Ashley Madison

Dalton McGuinty has a new hero: Ernie Eves


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
People who follow Ontario politics would know that Dalton McGuinty is often fascinated by people he thinks are trendy and leading-edge -- Malcolm Gladwell, Richard Florida, etc. But it now seems McGuinty has a new hero, and a rather surprising one at that.

It's Ernie Eves.

According to today's Toronto Star, McGuinty is considering a strategy to sell shares in Ontario corporations that is identical to an idea Eves was considering back in 2003:

I guess difficult economic times make strange bedfellows.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Why are you surprised ? McSquinty never had an idea of his own... I just read today that the full day kindergarten classes will be staffed by teachers as opposed to ECE staffers. More union dues more money that we have to pay. HST will be added onto the Hydro debt repayment portion of your hydro bill, to the tune of about 1 billion a year new income. Good Lord if he has any more ideas we will be destroyed


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
What has Dalton accomplished exactly ? Which of the Hatris government initiatives that the boys have railed against has he actually reversed? What new successful accomplishments can he claim ?


Jan 31, 2005
What has Dalton accomplished exactly ? Which of the Hatris government initiatives that the boys have railed against has he actually reversed? What new successful accomplishments can he claim ?
Much of it was reformed by McGuinty, although nothing went back to exactly what it was prior to Harris. Work for welfare, the tenant protection act, both overhauled by McGuinty to be updated versions of what they were prior to Harris, and the Harris notion of work for welfare is all but dead. There were a few things that were completely reversed like the Harris breakup of the Ontario Clean Water Agency and downloading of water inspections to municipalities--that was completely reversed after Walkerton.

If you want to be snide you can also say that McGuinty rolled back the Harris tax cuts which were bankrupting the province.

I agree that McGuinty rarely has an original idea of his own, but he does competently implement the unoriginal ideas he promotes. I like that better than the Harris era incompetent implementation of original ideas. McGuinty blows with the wind and does whatever the polls tell him to do and while that's not very exciting it's also not a bad way to run a province. He's clearly a "caretaker" Premier but as such he's a reasonably good one.

We will need another Harris or another Rae when it comes time to make major changes or roll out a bold new vision.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Much of it was reformed by McGuinty, although nothing went back to exactly what it was prior to Harris. Work for welfare, the tenant protection act, both overhauled by McGuinty to be updated versions of what they were prior to Harris, and the Harris notion of work for welfare is all but dead. There were a few things that were completely reversed like the Harris breakup of the Ontario Clean Water Agency and downloading of water inspections to municipalities--that was completely reversed after Walkerton.

If you want to be snide you can also say that McGuinty rolled back the Harris tax cuts which were bankrupting the province.

That's all you could come up with for 7 years in office? Its worse than i thought.

As usual you have wrong fuji, the tax increases and wasteful spending drove jobs in the manufacturing sector away to more efficient jurisdictions and no one in history is bankrupting the province at a faster pace that McQuinty.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts