
Apr 24, 2005
For those interested in the uncensored views of a CUPE local 79 striker forced to walk the picket line:( . (Reminds me of the Russian army in WW II.)


Apr 24, 2005
TheNiteHwk said:
The blog has been removed.
Damn CUPE! The union goons probably kidnapped him and are now waterboarding the poor guy:mad: .

He said that he and many of his colleagues are not happy to walk the picket line and wear silly t-shirts and carry stupid signs but are forced to do so by union goons and to get some strike pay.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
TheNiteHwk said:
The blog has been removed.
It's still in the Google cache:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Day 23 - Maul xxx and weiter xxxx*

Today started out on a pretty negative note, with Blondie - the little Nazi from the union office - coming around to order us around to the front of City Hall where we're apparently needed more. She said only 10 people were allowed to sign in at the back and the rest had to go walk in circles in the front, which is apparently the most effective method the union's come up with to create awareness of our cause. Very clever. There was quite a bit of unhappiness - shouting, even - as we've had the same group in the same place showing up every day for more than 3 weeks now, and the union has chosen this moment to aggressively harass us into relocating to other picket locations.

[It's really not worth dwelling on Blondie's approach except to say that she's a sad little woman on a power trip enjoying the little bit of authority she's been given. She obviously takes her position as official tattle-tale very seriously, and won't take any dissension from the rank-and-file union members as she goes about her mission to inform the Local 79 office of the gall the union members have, thinking they could actually have their own opinions or question orders from on high. Shame on you, Local 79 members.]

[I should also clarify that when I say 'union' I mean the few individuals who work at the Local 79 office and issue orders, are negotiating with the city, and continue to be paid their full salary while the rest of us are forced to rely on strike pay. I think it's important to point out that, in my view and within the context of this blog, 'the union' is separate from the people on the picket lines.]

So back to the story. I'm generally very skeptical of picketing. I am of the opinion that there are more effective ways to get one's message out than walking in a cirlcle in front of a building. However, after 10 people had signed in at the back of City Hall (thus filling the quota) and the rest of us decided it's not worth the aggravation (for us or our picket captain), we headed to the front, where it quickly became apparent that I was wrong in my approach to picketing. The 12 or so people sent to the front signed in and joined the circle in front of City Hall, where we quickly added to the already massive numbers to create a truly intimidating and, quite possibly, decisive picket circle.......


New member
Jun 3, 2009
You don't think the union is quite aware of the mood on the picket line?

Rockslinger said:
For those interested in the uncensored views of a CUPE local 79 striker forced to walk the picket line:( . (Reminds me of the Russian army in WW II.)

Strikes are arrived at by democratic votes of the entire membership. The union will be monitoring the mood every day. When they think it has really gone south they will be in making the best deal they can under the circumstances. Unions especially big ones like CUPE are full of people, maybe 20% sometimes who don't support the union in the first place and are saying "we made our point" on day #2. That is a lot of people who attempt to characterize themselves as the real voice of the union. Any deal will need to be ratified by the members (as well as the city). If it is not accepted it is not over. The people who lose the vote often attempt to persuade people they have been muzzled. It is a secret ballot every time.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts