As a Jew I took no offense to Dave's monologue. For comedians in general, unless there is obvious pure malicious intent in their jokes, I give them much wider latitude than people who are not comedians and make offensive remarks on many subjects, being race, religion, gender, etc.
Kanye is "not well", as Dave said, but I watched part of the documentary movie Kyrie Irving referenced (I could only get into it for about 30 minutes out of its very long running time, and don't buy the premises presented about the "lost tribes of Israel" being disseminated all over Africa, never mind the Holocaust denial.) On the other hand Ethiopian Jews being Jewish is a well accepted fact, and they are accepted into Israel under the "Law of Return" policy. However it does seem that even in Israel there is a hierarchy of Jewish status, with Ashkenazi Jews being at the top, Sephardic Jews being in the middle, and Ethiopian Jews being at the bottom.
DNA analysis might be interesting in showing if any other Africans have Jewish DNA.
I did "23 and me" DNA analysis, and the results showed me being 98.5% Ashkenazi Jew, .8% French & German, .1% broadly Northwestern European, .3% Northern Asian, .3% Siberian, .2% Northern West Asian, .2% Iranian & Mesopotamian, and .1% unassigned. My parents and their known ancestors were all Ukrainian Jews.
As to Dave saying there are a lot of Jews in the entertainment business, that is true for many reasons, most being out of necessity during the early days, as Jews were prohibited from admittance to many professions. The same way many Blacks' best early opportunities of real advancement were in entertainment and sports, as far as I know.
In general I find the history of Blacks & Jews to be very interesting. On the one hand there were many young Jews involved in the 60's fights for Black civil rights, including participation in dangerous freedom marches in the southern US. On the other hand when Blacks came up north they often had to deal with Jewish landlords and shopkeepers, not to mention many Black musicians being taken advantage of by some Jews in the music industry.
A complicated relationship indeed!