Diamond cutter side effect


Feb 17, 2003
Hi guys & gals!

I had a rather interesting thing happen to me the other day, thought I'd share.

I was in for some arthroscopic surgery on my knee, and instead of a local/general antesthetic, they gave me a epidural/spinal so I could watch the operation on the monitor. Way cool!!! Anyway, when I was in recovery, I found out I could not even move my toes till the spinal wore off. What was interesting was that as it wore off it started at the toes, then the feet, then the ankles, and so on, right up the leg to my groin. The side effect was a "MAJOR" erection, a real diamond cutter, much like the ones I used to get in high school, right before the teacher asked me to go up to the board....you guys get the picture...anyway, nurse came in, saw my "tent", giggled, and said, "well, I see your up and at 'em".
Anybody else had this happen to them?


New member
Mar 17, 2003
This is quite common - it's called a "priapism".
It's also something you can look for if you're treating someone whom you suspect has suffered spinal damage in a car accident, say.
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