Toronto Escorts

Delusional behaviour now evident in Sens players...

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
BOSTON: Following an early morning skate, Senators Captain and new leading vote getter in the "Which senator should be committed?" contest, Daniel Alfredsson boldly informed members of the press that the Sentaors will win the Cup this year.

Although Alfredsson did not specify which "Cup" they will win, many believed the Senators captain to be referring to the Stanley Cup, awarded each June to the winner of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

When it was pointed out to Alfredsson that the Cup is awarded to the winners of the playoff's Final Series he responded with what will no doubt become a bulletin board quote for most of the NHL's Cup contenders "Go ahead and write it, I guarantee we'll win the Cup." This sent reporters scurrying to for copies of the Official NHL rules and League Constitution to see if there has been a precident set in the past where the Cup has been awarded to a team other than the winner of the Stanley Cup finals.

It's believed that this delusional behaviour that has become common amongst Sens players has been passed on to players through the internet rantings of a delusional fan, based in London, known to Senators only as Goober McFly. Mr. McFly could not be reached for comment, but Goober's Mom was quoted as saying "That Daniel is just a sweet kid...and he's hung like a horse don't you know!".

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Maybe you should verify yours facts...

He said they will win the cup but he did not say it would be this year. Also, this was in the Sun today so he could not have said it after the morning skate in Boston because they left for Boston yesterday afternoon. A team captain should show some confidence in the players around him. If the Sens work as hard as the Leafs have done over the past 20 games...they have a good shot at winning Lord Stanley!


Born To Shred
Nov 20, 2003
location, location
LOL! Hmmm, not a sinlge bite from Goober?

GlavaMan, I don't think that's an actual article that The Doctor has clipped so i wouldn't get hung up on the "facts".

Sheik, that "cup" at the clinic might be the best "shot" Alfredsson's taken all year.


We have heard this scenario before...

NP Shredder ..... I'm sure The Good Doctor was just looking for some input from Goober. Alfredsson is not the first player to guarantee is win and he won't be the last...I just wish he would cut his fucking hair.

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
No Goober, and no Fang either???

Maybe Goober and Cardinal Fang finally got some quiet time away together.

Then again, I haven't seen intern Monica this week either. :eek:

BTW- GlavaMan, what's wrong with Goober's hair?


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Re: Maybe you should verify yours facts...

GlavaMan said:
if the Sens work as hard as the Leafs have done over the past 20 games...they have a good shot at winning Lord Stanley!

The Sens started slow but have hit their stride. They had a great December and I think we will continue to see them play well.


New member
Nov 21, 2001
Although this team has potential...I find it interesting that Alfie would say this when he's about to become an unrestricted free agent.

1) He won't be playing in Ottawa next year to deal with the aftermath if he is wrong...mind you, with the lock out, he be there even if under contract.

2) If he is wrong, this could hurt his image, slightly, with potential free agent buyers...players who can talk a good game are okay, but those that can't deliver on something they "guarentee" may not be wanted quite so much.

Toronto Escorts