thought there would be plenty of time later to spill all the details and fess up. He guessed wrong.
A more thorough investigation of Oswald's actions prior to the assassination will dispute this.

There was a lot of black ops and covert shit going on (as there probably still is today) and Oswald would have been a prime candidate for the patsy role. He may have pulled the trigger but I doubt he was alone.

How many American citizens who denounced their citizenship and moved to a commuist country were allowed back in?


New member
Apr 1, 2007
lookingforitallthetime said:
I'm not a conspiracy nut. I don't believe Israel was involved in 9/11 and I'm positive men landed on the moon.
My apologies; it wasn't my intent to include you in the "nutbar" category.
lookingforitallthetime said:
...it's difficult to deny the overwhelming evidence that a coverup took place.
Back in 1964 or 1965, there was a CBS program hosted by Walter Cronkite that examined the evidence. I recall Cronkite, in an interview, saying that he went into the program willing to accept the possibility that there was some sort of conspiracy. But after all the evidence was collected, he too had to come to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone.

If I can find a Youtube link or something similar to the program, I'll post it here.

*edit to add*

Found it. It's a 85 minute documentary, but broken up into a bunch of segments on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3498E0942DBF58C4
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
By a loose collection of nutcases whose plot against other members of the administration unravelled before it even began. The point is that a conspiracy involving nutbars almost always falls apart and becomes transparent. An organized conspiracy of professionals would never have relied on someone like Oswald. The risk of fuck-up would have been too big.
Unless he was the patsy. I think you have to admit, he would have been a great candidate for the fall guy.
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