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CRTC fail


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The CRTC for the last 15 years sit by letting the Canadian networks slowly become repeaters for U.S networks by importing every tv show the networks make. even importing those that failed. during the save local tv scam campaign. the same networks cry to the CRTC asking for bailouts hiding behind save local tv scam. Today they are now whining that porn channels which nobody watch(porn is free on the internet) have no Canadian Content. instead of going after the traitorous amerophile networks. they are now going after channels that people barely watch.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
The CRTC for the last 15 years sit by letting the Canadian networks slowly become repeaters for U.S networks by importing every tv show the networks make. even importing those that failed. during the save local tv scam campaign. the same networks cry to the CRTC asking for bailouts hiding behind save local tv scam. Today they are now whining that porn channels which nobody watch(porn is free on the internet) have no Canadian Content. instead of going after the traitorous amerophile networks. they are now going after channels that people barely watch.
The "Canadian Clause" that the CRTC is so outdated it's not even worth having. Ever wonder why you can't just get that station you want but have to get it bundled with 3-5 other stations? Because the provider needs to make sure they give you X% Canadian content or they get fined. Why does the netflix selection suck here? Partly licensing, partly because they need X% Canadian content.

Here's an idea: put out content worth watching instead of forcing it on people.
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