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DAMN! I missed the TERB XMAS Party!



Hey guys, just noticed this TERB XMAS party. Are there often TERB parties? Is the XMAS party the biggest? It would be great to meet fellow terbites and of course, all the wonderful SPs, MPAs, etc.

Any idea when the next big TERB party is? I'm over in Japan still, and won't be back until late March.



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
TERB parties started last year around this time. If I remember correctly I think BabyFace gets the credit for the first one to suggest such an event. Then I was nominated by FredZ to organize and I was more then happy to say yes. We had parties almost every month all year. We also had a couple of BBQs at a local MP.

Now comes the question... What to do for the next year?
Has the TERBites 'gathering' every month worn out / gone stale?
Who wants to organize and post/poll etc?
Should they be every month or maybe every couple months?
Where? When? etc...

For me personally I am cutting back... and as soon as I get my computer fixed at home (think I need to install Windows XE Professional Edition)(Home Edition Sucks) ... when I get my computer fixed at home I won't be on-line as much from work anymore. Maybe never. (booking on at work I sometimes get carried away and find 1/2 my day gone before I know what happened) so therefore I am thinking of asking someone else to step up and organize a couple parties this year. I will still attend any parties that are 'TTC Friendly'
Any feedback welcome.

Oh... one more question... Where shopuld we have New Years Party. If left up to me I will say UPPER Brass FRIDAY Jan 03/03 9pm.

Comments Please.
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I guess I should just check the "Stickys" in the Lounge to find out about upcoming TERB parties? Would that be the best way to keep posted?

Thanks again!
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