felony not on record and won't be, just pending with misd. outcome known
i was asking around and i think that Canada is the expception rather than the rule for doing this type of thing at borders. why such a long time to get back in good standing?
border guards were fair [no detention] and actually really polite which figures since its CA.
yuck i hate the rebel flag i have different races in my background you know. but those bikers kind of amuse me. they're definetely some characters.
a note about drinking and driving- it is really a dumb thing to do. i gave it up. an interesting thing i heard is that 1/3 of the drivers out on a saturday night have some alcohol in their system. i was actually parked when i was 'stopped' i got out to take a pee and went back to the car. me and the girl i was with were about to go and chill at a friend's house. technically i wasn't over the limit when i was driving. i remember drinking the last one after i had parked. four years ago.. i wasn't the brightest guy. i'm still not. you can't tell me i'm not stupid.
and as far as me being stoned while driving. i haven't done that in eons and i rarely get high at all. its more like a favor for friends. hmmm..you know its been found that pot dosen't really effect driving much at all. hold on...
first google hit- this is the us governements view of the issue, do anything to justify those drug war budgets of billions of dollars
second hit- this study shows only minor effects on driving performance
hit number three mentions the issue only briefly #4 is a repeat of #2
#5 another study suggesting that THC is not a cause of injury on the roads. this is probably the source of what i was hearing on the media of late.
#6 is more us drug war propaganda
whatever, back on topic-
i'm looking for canadian women to come and visit me. i could smuggle myself in.. believe me. what is it, a 4 thousand mile border? one customs agent every few miles? get real. but no, i'll show respect.
i've already called one independant who got awesome reviews here. i told her of my predicament and she did listen, said she had my number and would call me if she was in town. what a cool girl, but she won't ..sob..