The Porn Dude

Crazy cures that work


It's been good to know ya
If you believe Johanna Brandt, she discovered a cure for cancer roughly 80 years ago while living in South Africa. The remedy: grapes. Bunches of them. In fact, all you can eat, because, well, grapes are all you can eat for 1 to 2 weeks, if you follow the plan outlined in Brandt's 1928 book The Grape Cure. Proof? She claims to have conquered her stomach cancer with the power of purple.

Needless to say, the medical establishment never swallowed grapes as the answer to cancer. And yet, as extreme—and potentially dangerous—as Brandt's prescription may be, today's researchers are uncovering compelling evidence that natural chemicals in the fruit of Vitis vinifera could help prevent and, yes, even treat certain types of tumors in mice. Granted, you wouldn't want to stake your life on a rodent in remission, but there are other examples of modern science finding that some really odd antidotes might be just crazy enough to work.

Bad back? Plug in your headphones. Bad breath? Screw in a lightbulb. These are two of the six strange-but-true treatments that we went from Australia to Israel to Ohio to gather. We aren't promising that any of them will cure cancer, but they are guaranteed to be completely seedless.

Treat Sleep Apnea with a Didgeridoo

"A didgeri-what?" you ask.



PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
Hey, I just read that article yesterday in the magazine while I was..... never mind what I was doing at the time.


PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
well, I guess one of those syllables was involved.


New member
May 25, 2005
Well as far as a cure for cancer goes some believe it's Laetrile (vitamin B-17):

I've also known people who cured their athritis simply by changing their diet. As for myself I'm using pot to quit smoking cigarettes and it's worked out well except that I need a good exercise program to compensate for the constant munchies I get. Also pot seems to make me horny all the time so maybe it works like a natural viagra too.
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