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Director Roman Polanski taken into Swiss custody on 1978 U.S. arrest warrant


New member
Dec 27, 2004

ZURICH, Switzerland - Director Roman Polanski was taken into custody, Swiss police confirmed Sunday, on a 1978 U.S. arrest warrant for having sex with a 13-year-old girl.

ZURICH, Switzerland - Director Roman Polanski was taken into custody, Swiss police confirmed Sunday, on a 1978 U.S. arrest warrant for having sex with a 13-year-old girl.

Polanski was flying in to receive an honorary award at the Zurich Film Festival when he was detained late Saturday at the airport, organizers at the festival said in a statement.

Zurich police spokesman Stefan Oberlin confirmed Polanski's arrest, but refused to provide more details because he said it was a matter for the Swiss Justice Ministry.

Ministry spokesman Guido Balmer declined to comment. Rudolf Wyss, the Justice Ministry deputy director, also declined to comment on the case. But he said that Switzerland and the U.S. have an extradition treaty dating back to the 1950s that is still in force.

Polanski fled the United States in 1978, a year after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl.

The 76-year-old director of such classic films as "Chinatown" and "Rosemary's Baby" has asked a U.S. appeals court in California to overturn a judges' refusal to throw out his case. He claims misconduct by the now-deceased judge who had arranged a plea bargain and then reneged on it.

Polanski has lived for the past three decades in France, where his career has continued to flourish. He received a directing Oscar in absentia for the 2002 movie "The Pianist."

Festival organizers said Polanski's detention had caused "shock and dismay," but that they would go ahead with Sunday's planned retrospective of the director's work.

The Swiss Directors Association sharply criticized authorities for what it deemed "not only a grotesque farce of justice, but also an immense cultural scandal."

A native of France who was taken to Poland by his parents, Polanski escaped Krakow's Jewish ghetto as a child and lived off the charity of strangers. His mother died at the Auschwitz Nazi death camp.

He worked his way into filmmaking in Poland, gaining an Oscar nomination for best foreign-language film in 1964 for his "Knife in the Water." Offered entry to Hollywood, he directed the classic "Rosemary's Baby" in 1968.

But his life was shattered again in 1969 when his wife, actress Sharon Tate, and four other people were gruesomely murdered by followers of Charles Manson. She was eight months pregnant.

He went on to make another American classic, "Chinatown," released in 1974.

In 1977, he was accused of raping a teenager while photographing her during a modelling session. The girl said Polanski plied her with champagne and part of a Quaalude pill at Jack Nicholson's house while the actor was away. She said that, despite her protests, he performed oral sex, intercourse and sodomy on her.

Polanski was allowed to plead guilty to one of six charges, unlawful sexual intercourse, and was sent to prison for 42 days of evaluation.

Lawyers agreed that would be his full sentence, but the judge tried to renege on the plea bargain. Aware the judge would sentence him to more prison time and require his voluntary deportation, Polanski fled to France.

The now 45-year-old victim, Samantha Geimer, who long ago identified herself publicly, has joined in Polanski's bid for dismissal, saying she wants the case to be over. She sued Polanski and reached an undisclosed settlement

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece


Aug 6, 2006
But his life was shattered again in 1969 when his wife, actress Sharon Tate, and four other people were gruesomely murdered by followers of Charles Manson. She was eight months pregnant.
I wonder how Polanski got through that... Must have been hell.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I thought that the Statute of Limitations was 5 years on all crimes except kidnapping and murder.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I thought that the Statute of Limitations was 5 years on all crimes except kidnapping and murder.
He was convicted, and it was pending sentencing. The statute applies to charges being laid, not after the fact. Otherwise everyone would just jump bail, disappear for 5 years, and then return screaming "statute is up!"


New member
Dec 27, 2004
He was convicted, and it was pending sentencing. The statute applies to charges being laid, not after the fact. Otherwise everyone would just jump bail, disappear for 5 years, and then return screaming "statute is up!"
In California, the prosecution of an aggravated rape may be
commenced at any time. The prosecution of a rape
that is not aggravated must commence within six
years after its commission.

As the above poster mentioned, he was convicted of the crime and fled before sentencing, so the statute of limitations does not apply. Since foreign nationals found guilty of a felony are deported from the U.S. after serving any jail term they get, his leaving the country is just what would have happened anyway - the only difference is that he was worried he would have to serve more time in jail first before being deported so skipped town.

Another example - when Conrad Black gets out of jail in Florida he will be deported out of the U.S., not allowed to live in his Palm Beach home.


Mar 31, 2009
The now 45-year-old victim, Samantha Geimer, who long ago identified herself publicly, has joined in Polanski's bid for dismissal, saying she wants the case to be over. She sued Polanski and reached an undisclosed settlement
I don't think the victim gets a vote on what the State decides to do (or not do) in a criminal proceeding. Otherwise, rich criminals can buy off their victims and avoid justice. It is widely assumed this is what happened in the first MJ child molestation case. MJ paid the victim to not testify in court.


Mar 31, 2009
He had sex with a 13 year old girl and ran away like a 13 year old girl. Wasn't a man then and I doubt he's yet a man. Could care less about him.
Agree completely. It wasn't just simple sex like touching her breasts. It was oral, intercourse and sodomy on a 13 year old girl with the aid of alcohol and Quaalude. As a minimun it was aggravated assault and AGGRAVATED RAPE.


Mar 31, 2009
Polanski was allowed to plead guilty to one of six charges, unlawful sexual intercourse, and was sent to prison for 42 days of evaluation.
Lawyers agreed that would be his full sentence,
42 days! Is that supposed to be a joke? This scumbag VIOLATED this young 13 year old girl in all 3 orifices. Does anybody on the Board have a 13 year old daughter?


New member
Dec 27, 2004
The settlement with the victim is a separate issue.

Technically, if they let him go, wouldn't that bring the system of justice into disrepute?

What about future cases of a similar nature?
Yes, it is a tricky situation.

Personally, while I didn't care for "Rosemary's Baby" per se, I quite enjoyed his films "The Ninth Gate" and "The Pianist". If he had been locked up in San Quentin and been unable to do those films I wouldn't have been able to see/enjoy them. So, since he paid off the victim and she has forgiven him, coupled with the fact that he was messed up by his wife being murdered in '69, and the fact that it was 30 years ago, and he is now 76, I say they should just let it go.

One option is to haul him to LA and lecture him in open court and give him a suspended sentence, so he is free to go back to France.

One option is to throw out the old trial (since there were allegations of bad judging and the judge is now dead) and have a new trial. Since the victim has forgiven him she may decide not to testify/co-operate and he will win the case.

One option is to give him community service as a sentence, teaching young aspiring film makers from his knowledge and experience about directing.

There are many options. I have no idea what the justice system has in mind. Maybe they will throw the book at him, give him 20 years, etc....but if so then his 30 years on the run is good in that we as a society got two really good films out of his time in France. It was good for him on a personal level as he married a hot 23 year old in 1989 when he was 56 and has had 20 years of marriage and two healthy kids with her in high style in Paris. The 30 years was good for the victim as she got a big pay off which enabled her to live a more luxurious life than she would have otherwise.

Yes, of course what he did was wrong - sick and twisted even. He plied a 13 year old model with substances with the premeditated desire to have sex with her against her will. He was 46 at the time of the offence, and 46 year olds should know better than to do this to 13 year olds. Statutory rape with consensual jail bait is one thing, but this case wasn't that - it was forcible rape. The fact that his own first wife Sharon Tate was the victim of forced violence and murder should have made him all the more sensitive to violence against young women, and made his contemplated actions totally repugnant to him. If the victim hadn't forgiven him I'd say throw the book at him now, but since she has forgiven him I think they should give him a couple of months of community service at UCLA film school and send him back to his family in France.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
He is arrested after all these years, I wonder if there was som back room negociations with the Swiss and the boys in DC? Bet you this guy is going to do 5 to 10, plus new flight from procecution charges.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.

Why are the Swiss co-operating with the US? Is there an extradition treaty?

I thought the Swiss were neutral. :p
Sep 13, 2009
One option is to give him community service as a sentence, teaching young aspiring film makers from his knowledge and experience about directing.
So, are we going to let the kiddie diddlers off with token punishments? Or, maybe we should let pedophiles off by letting them pay off the victims with huge bags of money? Ohh, yeah, we already have!:eek:



Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I wonder how Polanski got through that... Must have been hell.
He survived the holocaust too. From the Krakow Ghetto, was sent to Mauthausen. He ended up escaping (I don't it from that camp or later on). His mother died at Auschwitz.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.

Why are the Swiss co-operating with the US? Is there an extradition treaty?

I thought the Swiss were neutral. :p
Bern, 08.07.2009 - Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard Swiss American Chamber of Commerce New York, July 8, 2009

...we had to give support to our industries and our internal market. For this reasons, two packages of stabilization measures were adopted thus far and a third one was approved by the Swiss Government in mid-June. The question is who will be the engine to bring the world economy back to growth. And we all hope that the U.S. will recover in 2009.

We must deepen the analysis of the issues at stake, intensify the dialogue in our societies and between our two countries to come to a common understanding on the issues and their causes, and get sufficient political support at the domestic level. Switzerland welcomes the openness of the new U.S. administration to review U.S. positions in critical areas of international relations and to be ready to engage in a constructive dialogue with its partners.

One example of outstanding recent cooperation refers to the policy coordination between the major central banks and finance ministries since the outbreak of the financial crisis.

Their bold common actions prevented the world economy from falling into a deep depression. We have created several instruments to deepen our cooperation. For example, in 2006

the United States and Switzerland established a Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum. Main issues dealt with presently refer to trade and security, the fight against counterfeiting at the international level and the reopening of the U.S. market for Swiss meat specialties. Last year, we signed a Joint Declaration promoting cooperation for ecommerce and an exchange of letters facilitating the transfer of personal data between firms established in Switzerland and their U.S. partners.

Presently, we are also working to speed up registration of substances by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration and certification of Swiss maintenance and repair stations by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.

In addition, we are interested in pursuing our close cooperation with the new U.S. administration on the visa waiver program, the passenger name record system for aircrafts bound to the U.S., and on science and technology based on our recently signed bilateral agreement. We are also in the final stage of negotiations on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters. Moreover, we closely monitor possible changes in tax legislation by the U.S. Congress affecting reinsurance transactions of foreign firms active in the U.S.

To successfully meet our common challenges, it is all the more important to strengthen our ties and to devise solutions based not on short-term interests but on the long-term perspective of our relations.
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