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dint know wher to post this cuba??


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
freeworld01 said:
so what kinda of fun is their? just chilling on the beach?
There is an old style (Vegas 1950's) cabaret there.


Apr 17, 2005
was there last year and a girl came up to me and offered FS at a nightclub for US$80. Did not partake - last thing I wanted was to be arrested in Cuba!!!
Jul 31, 2006
Tons of girls in Playa del Esta, just to the outside of Havana last time i was there.

Lots in Havana as well. Language was the only problem:D


Oct 19, 2003
Havana is the place to go in CUBA for that sorta stuff. IF you want hotties, and bargains take a risk and go to RIO de Janeiro or to Colombia. Prices are dirt cheap like $25 for an hour in colombia (of course depends who you take and where you are) but it is quite common to have a hottie for $80 all night. What is better is that you can have them the following night for free or just buy them dinner.
Check out websites like etc. Here you will get lots of advice and pictures and tips from hobbyists or as they call them MONGERS.

Hope this helps.


Jul 12, 2006
hey i just came back from havana yesterday i was there for just three days and that was my most memorable days
the best thing not to go in hotel just rent a room in house its only $30 per day and u go to club get a girl and come to your room. a girl charge u $30-$50 u have drink with girl and then jiggy jiggy.
this was my first time but one of my friend he go there every month


Jul 6, 2003
havanna, ceinfagos, manzaillo (merea des porteo) excuse spelling. are all close to cities that lots of fun can be had. stay away from the rest, too much police control for the girls. or too far from cities. Other places are good. no beach. las tunas, city of holguin, santiago de cuba, camague. pm me and i can give you more info. also private housing is the way to go depending where from 20 to 30 cuban convertable paso about 28% plus on canadian dollars. futher you get from havanna less the girls want. pick aone for the week she will be happy with 25 all night msog for sure. in havanna the girls in the clubs want more to pay off pimps and cops. they will steal from you so be carefull. not only cash anything they can get. I would sugest to look in out of the way places, there is many girls non pros that are looking for a tourist to hook up with. cuban girls are not allowed in hotels. I have some good connections and sugestions on where to meet girls. bring a cheap lat top pentium 2 or 3 you can sell it no problem. a 150 cdn pen. 2 sells for 250 cuban con. paso or there can be a trade for services?


New member
Sep 17, 2005
A buddy of mine goes to Cuba every year. He rents a house for 2 weeks and if he wants a senorita, he simply goes to bailes and sooner or later he gets propositioned by nice looking ladies. They don't mind being your girl friend or introducing you to other friends during your stay as long as you are discreet. Last time he went to Cuba, he spent close to 1800 air ticket included for a two week "holiday". Best people to ask about where to rent haciendas are the taxi drivers. Don't be an eager beaver and ask where the senoritas are as that attracts unwanted attention to yourself. Helps if you understand espanol.


New member
Mar 21, 2007
I've been to Cuba 8 times. If you dont get laid there you don't deserve to have a dick. Got laid 10 times in my first week in Havana (that's ten different girls and all hot). Havana is different from the rest of cuba. In havana just get a room that lets you bring women back, then go nuts. In the rest of cuba its more complicated. When you rent a room you're only allowed to bring back one women during your stay and she has to register which they dont want to do. So you have to find a second room just for sex. Police arent an issue as long as the girl is 18.( check ID!). Police wont bother you but are after the women. Forget about hotels cuban women are not allowed in. Laws change quickly there so let me know if anything has changed
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