"'The liberals growth killing lunacy''...Let's see how Art Carney handles this.
Excellent, perfect, impressive
"'The liberals growth killing lunacy''...Let's see how Art Carney handles this.
Interprovincial trade and international trade is the exclusive domain of the Feds, I am pretty sure waterways and air quality as well. So Annexation agent Smith had better not try an play hardball. Carney is not going to engage in a fight with her in an election, but once again her politics of division on full display here. Cons will; win AB, Carney could not really care less.
"'The liberals growth killing lunacy''...Let's see how Art Carney handles this.
She is a quisling and she is normal for other quislings.Smith is a wacko.
If that's what you consider normal, good luck.
Still not as bad as Kennys 1.2B pipe to nowhere.Smith has major scandals of her own she should worry about.
Or DoFo's $8 billion greenbelt, $2 billion spa, $3 billion vote buying and....Still not as bad as Kennys 1.2B pipe to nowhere.
She's a traitor to Canada and won't play for Team Canada. She's a bloody separatist and would probably rather be an American.Danielle Smith has more balls than Trudeau and Carney combined.
Then that proves she is just an oil field manager. Smart ass, you've never seen me in real life.How about she doesn't have to? You are as stupid as you look.